Cornell sends Chair Letter to UF, Santa Fe College

Alachua County Commission Chair Ken Cornell has sent a Chair Letter to the presidents of the University of Florida (UF) and Santa Fe College (SF), asking them to require face masks on their properties. He wrote, “Our understanding is that your institutions are recommending, as opposed to requiring, that all persons wear masks in indoor locations.”
UF and SF are currently specifically exempted from the County’s emergency order that requires masks in all indoor locations except private homes. However, the County Attorney “was asked to opine on whether [the County] could extend the order to impose these requirements on University and College properties. Her analysis is that, while your state governing bodies (Board of Governors and Board of Education, respectively) could have regulated in this area, to date they have chosen not to.”
Cornell’s letter warns that if the university and college do not start requiring masks, “the County could remove properties in State University and College Systems from its exemption, thus applying the requirement to these properties.” He asks them to “join the County, the School Board, the City of Gainesville, and our local businesses in instituting the common-sense safety measures spelled out in the County’s Short-Term Emergency Order… It simply requires masking indoors. We owe it to our healthcare professionals, residents, students, employees, and especially the most vulnerable in our community to do what we can to stem the tide of this Delta variant surge.”
I’m pretty sure the county has no authority in removing properties owned by the state university system from any exemptions. Funny how these liberals will devour their own.
Don’t think he’ll be getting an invite to the president’s box anytime soon.
On second thought, he may. Everyone knows how hard he and Poe blows and UF will need all the air currents possible when the Tide rolls into town.
Reportedly 270,000 citizens in Alachua County. realtruth2020 is one of the few that brings real truth. Thank you, realtruth2020👍
Please keep doing what you do (along with too)!👍
I guess little man is trying to be a big man. I’m sure they are really intimidated receiving this letter from some two bit want to be politician.
He’s bound to be as much a failure at that as he is of being a so-called leader of the city. The only thing he leads are the lemmings who can’t see through his hypocrisy and deception.
Those lemmings will always believe, that’s what they’ve been told to do…
He must think he’s smarter than UF researchers, that little Napoleon.
UF Faculty and Staff seem to want a mask mandate as well.
Not all of them. Aside from the 40 liberal lemmings and that idiot Arreola, any others worth mentioning? It was obviously a circle jerk of far left knuckleheads. Must be the same 40 that like to protest about everything except things that matter.
They should be protesting high taxes and high utility rates. Oh wait! Those mentioned probably don’t pay their own bills so why should they worry about how high the rates are.
They will always believe…
Somebody should have gone there and handed out some W W fliers.
The little twerb has been waaaay wrong on things before. What a jackasx to think he can force the two schools to wear masks 24/7. Let it go man and find something you can bring meaning to or new information.