David Arreola raises more than $25,000 in first fundraising quarter

Press release from David Arreola for Florida House

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – After filing his first financial report with the Florida Division of Elections, Democratic candidate for House District 22 and former Gainesville City Commissioner David Arreola issued the following statement: 

“As we enter this new year, I am proud to announce that our campaign to represent the people of House District 22 raised more than $25,000 in the 4th quarter of 2023. We are particularly excited that our contributions came overwhelmingly in small amounts from voters here in our community. With hundreds of donors from across Florida chipping in, I know we have the widespread support necessary to flip this seat. 

“With Republicans preparing to nominate MAGA extremist Raemi Eagle-Glenn, we are in an incredibly strong position to win. While our campaign has been offering solutions to the gun violence epidemic and fighting back against attacks on the freedom to choose, Raemi Eagle-Glenn has been inventing imaginary issues, trafficking in unhinged conspiracy theories, and lying about our free and fair elections. In November, let’s prove we are capable of so much more than MAGA Republican extremism by notching a victory for common-sense, reason, and decency.” 

  • Looks like there’s as many idiots contributing to his campaign as there are contributing to Trump’s legal fees.
    All of you with short memories, he played a role in the dire financial situation Gainesville finds itself in. All of you who still don’t have any common sense, or intelligence – you’ve been warned.

    • Yes- Arreola is a Lauren Poe disciple and is basically Poe 2.0. You’re spot-on about him playing a big role in getting Gainesville into the mess & financial disaster it’s currently in.
      Plus the woke policies, criminal pandering, etc…the list goes on.

    • I guess if you are repeatedly fired or let go from jobs, you run for office with OPM (other people’s money). He helped fuel the Poe/Hayes (wannabe minority: santoes -lol!)/Areola debt run-up and meltdown. Good thing their stupid free internet for all didn’t pass after spending close to a million dollars on studies that said it was basically cost prohibitive to build. That would have been yet another yoke around us for tax $ as far as the eye can see. Also wasted time and money on stupid annual city inspections of every rental property that was struck down less than 2 years in. For now: I can C that whole bunch are ignorant money wasters! Never again!

    • Same people who have voted for him and his progressively destructive ideas in the past. Definitely his momma, she needs a return on her investment.

    • Yep, ignorant losers #1,#2, #3:
      #1 Poe (fired HS history teach)
      #2 Hayes/mama-boy shantoes
      #3 Areola (a nip off the old block!)

  • This is hilarious, does this degenerate know what house district 22 map looks like?🤣
    The people throwing their money away to help this clown are ignorant as H!

  • The developers have to pay the toll to keep destroying this city. No surprise that this commie has rich commie friends.
    This city doesn’t have to be as terrible as its gotten, we just need to vote these clowns out.
    They keep us peasants distracted by skin color, while they sell and develop every inch of land this city has to offer. The people of this city have to stand on the side of the road with their children and beg, while dedicated transients and illegal immigrants use and take all the resources. But he’ll win reelection in a landslide because the drones of this city only see (D) and (R) and they like that way because they’ll never be held to account. Arreola = Asshat.

    • But Poe and crew designated us a welcoming sanctuary city! Buss all poor immigrants straight to city hall for the next year! Tell them to urinate and defecate wherever they please, then we’ll give them a bus ride to Poe’s house. He can welcome them inside with open arms!

  • He helped to make the city bankrupt at the local level. Now he wants to disrupt state government? He’s just looking to feed from the public trough.

  • How many were GRACE and other NGO “non-profit” admins, board members donating to him? And promising plenty of volunteer sign holders?

    • You misspelled his name. It’s

      Davy “The Nip” Areola, Flunky Extraordinaire! No job to low to get let go from, no use of tax dollars to low to try!

      Nice fellow! He should marry A. Hayes-mamaboy Shantoes.

  • “While our campaign has been offering solutions to the gun violence epidemic and fighting back against attacks on the freedom to choose, Raemi Eagle-Glenn has been inventing imaginary issues, trafficking in unhinged conspiracy theories, and lying about our free and fair elections.“

    Let me translate his agenda:

    We want to ban guns, promote and fund abortion, fight thought crimes, ban info that goes against the narrative, and codify the right to vote for any and everyone.

  • As soon as he started with the “MAGA” crap and not talking about his accomplishments……..BYE!

  • David Arreola is one of the dumbest mfers I have ever met. As Earl Pitts once said, he’s as useless as rubber lips on a woodpecker.

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