Daytona Beach man charged with deliberately hitting woman with car at gas station

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Mofied Samuel Wahby, 76, of Daytona Beach, was arrested last night and charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon after allegedly hitting a woman with his car on purpose.

A Gainesville Police Department officer responded to a call at Sam’s Club at 4001 SW 30th Place at about 8:25 p.m. last night, and the victim said Wahby had driven the wrong way into the gas station, so she was trying to stop and re-direct him to avoid a collision with other cars. She said Wahby kept driving against traffic, so she tried again to stop him. She said he screamed at her to get out of the way and accelerated while she was standing in front of his car; she said the car hit her, injuring her knee. She told the officer that she was so afraid Wahby would run over her if she fell on the ground that she walked away in spite of being unable to walk normally.

Another customer told the officer that she saw the car enter the gas station going against traffic, and when the victim tried to stop the car, she heard Wahby scream at her to get out of his way and then saw him purposely accelerate toward her.

A relative of Wahby told the officer that she was taking some clothes out of an RV that was parked at a gas pump and saw Wahby drive in, then the victim jumped in front of his car “in a hostile way.” She said the victim was hitting the hood of Wahby’s car and that he accidentally “bumped” her with his car.

Post Miranda, Wahby reportedly said the victim jumped in front of his car “with an upset demeanor” as he drove into the station. He said she tried to redirect him, but he tried to drive between poles next to the gas pumps “because it wasn’t a big deal.” He said she jumped in front of his car again, and he told her to get away. He said he never hit her with the car.

A security video reportedly showed the victim trying to stop Wahby’s car; she backed up three times when Wahby drove forward, and then the car hit her.

Wahby has no criminal history. Judge Kristine Van Vorst set bail at $45,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Looks like a typical MAGA fascist republican. Thinks other people have to follow rules but he doesn’t.

    • That statement is very ignorant. I am certainly not going to defend his actions, but have you seen how so many of the others are acting? Not even saying far left. But the world has gone crazy. You seem to want to bring up politics when this has nothing to do with politics but someone who has an anger problem. Oh and it doesn’t matter what political party I am, nor does it matter what party you are… 🙄🙄🙄

    • Just looked it up. You are correct, sir.Mofied Wahby is a male and is 76 years old.

      He is an Active voter registered as a member of the Republican Party of Florida.

    • You sound like a typical commie Democrat that think they can do as they please and laws don’t apply to them.

    • Yeah everything is republicans fault. Very immature. Look up what fascism is and then look back at the four years President Trump was in office. Take note on Liberals behavior you hypocrite

    • YOU,are either drunk or just have a low IQ. YOU, don’t know what a fascist is or what a Republican represents. Democrats are the foolish aggressors if you don’t agree with them!! Educate yourself, YOU moron!!🤣🤣🤣

  • I used to feel sorry for victims however no one wants to carry a gun to protect themselves she would have been justified in killing this democrat looking bastard

  • Trash causing problems for an old man at the gas station, next time just stfu and mind your own business, problem solved.

  • removing all doubt per voter reg Mofied Wahby is a male and is 76 years old.

    He is an Active voter registered as a member of the Republican Party of Florida.

  • Maybe he’s overdue for cataract surgery and didn’t notice the arrows?
    I could be his defense lawyer for free, just to make other lawyers starve.

  • I bet his car insurance will be thrilled to hear about this! Although, perhaps his insurance agent is also a republican and they can conspire to make this disappear. They will meet on January 6th and color what’s left of their hair orange….jeez people not every incident or decision in life is based on your party affiliation…

  • “A security video reportedly showed the victim trying to stop Wahby’s car; she backed up three times when Wahby drove forward, and then the car hit her.”
    Pretty clear he intended to hit her.

  • My guess is the “victim’s” next move is to contact one of the many attorneys advertised on TV and sue the out of town offender and maybe appear in a TV commerical. It’s sad to think that a person from out of town and probably not familar with the area can end up in this nightmare. I’m not siding with either party I’m just saying it sound like a simple mistake gone way wrong.

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