
“Confusion, fear, and frustration”: School board and public ask for clarity on LGBTQ+ issues in schools

Member Sarah Rockwell speaks during the August 15 Alachua County School Board meeting


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – At tonight’s Alachua County School Board meeting, staff members reassured school board members and the public that their concerns about the implementation of new laws are being heard.

The meeting included an agenda item for an updated LGBTQ+ Guide, but the updated Guide was not available in time for the meeting, and Chief of Equity, Inclusion, and Community Outreach Dr. Anntwanique Edwards declined to present anything on the agenda item, which had been requested by Member Sarah Rockwell, so the public spoke first.

Seventeen members of the public spoke, and all of them urged the board to prioritize the safety and well-being of LGBTQ+ students. 

“We’ve seen how this has led to confusion, fear, and frustration”

After public comment, Rockwell said the training that has been provided to administrators and staff on this topic was not adequate: “It left people feeling confused and frustrated… We’ve seen how this has led to confusion, fear, and frustration from parents, students, faculty, and staff… Families of LGBTQ students need to know the process by which they can direct their children’s education per the Parents’ Bill of Rights, which protects their rights, as well… Students need to know where they can safely and legally use restroom facilities on our campuses. Our school counselors, school psychologists, nurses, social workers, and teachers need to know what topics they can discuss with students, what services they can provide, and how they can clearly document when they think sharing information with a parent may put a child at risk.” She said she was led to believe that an updated LGBTQ+ Guide would be available for this meeting.

Superintendent Shane Andrew said he did not recall any discussion about the Guide being available for this meeting, and another staff member concurred. 

Rockwell said she was asking for “an updated Guide that documents how GSAs [Gay Straight Alliance clubs] can be formed, how our employees can document their concerns of possible abuse, neglect, or abandonment were they to share certain information with parents. A process by which parents can request affirming pronouns for their child to be used by willing employees, just like we have a process in place for families to request nicknames. An explanation for staff members of what is and isn’t considered classroom instruction, including specific allowance that they can have family pictures and they can mention their families. A plan to expand access to single-use restrooms for students, without them needing a key or special permission, and how those restrooms will be marked on our school map so that students can easily find them. I am requesting that this be prepared for us as soon as possible, hopefully by the next board meeting.”

Andrew agreed to have the Guide ready for the September 5 School Board meeting, and Rockwell asked that it be attached to the agenda a week before that meeting.

“Nobody’s trying to circumvent anything”

Member Diyonne McGraw said, “As a board, it is our responsibility to foster a sense of belonging. And I will tell you that this is a statute that has come down from Tallahassee… This is not a political issue. This board is committed to all students.” She said Pinellas County’s Guide “is a good act to follow… In that Guide, we need to have a link where students can know who to go to in the school. We now have 22 social workers in our schools, we now have family liaisons, and we want our students to be able to go to someone in our schools, and we are committed to that.”

McGraw added, “I wanted to assure you, as a board member, nobody’s trying to circumvent anything. This is not political. This board is committed to making sure every single child that walks through–I’m not up here to play games. I’m up here to make sure all children are okay.” She emphasized that this is a legal issue that will require interpretation by attorneys. 

Chair Tina Certain said, “As elected school board members, we have to follow these rules… And this one [is] really, really tough for me… And so I ask that you bear with us, have some patience.”

“Currently, the state of this law is in flux”

Board Attorney David Delaney said he takes his obligation to keep students safe very seriously and that the community has brought “a lot of energy and fire and passion…to the board, which legally has very limited options in carrying out the law that we would prefer to see be as affirming as possible to all of our students. Currently, the state of this law is in flux.” 

Delaney said that the administrative rule implementing the statute has an effective date next week, so he needs to “go through that and understand what the implications of it are.” He said only six counties have updated their Guides at this point.

Member Kay Abbitt said that while the district is in the middle of rezoning and updating its Strategic Plan, “Here comes all the stuff from Tallahassee… I agree with Mrs. McGraw that I think we do need legal advice on that because what we need is someone who knows the law well enough to be able to go in there and take the most liberal interpretation of that law that they can for us to use to set up that Guide.” 

“We are all in this together”

Member Leanetta McNealy encouraged people to call or write the Department of Education: “I’m so disappointed in the folks that govern us, that make huge decisions for us… We are all in this together. We need you. We need your voices. We need your writing.  And we need it to be nonstop.” She advocated for more meetings so the community “can be unified.”

Andrew said the district has been “in open communication with Equality Florida” and that a new staff attorney will start on Monday, and “that should help us with what one board member mentioned as a liberal interpretation of what we can do to serve and meet the needs of all our students… So much is being thrown out there to cause division among us. Let’s not let that happen… In my beliefs, it’s all about love, peace, forgiveness, hope, harmony… So I’m optimistic… And I am sure that we’re going to continue in our schools, in our classrooms, in our guidance offices, in our Dean’s offices, across the district, to support our children.”

He concluded, “I want to assure everybody here this evening… that we strive to have inclusive schools, district-wide, that are focused on students’ needs, whatever they are, as they relate to supporting and educating all of our students and safe learning spaces. And we know it starts with safety.”

GSAs and family pictures have not been prohibited

Edwards said it’s important “for everyone to know how important it is for us to support the mental health and well-being of all of our children.” She said that student-led groups like GSAs “have continued in our school district… There has not been any direction through Alachua County Public School that GSAs cannot be a club.”

She said no direction from the district has been given to staff “that people could not have pictures [of their families] or post them… As we look at bathrooms, we know that we have a procedure in our district for bathrooms, but I also heard questions about use and accessibility.” She said the district is in the process of changing signage on single-stall bathrooms and that they are in the process of checking locks “and making sure that we can also ensure the safety of children” when they are using those bathrooms.

“Nobody here is trying to avoid the law or not follow the law”

Edwards added, “There are going to be a lot of legislative things that we have to follow. Nobody here is trying to avoid the law or not follow the law.” She said that guidance from various attorneys across the state has varied, and “it has made it very difficult for us as a staff to completely understand what it is that we should release to provide the clarity that is needed… because the interpretation of the law has not been exactly the same from every attorney… It has never been our intent to create confusion or to have people operating from fear.”

Speaking to the public, she said, “I’ve listened to your concerns, and I want you to know that the staff and the district hears you when you were talking about student safety, GSAs, affirmed names, AKAs, photos of families, what things can be posted within classrooms such as rainbow stickers, bathroom use and accessibility, the increase of single-stall restrooms,… Gmail names, mental health support… None of these things are going overlooked… It’s important for people to know that I expect for us to operate in a place where we are being equitable, inclusive, and engaging with our community in a way where they know that we hear you.”

    • So, you chose to be straight? Really? No you didn’t and people who are gay didn’t choose that either. What a jerk.

    The Dept. of Education and the School Board created a monster.

    • The SBAC has had all summer to develop plans for the alphabet problem. Also for the “strategic plan”. They are now blaming others for their sorry non-actions. To deflect criticism, they are now announcing their beginning plan for rezoning, the opening week of school. This is two meetings in a row that they have been ‘confused’.

      BTW, only 17 people spoke about the alphabet problem. I wonder how many were parents actually concerned for their own children. Maybe a private or charter school would be safer for them.

      • Roger, the GOP legislature and Governor came up with a half baked plan, punitive to a small segment of the population who cannot fend for themselves, and ignorant of the scientific realities of human existence. Their telling the districts to deal with this unreality they have created out of wishful thinking and hateful attitudes one hoped was in our past. That’s not an easy task. Look at the comments here and the thumbs up on the most ignorant of them to get an idea of this hate and the shameful attitudes prevalent here.

    • hate to break it to you, but God also created intersex babies…don’t believe me? Google it, it happens more often than you think.

      • Innersex is something that is something HUMANS decide. Primarily a doctor makes that determination at birth. And more often then not the doctor will say male or female when a baby is born instead of innersex. Innersex was defined in all intents and purposes as a birth defect for years before the woke mob pushed doctors into a name and condition. Reconstructive surgery can be done but again the majority of the time it doesn’t change a Male or Female gender and reproductive choices. If you have internal parts that are Male then you are Male and if you have internal parts that are female then you are a female. That freaking Simple. All this innersex BS is something that deals with sizes and shapes of male/female body parts. Yes I researched this a while ago when someone brought it up before. I actually read medical research instead of the Planned Parenthood and other woke sites miscued versions.

        • Yeah, sure Bear, not that there’s anything wrong with you looking into it (wink, wink).

          There are chromosomal anomalies among some humans which make naming their sex arbitrary at best. Yes, that is a very small number of us, but there is a much larger number who’s orientation – set very early, if not before birth – is not in line with their biology – maybe 2%, which in America would be 6-7 million people. They typically have a rough time growing up – not always – and will not be changed in their orientation, no matter what your right wing politically correct sources tell you (you think you could be changed from your orientation? I couldn’t).

          Many of those who in previous times would just be gay/lesbian are choosing to have transgender surgery or hormone treatments because they are available and some people are promoting it as a positive. I don’t agree that is a positive development except maybe in the most extreme cases or maybe the chromosomal cases. If we wish to slow down the movement toward transgender transitions, we should be especially aware of helping those gay/lesbian kids deal with their usually difficult growing up experience, not pretending we can change them, or worse yet, punish them as so many on this depressing comment board seem intent on.

          Use your head and try to not be ruled by anger for a change.

          • You completely missed the point. Outside of ultrasound and prenatal visits etc. You probably already know the sex of the baby and a lot about other medical issues. But when you are actually born and the doctor is holding you they make a scientific and medical determination what sex you are. If there is an issue they will surely let you know. I dont care about the mind thing and realizing later in life you like the same sex that is your thing but to defy science and logic with males transplanting a uterus into their body is just mind boggling. To subject young children to transgender wokeness is wrong. I wonder what people would say to subjecting childern to pedophiles and their sick ideas that it’s ok because it’s a lifestyle choice. Young minds should not be subjected to sickness. I have raised 5 kids and they all turned out fine and have no questions about their identity or gender. They were never bullied at school and were taught to defend themselves and their rights when necessary. They never whined about school being to much and never asked for a time out in the blue room. And the best part of having those childern is that it’s now five more votes for a better red America.

          • Bear, excellent planning by you to have your kids born without those bothersome problems other, obviously less virtuous and diligent parents may have to deal with their kids about. How did you get them to adapt the correct sexual orientation while in the womb or as infants?

            If we agree that having humans rejecting the biological reality of their existence is not a good idea – except maybe in the most extreme biological situations – wouldn’t we be more successful if we helped those kids with gay or lesbian orientations – remember, they did not choose that – adapt to that reality and be comfortable in it, rather than deciding they need a sex change operation? You understand that along with high suicide rates, they already have all the constitutional rights we all do, including the right to marry when adults, so this would only be adapting to reality.

            PS Not that it’s important, but no, the delivering doctor will have no idea about chromosomal abnormalities in a baby and gay/lesbian orientations are not a sickness or contagious. Try to catch up to the science.

            “….Research has identified several biological factors which may be related to the development of sexual orientation, including genes, prenatal hormones, and brain structure. No single controlling cause has been identified, and research is continuing in this area.[52]…

            …However, in August 2019, a genome-wide association study of 493,001 individuals concluded that hundreds or thousands of genetic variants underlie homosexual behavior in both sexes, with 5 variants in particular being significantly associated. They stated that in contrast to linkage studies that found substantial association of sexual orientation with variants on the X-chromosome, they found no excess of signal (and no individual genome-wide significant variants) on Xq28 or the rest of the X chromosome.[58]…

            …Although researchers generally believe that sexual orientation is not determined by any one factor but by a combination of genetic, hormonal, and environmental influences,[13][15][16] with biological factors involving a complex interplay of genetic factors and the early uterine environment,[15][20] they favor biological models for the cause.[13] There is considerably more evidence supporting nonsocial, biological causes of sexual orientation than social ones, especially for males.[17] Scientists do not believe that sexual orientation is a choice,[13][14][15] and some of them believe that it is established at conception.[53] Current scientific investigation usually seeks to find biological explanations for the adoption of a particular sexual orientation.[13] Scientific studies have found a number of statistical biological differences between gay people and heterosexuals, which may result from the same underlying cause as sexual orientation itself.[54]There is no substantive evidence to support the suggestion that early childhood experiences, parenting, sexual abuse, or other adverse life events influence sexual orientation. Hypotheses for the impact of the post-natal social environment on sexual orientation are weak, especially for males.[17]…”


          • Or left wing for that matter. But you have made note on prior posts that manipulation can occur under the correct circumstances and environment.

      • Indeed Russ, but to hear our Governor and GOP politicians, they don’t exist, or if they do, the hell with them.

        • It is hard to read these comments. I am 80 and have a 56 year-old transgender son who practices medicine in Florida (nearly 30 years now). When my child was young, I had no idea what was wrong and wish we could have understood earlier.
          It is sad that our polarization is keeping us from having the conversations we need to be having.
          I do believe there is a social phenomenon going on right now fueled by the likes of TikTok. I was a teacher then a school counselor and if I were still working, I would be looking for staff development and deeper knowledge so that I knew the best way to handle what is currently happening.
          There is absolutely no way that someone like my son was groomed’ into being transgender. For most of his life he thought of himself as a lesbian.
          Telling my son he doesn’t exist isn’t helpful for anyone.

          • No one is talking about adults (and certainly no one is talking about your “son”). Keep children off social media, away from groomer books, and away from any “drag performances.” There is no need to start affirming and reaffirming decisions that should never be made by children in the first place. The problem is parents with the minds of children themselves (the picture of Rockwell speaks volumes).

          • The anger – and even hate – is a problem and hard to understand in this day and age.

            Sounds like you have much to be proud of about your son.

      • “God made it, just google it”

        Unbelievable how far the internet has fallen.

    • Jim, that is true biologically but some people’s orientation does not fit their biology and they don’t choose to be this way. All of us have an orientation that is set early in our life, possibly before birth, and fortunately most of us have an orientation that fits our biology. But not all of us, and that has always been the case. That is the scientific fact and reality. If any of you can remember thinking about it and saying, “yeah, I could go either way, but I’m going to choose girls” (or boys), you’re lying.

      If we don’t want to encourage transgender sex changes – and I agree we shouldn’t – then we need to pay special attention and help those dealing with a very difficult life. Suicide has always been higher for those dealing with this. They need support to accept who they are, including what their body is and how it is changing as they reach puberty. Don’t want to do that? Fine, but you are increasing the likelihood that they will reject acceptance and accommodation with their biology and focus on transgender transformation.

      This is ignorant and self defeating, not “conservative”.

      • Suicide is correlated with mental illness. That’s not anything new. “Fashionably” pretending that mentally ill people aren’t mentally ill and discouraging treatment is something new.

        Hopefully your chronic Covid circle of friends at least have the good sense to maintain a healthy weight and aren’t as pale as a ghost in the middle of summertime (i.e., likely vitamin D deficient).

        • More importantly Peabody, and of course easier for anyone to attain, the friends I know are all vaccinated, which lowers your chances of serious illness or death. The unvaxxed have led new cases, hospitalizations, and deaths ever since the Delta variant. Much easier than losing 50-75 pounds before you breath in the virus.

          • The media I watch says the shots are killing millions of people and giving young people heart attacks by the thousands. Like having a non-binary pansexual preschooler, the vaccines are ‘fashionable’ in your clique – I understand this. Your failure to mention that there are a whole host of health reasons not to be overweight sort of highlights your pervasive ignorance. But we must not fat shame, for that would be ‘unfashionable.’

  • What does sexuality have to do with education.

    They can talk about that discussion in a sex Ed glass at the right age.

  • add a third bathroom in schools, then you would have signs above said doors that read boys, girls, mentally ill problem solved!

    • The mentally ill restroom would be for you when you go back to school to get educated, right.

  • That thing in the photo with the blue mask on is traumatizing…the poor little children must be scared when they look at that.

    • That’s your new normal. I’m traumatized looking at that. It was child abuse that they made children wear those masks for that BS Covid.

    • You must be one of those snowflakes if a mask upsets you. Sorry you are so easily offended, that must make life hard.

      • So color blind she is not. She may be like a recently appointed justice though.

    • I know 3 people who are getting over fairly serious covid cases right now, 4 more who had it a month ago. It’s not over as new variants continue to develop. Those in close quarters in public are smart to mask up, even if snowflakes like P Floyd loses his mind when he sees one.

      Not wearing a mask is a potential threat to you. Wearing one is not. Try to keep that straight.

  • The only way to be inclusive and equitable is to focus on the things every student has in common, not the personality and psychological differences. Stop with dividing, keep that in your bedrooms. Kids should not be distracted by that.

  • This crap about a law being in flux is stupid. The law has been enacted. You are suppose to follow it. It is stupid that we even needed to have this law. A boy/male and girl/female are the only two genders. Nothing in between matters because you can not change gender naturally. Surgery is the only way and it will never fully change the fact if you are male or female. I am more concerned about the mental well being of children that know their natural gender and gave these dysfunctional people telling them they are not right. They have to refer to misguided childern as something they are not and suffer consequences they they say the wrong thing. A good idea would maybe just throw the guidebook in the trash and follow the law. Maybe school dress code is a better idea so we do not have boys and girls wearing each others clothing to school. Hair may only be dyed a natural color, etc. Things seemed to work a lot better five years ago and pre covid. The big blue thing in picture looks like the cookie monster.

  • Member Leanetta McNealy encouraged people to call or write the Department of Education: “I’m so disappointed in the folks that govern us, that make huge decisions for us…”

    Welcome to Alachua County. How does it feel?

  • I think it’s a fair conclusion that more young black kids are being shot at of late than there are of any kid in school being attacked because of their sexual preferences. Their priorities are out of whack and they may want to refocus.

  • “Nobody’s trying to circumvent anything”
    “Nobody here is trying to avoid the law or not follow the law”

    That’s exactly what they are trying to do. They are stalling and waiting for instructions from the national liberal, anti-Florida groups.

    Kids don’t need to know about their teacher’s personal lives. Teachers have no business discussing any aspect of sex with students outside of state-approved sex-ed curriculum at the state-approved grade levels.

    If students need to use the restroom, it’s really simple: you use the one that matches the sex on your birth certificate, or you use the single unisex bathroom. If that’s too difficult to comprehend then there’s always homeschool.

    Sarah Rockwell and her clown mask need to be removed from the school board. She is grossly incompetent for this job and should instead seek a volunteer position moderating a bathroom access forum on the internet somewhere.

  • Why is it always the ugly ones who are still masking up? I don’t think she even has the qualifications to be a bathroom attendant

  • College educated members of the school board cannot make a decision on this debacle.
    ‘We know, let’s get voter input and when it goes bad we can blame the voters!’
    By the way, school superintendent, start job shopping cause they are going to fire you by December.

  • I’m not sure what goes on at GSA club meetings, but I imagine something along the lines of the s*x education class “taught” by John Cleese in Monty Python’s The Meaning of Life.

  • When a School Board member that used to be Chairman and somewhat of a demoted principal tells us she makes her decisions based on TV Pundits and News Media , it gives a great VIEW of her decision making process and what is the problem with this failed and beyond challenged school board. Creating problems and issues to not resolve that are inconsequential and irrelevant to education. Get over it or resign.

  • God doesn’t make mistakes.
    That’s all I have to say about that.

  • Well Bill i guess you are the dumb one if you don’t know that Jones is the smarter one.

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