Dollar General employee charged with stealing over $3k from the store via Cash App
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Jarveil Nyron Gainey, 21, was arrested yesterday and charged with scheme to defraud his employer, Dollar General, after allegedly stealing about $3,600 by using the store’s scanner to reload his Cash App account without depositing the corresponding cash in the drawer.
Dollar General provides customers with the ability to reload their Cash App account by scanning a barcode and giving cash to a store employee; on multiple occasions between November 18 and December 16, Gainey allegedly went through the motions of reloading his Cash App account without putting any cash in the drawer, resulting in a total loss to the store of $3,598.93.
The store reportedly noticed a consistent shortage of cash in the drawer and investigated the shortage.
Post Miranda, Gainey reportedly admitted taking the money to help a friend’s friend who is incarcerated.
Gainey was previously arrested in September 2020 and charged with shooting someone with a BB gun, but the charges were later dropped. He has no criminal convictions, and Judge Thomas Jaworski released him on his own recognizance.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
The manager became suspicious when the employee bought every single item in the store and started his own 25-cent-store in the parking lot.
Only 21, and had 14 years of free public education available to learn how to be growd up. Failed 🤡👹🍿🍦
That says more about the quality of education he received, than about the person who received it.
Desperate times desperate people. Don’t judge .
He must have the biggest heart in the world… helping out a friend’s friend. I’m sure that’s the truth.
He’s probably related to Emory Gainey so he walks free.
He’s related by blood so am I…
Stop and think about this for second. Hole up?
Just get this for a second.
“Took the money to help a friend who was incarcerated”.
Just take a deep breath, and give this a logical thought…..
Another POS who steals. He uses the poor me excuse I just trying to help a friends friend. Tommy Boy aids him by letting the poor demographic challenged soul free in spite of a criminal history. I guess Tommy Boy figured Gainey needed to make more money for a friend of a friend. When will Tommy Boy decide to retire?