Cost of power lowered $10 per 1,000 kWh for Clay Electric members

Press release from Clay Electric

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Clay Electric members will be billed less for power in December, thanks to a reduction in the Power Cost Adjustment on bills. Mem­bers using the industry household average of 1,000 kWh of power will now pay $149.90. The previous cost was $159.50. The cooperative is able to lower the cost of power due to a slight decrease in the price of natural gas, which Seminole Electric Cooperative (Clay’s wholesale power provider) uses to generate a sizable portion of the wholesale electricity it provides.

“We’re pleased to be able to lower the PCA in time for the holidays,” said General Manager/CEO Ricky Davis.

The PCA is a separate line item on each Clay Electric state­ment, which reflects the increases/decreases in the co-op’s cost of power. The cost of wholesale power is more than 70 percent of Clay’s total expenses.

When the cost of power is greater than the amount includ­ed in the base rate, the PCA is a charge. When the cost is less, it’s a credit.

As a not-for-profit cooperative, Clay Electric members receive power at cost.

    • The Gainesville City Commission is voting themselves a pay raise you will not see GRU rates go down

  • Thankful to be in Clay Electric’s territory, instead of GRU’s. I really don’t understand why anyone subject to GRU’s rates would vote for Gainesville City politicians who continue to raid GRU to fund their progressive priorities. They had a choice to vote for a mayor who had promised to end the raiding of GRU coffers.

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