Convicted felon arrested for armed robbery of Alachua phone store


ALACHUA, Fla. – Austin Michael Croy, 32, was arrested yesterday afternoon and charged with armed robbery after allegedly trying to rob an Alachua phone store while displaying a gun.

Croy allegedly took two Bluetooth speakers from Healthy Phone Tech in Alachua and tried to walk out of the store without paying for them. The clerk told him he had to pay for them, and Croy allegedly put the items down, walked back toward the clerk, and lifted his shirt, displaying a gun (the arrest report calls it a “gun/stun gun”) on his hip. He then reportedly left the store and went to his vehicle, where he reportedly put on a hooded jacket and tied a bandanna on his face to hide his identity, and tried to re-enter the store. However, while he was outside, the clerk and some customers had locked the front door and hidden at the back of the store.

Croy then allegedly started beating on the glass front door and was still pounding on the door when officers arrived and arrested him.

Croy has 11 felony convictions and has served one state prison sentence. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $150,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Funny how the dregs of society seem to find their way to Alachua County.

    Too bad they can’t find their way to the homes of the leaders who’ve invited them.

  • It was a paintball gun. 🙄 And he was more than likely high out of his mind. Not a bad dude just has a lot of problems. Hope he gets the help he needs.

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