Cornell: The County and City have clear responsibilities on homelessness

The following memorandum was read by Commissioner Ken Cornell at the February 27 Alachua County Commission meeting and was provided to Alachua Chronicle via a public records request.
Recently, there has been a great deal of citizen concern, media attention, and social media discussion concerning encampments in our struggling downtown and many wooded areas near neighborhoods and businesses. Frustration with this issue has peaked among my constituents.
It should not be against the law to be homeless. We can’t just move people along and hope they disappear. We must provide alternative locations where they are allowed and welcomed and continue working to get people off the streets and into housing.
Now more than ever, the County and the City of Gainesville are focused on their respective responsibilities. The County needs to stay focused on Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) and the myriad services that accompany this commitment. The City of Gainesville needs to remain focused on providing temporary beds at the shelter and other alternatives. Emergency shelters provide a bridge for our citizens waiting for permanent housing.
It is the City’s responsibility to provide quick and compassionate outreach while simultaneously providing immediate law enforcement response to encampments set up in inappropriate areas. Simultaneously, with the outreach team and the Sheriff, the County should handle this outside the City limits. Our citizens deserve this coordinated effort and expect a quick government response to this growing crisis.
The County is committed to PSH and will continue to expand our efforts. In addition to the County’s annual $1.5 million of PSH funding, we have taken the extraordinary step of devoting over $13 million in additional one-time federal, state, and local dollars to purchase and renovate two motels south of Williston Road on SW 13th Street. Additionally, at today’s Commission meeting, the County approved a $1.5 million pilot project on our motel property involving container homes. These three projects will more than double the County’s permanent supportive housing stock. The County also provides millions in social services, including services for those experiencing mental health and addiction crises. Our services that prevent homelessness are critical to our joint efforts.
Last year, at the City’s request, the County provided GRACE Marketplace with $500,000 in funding to make up for cuts from the City. While we were reluctant to pick up the City’s responsibility, the Mayor made it clear that no more City funding was available. This has been frustrating as we have witnessed the City fund new programs since the Mayor’s statement.
The County views this GRACE funding as a one-time request. It is clear now that the City does have funding sources to deal with these issues. The City recently dedicated $700,000 in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to address downtown homelessness. They also identified $400,000 from the Gainesville Community Reinvestment Area (GCRA) budget for expanded homeless outreach.
County funding can assist with the City’s responsibilities through the County’s GCRA contribution of millions in property taxes annually. Aid to those experiencing homelessness and relief for downtown residents and businesses are appropriate uses of these funds. Downtown residential and commercial property owners pay these taxes, and they have a right to expect the City to prioritize this foundational issue.
The County is committed to focusing on housing the most vulnerable among us. We are glad to see the City step up and reexamine how they are spending ARPA and GCRA dollars. We hope this results in full funding for GRACE in the next budget year and further analysis of funds needed for the downtown and other public, residential, and commercial areas.
The opinions expressed by letter or opinion writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Letters may be submitted to and are published at the discretion of the editor.
I thInk the homeless should be responsible for THEMSELVES! Tired my tax dollars paying for lazy people. Reduce welfare also.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
No, YOU should be ashamed. Give them a bedroom in your home. Or they can either get a freaking JOB or leave town!
DH I can say I partially understand what you are saying. What I am saying is that there are those situational homeless that have families… this was my family 4 years ago… for three almost four months. But we have been stable since. There are far more homeless that seem to make that their lifestyle and would rather stand on street corners or do whatever else they do. Those people just make the city look less or trash and it does attract the crime just like a dirty store would attract shoplifters.
That Girl Again, You should be proud of yourself as your children are of you.
It is not the forced homeless families that are the problem. It is the bums, dopers and criminals welcomed by Ward and Poe before him, that are the problem.
There are and have been systems in place to help those folks.
BS! I worked 2 and 3 jobs most of my life to provide for my family. I’m not responsible for bums who choose drugs & alcohol as their lifestyle over self sufficiency.
I’m ok with helping people from Alachua Co but I draw the line when they are inviting people from outside the co. and the State. A lot of this is being funded with our tax dollars. It is real easy to find out where these people are from and less expensive for their bus ticket back.
I rarely compliment Cornell but at least he’s finally giving the city the middle finger. The city has nearly burnt every bridges they ever had (except the never ending fed money bridge)
Cornell and co. are setting up shipping containers for homeless apts. on SW 13th St…. Steps away from new luxury student high rises and restaurants, tourist hotels, Shands. Why didn’t he set them up way up by DISGRACE? He’s trying to sabotage the city’s urban renewal, so shoppers go to Celebration Pt. instead (the county’s tax revenue goldmine). 💩🤡👹🥺🍦🍦🍦D
Clearing the way for UF’s master redevelopment plan for the city. Devalue and then take over. East and South of UF will continue to be destroyed before being rebuilt to their liking. We’ve all been watching this happen in real time for a while now
Then tell Cornell to get with the plan then. The homeless inn is on SW 13th, so M-eridian is close by. How convenient 🙃
That’s an interesting theory… one I’ve never thought of.
This is not steps away from high rises and restaurants. It is south of Williston Road. Whether a business is in the City or the unincorporated area, County property taxes are paid.
We knew things would worsen as soon as the criminal MAGNET place opened years ago. It was designed by bail bondsmen and lawyers pressuring politicians to help them keep track of their gravy train caseloads, who would leave town instead of showing up at court or addiction hearings. God forbid judges keep them locked up, or worse, the creeps leave town.
You get what you vote for 🤡👹💩🍦🍦🍦D
“Last year, at the City’s request, the County provided GRACE Marketplace with $500,000 in funding to make up for cuts from the City. While we were reluctant to pick up the City’s responsibility, the Mayor made it clear that no more City funding was available. This has been frustrating as we have witnessed the City fund new programs since the Mayor’s statement.”
yes, interesting, that
Cornell is pretty confident they won’t be encroaching on his enclave any time soon. No wonder he’s willing to make a commitment funded by the taxpayers.
Someone has already made mention of the city maintaining ownership of the property near Depot Park. Just think, they could “give” it to the county as a reduction of what they owe and make it conditional the county maintains a home for the homeless in perpetuity. It’ll do what many black leaders want to prevent from happening by not moving marginalized people into more oppressed neighborhoods.
But back to reality, those are just more pipedreams. Except for the part about Cornell being confident his enclave is immune.
What about the county’s PRIMARY responsibility to provide roads that are kept in repair. That is much more important than spending $23,000 per shipping container with no kitchen, no shower to put on the closed motel property they also overpaid for.
You voted for it….You got that right he doesn’t even live in Gainesville.
I am amazed by the elected officials of Gainesville and Alachua County how fast they feel the need for tax payers money to fund the homeless when most of us are doing everything we can to not be homeless
What I would like to see is these politicians invite a few homeless into their home feed them give them a warm plate to sleep post pictures on here showing us they truly believe in helping homeless people that they preach what they say. It’s easy to talk about your feelings when your spending other people’s money
I agree that preventing homelessness to begin with is critical. Should it happen to you, I hope the services you need are available.
Cornell is a sad joke. Most sane people here would like to see him put on a bus to SF, too.
Oh goodness, I’ll contribute to buying him a 1-way economy class air ticket to Marrakash, as long as it is permanently ONE-WAY, the residents there probably have a more compassionate care system for the clinically insane than SF.
Would gladly help pay for his ticket
Most people voted for Ken. He won decisively. I know it must be hard to be in the political minority.
“We must provide alternative locations where they are allowed and welcomed.” Welcomed? How about welcoming sewer rats and rabid dogs too? Cornell is a worthless slime. All his talk about the county’s alleged obligations fails to address the obligation to focus on the need to return direct value to the taxpayers. Oh how Cornell’s heart just bleeds for all the low life scum in need of milking the taxpayers’ teat for a free ride. Gainesville is pretty much a failed city. A second world dump on its way to third world sh*thole status. Why not give all the dirtbags a $10,000 debit card like the moron mayor of NY City wants to do? Gainesville — you can’t even park downtown (oh yeah, there’s the overpriced parking garages). It’s pathetic. Why don’t these leftist nitwit commissioners donate their salaries and their homes to accommodate all the subhuman scum they love so much? All the millions of dollars blown on sustaining a bunch of bums but the county has the gall to charge residents to use most of the parks!!!
So much inaccuracy. Most parks and land conservation preserves are free. Value to the taxpayer? It is cheaper to assist the homeless than to get them involved in the criminal justice system. And I’m pretty sure Jesus would approve of the County’s efforts and not liken the homeless to sewer rats and rabid dogs.
Kenny open your home, garage, shed, backyard. Put up tents. You will be a hero.
And his phone for the inmates to use at any time. SMDH
I guess Cornell wants to raise higher taxes so we can welcome the homeless to our community. Maybe we can even attract more homeless?
“Prince William & Kate Middleton are to build and fund a £3 million social housing development on his land to tackle homelessness.
William has overseen plans to construct the 24 homes in Cornwall to be ready next year. They will provide high-quality accommodation in an area with one of the most acute homelessness problems in the UK.”
I wonder if Harvey Ward and the six city commissioners would be willing to put their money where their mouth is? Probably not they would rather us pay for it.
Where do you think the royal income comes from?
Gainesville/Alachua County Have “Open Borders”. Everyone can come here, and we will pay for you and your vices. No background checks required. Throw your trash and defecate where you wish. We have employees to pick up after you. This should be the City and County Commissioners jobs. I wish there was at least one sane Commissioner to speak with.
Yes, the interior of the united states has open borders. Would you like to build a wall?
We have single member district voting for the first time this year – a huge and positive change!
Jenn Garrett is running for District 3, which is currently held by Anna Prizzia.
We have an opportunity to put some conservatives on the County Commission!
Maybe, but if a qualified conservative candidate appears, watch how quickly the carbon-copy candidates appear out of thin air, splitting the vote.
“Emergency shelters provide a bridge for our citizens waiting for permanent housing.” This would be pretty much agreed to by the taxpayers. It is the other 90% who willingly live in tents who are the problem people welcomed by the politicians in GNV and the county.
If you put food out for a wild animal like a feral cat, it will feed. Soon another cat and another will join in to enjoy the freebies, until you have attracted a hoard. Works with birds and bums too. Your citizens are tired of the county supporting city functions. Many people live in the county just to get away from the GNV BS.
“Build it and they will come.”
Our city looks like a garbage dump. As a long time resident, I am ashamed that our city looks like this. People that visit this place must go back and tell people what a dump Gainesville/Alachua County is.
“It is the City’s responsibility to provide quick and compassionate outreach while simultaneously providing immediate law enforcement response to encampments set up in inappropriate areas.” Can someone point to the relevant statute? Because otherwise that’s just an opinion.
Is the increase in Alachua County homeless related to displacement from their former or “preferred” location in another state that became overwhelmed as a “Sanctuary City”? If enough of these identified “homeless” can be qualified as displacement victims of “unauthorized immigrants”, then Gainesville could look at applying for a federal grant as a “Sanctuary City” by proxy –
The Mayor and City commission lied to the County about needing them to pay $500,000 for the failed Grace project, then committed financial fraud when they turned around and spent the County’s $500,000 on the City’s woke projects. Is the state audit committee paying attention?
1) Politicians, you go first. Set up a room in your house and adopt a homeless drug addict or criminal. Lead by example.
2) I will say it again. This problem extends far beyond the “downtown area.” If you drive down East University Avenue past the little garden oasis across from Hooks Seafood with the “Live East” flags, you will see the real East GNV. The extent of the politicians’ care for East Gainesville seems to stop with that oasis and the flags. I am a private homeowner, but I’m the one constantly picking up trash in my yard that blows around from irresponsible businesses and people who just don’t give a rip. There are no city/county/state workers cleaning it up. I AM. CONSTANTLY. Someone else made a comment that our city looks like a dump. Yes, it does. It’s embarrassing.
Cornell says “It should not be against the law to be homeless.”
It’s not against the law to be homeless, but it is against the law to litter, to block public sidewalks, to buy / sell / use illegal drugs, to panhandle on narrow medians, to trespass, to assault, to steal, to create a public nuisance, etc. If the laws were actually enforced, every one of these bums would be in jail.
Cornell says “We can’t just move people along and hope they disappear. ”
Wrong again. We absolutely can, and we must. These bums oozed their way to Gainesville because they heard (correctly) that we have naïve, bleeding-heart politicians that care more about homeless addicts than their own constituents. The handouts need to stop and these parasites need to be bussed to another blue hellhole like San Francisco or Portland.
Its not the City’s our County’s job you all decided to make it such and you are doing a terrible job at taxpayer expense. Most of the homeless have mental health issues and addictions of one sort or another that you can’t fix. Should only offer help to those that seek such help. You all have only enabled the behavior and exacerbated it. Should be simple 2 months of free housing at a hotel/motel for single persons, and up to 6 months for a family. If you don’t get back on your feet or show some progress (job) by then… good bye. No more shelters, tent cities, and living on sidewalks. Quit dumping more money into ongoing failure and paying people to victimize your own community so you politicians can feel good about yourself…try actually accomplishing something for once.
With great respect, maybe your priorities should lie with your constituents, not the homeless.
I will be so glad when all the ARPA money is gone. That huge slush fund dump to all local governments has ruined them. They can waste untold millions on every woke social program they ever wanted but dared not fund with local tax money if they wanted to get reelected. ARPA funds help destroy America.
So, spend 13 million on 2 hotels for the homeless. How many are living there?
Provide a space where they can camp. There used to be one. Dignity Village.