Crafty Bastards staff rally around injured server and ask the community to contribute

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Betty Brunson, the owner of Crafty Bastards, is asking the community to pitch in and help a server who was in a serious crash on Friday.
Brunson said that Brad, who has been a server at Crafty Bastards for eight years, was hit by an uninsured motorist while riding his motorcycle. She says that Brad has no local family, and the accident has left him with mounting medical bills and a great deal of pain – he has broken ribs, a broken wrist, and a laceration on his throat/neck, along with many bruises. He is unable to work, so he has no income, and he will also need to replace the motorcycle, his only form of transportation, once he’s well enough.
Brunson has organized a gofundme to help Brad with his expenses, and she and her employees are relaying messages of support to him. Brunson said, “Any help with a used bike, helmet, donations, or even simply sharing this fundraiser is more than appreciated.”
Brad is definitely one of the best servers we have ever had. He is not only our server at CB, but has become a good friend and we look forward to seeing his smiling face. The fact that he is suffering, in pain, and having to worry about where his income will be coming from plus medical expenses totally breaks our hearts. We pray and hope that Brad makes a complete and full recovery. ❤️🙏
So the business owner doesn’t give employees health insurance, but expects us to pay for his medical bills?
Living in a ‘free’ society allows one to make these kinds of decisions. I’m sure Brad qualified for one of the governments so called Obamacare plans. They were specifically designed for lower income workers and are subsidized by taxpayers. Those that choose NOT to enroll are responsible for their own healthcare. Brad also says he needs $$$ for a new motorcycle. Might want to rethink that decision based on the amount of distracted drivers out there.
You’re ASSuming he doesn’t have health insurance. However, he may very well have insurance and STILL be drowning in medical debt because insurance doesn’t magically cover everything. Get your head out of your ass and try having a little compassion and empathy for someone else, especially if you don’t know the entire situation and only get your information from an online news source!