Convicted felon arrested for firing gun in the air while threatening girlfriend


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Ethan Etienne Anderson, 43, was arrested late last night after allegedly firing a gun in the air and threatening his girlfriend and a man sitting next to her.

The woman told a Gainesville Police Department officer that Anderson had walked toward her, holding a gun, and had fired the gun in the air; she said Anderson made threatening statements, including “You think I’m playing” and “You’re gonna get it.” She said he then started manipulating the firearm in his hand, so she believed he intended to shoot it again and feared for her life.

The male victim told the officer that he was sitting next to the woman at the time of the incident and that Anderson fired the gun in the air while yelling at them; he said he feared for his life when he saw Anderson rack the slide of the pistol after the first shot.

Post Miranda, Anderson reportedly said he never had a gun and that the argument was verbal. However, he later changed his statement and reportedly admitted possessing a firearm and discharging one round when he was near the victims. He reportedly said that he discharged the firearm in self-defense because the male victim previously said he owned firearms; the officer noted, however, that the male victim did not have a firearm during the incident, and both victims said Anderson’s actions were unprovoked.

Officers reportedly found a single .380 shell casing in the area of the incident and found a Glock .380 firearm concealed in a Christmas stocking inside Anderson’s residence.

A search incident to arrest reportedly produced about 0.4 grams of cocaine in Anderson’s sock.

Anderson has been charged with two counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, firing a weapon on residential property, and cocaine possession. He has eight felony convictions and has served two state prison sentences, with his most recent release in April 2022; both sentences were for selling drugs in Union County. Judge Aymer “Buck” Curtin set bail at $85,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • The word “girlfriend” must be a euphemism for temp. convenient roommate, with regrets.

  • LEOs should do a search on every felon in the county, they seem to have an affection for firearms so the LEOs can just be proactive. Think of it as a PreCrime Division, they can complement the reduced K-9 Division.

  • That is scary, I have had an ex-boyfriend point a rifle at me when I was moving out, thank god my brother was there.

  • How could a felon have a gun? That’s illegal! Better make a law against it. Oh wait, there is a law!! Criminals don’t obey laws!!

  • Nothing to see here…..just some gun ‘play’. Thank goodness he didn’t have one of those ‘violent’ guns the media keeps pushing.

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