Door Dash driver arrested after handicapped parking space dispute
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Allen Lee Jewell, 55, was arrested last night after allegedly punching a man parked in a handicapped parking space at the Chipotle on W. University Avenue.
At about 6:35 p.m. last night, a Gainesville Police Department officer responded to the Chipotle at 1432 W. University Avenue, where the victim had parked in a handicapped parking space, and Jewell had parked behind the victim, blocking him in. The officer reported that Jewell and the victim were arguing over the parking space.
The victim reportedly said he had asked Jewell to move several times so he could leave, but Jewell would not move his car. He said that when he got into his vehicle to leave, a woman got out of Jewell’s car, stood behind his vehicle, and started yelling at him. The victim said he made a series of three-point turns to get around Jewell’s vehicle, but while he was doing that, Jewell allegedly opened his vehicle door and started punching him. The officer reported that the victim had abrasions on his face and neck. The victim said that because of the attack, he put his vehicle into reverse to get to a “safe place” and unintentionally hit both Jewell and the woman.
Post Miranda, Jewell reportedly said he parked behind the victim because the victim did not have a handicapped placard and he (Jewell) does. Jewell reportedly said they got into an argument, and the victim backed up and intentionally hit the woman, pinning her against Jewell’s vehicle. He said he then walked over to the victim’s vehicle but reportedly decided not to say anything else to the officer.
The victim reportedly said he was unaware that he had hit the woman and that he had not intended to hit her.
The woman reportedly told the officer that Jewell and the victim had argued, and after she got out of Jewell’s vehicle, the victim backed up, running over her foot and pinning her against Jewell’s vehicle. She reportedly said Jewell walked over to the victim and started punching him, then the victim moved his vehicle forward and released her; she said she tried to pull Jewell off the victim because he was still punching him.
The officer reported that the incident was recorded on surveillance video at the location, and the video reportedly showed Jewell opening the victim’s door and punching him several times. Another witness also recorded the incident on a cell phone; that video also reportedly showed Jewell punching the victim, with the woman standing next to Jewell.
Jewell, who is listed as a Door Dash driver in court documents, has been charged with battery during burglary and burglary of an occupied conveyance; he has no criminal history. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $100,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
Got to wonder exactly what his supposed handicap is???
$100k for burglary/battery. Way to go Judge, bravo!
Must have a mentally challenged handicap. He is lucky didn’t up the ante and pull a gun in self defense. Handicap permit needs to be reevaluated.
Good for him, I can’t stand people that illegally park in handicap spots. Entitled idiots. That bond is ridiculous
Another Michael Drejka clone who needs to be locked up for 20 years
Judge Miller seems to give big bond to some first time offenders but low bond for those with long rap sheets 😳
Obviously this guy lost his cool & handled the situation completely wrong. But honestly- having two handicapped family members (one leg amputee) who legitimately have handicapped placards but are constantly unable to park in handicap spots cause of non-handicapped people like this with entitlement complexes taking them- many of these entitled brats NEED to get punched for doing that!
Glad to see this thug getting what he deserves.
FYI you’re not the same JeffK as me.
Gosh, the jail must have lots of vacancies this winter. I guess judges gotta fill it back up after keeping it empty all year, maybe for a state census Dec 31?
You all better tip this Door Dash driver well. Big Dummy
But did he make the Chipotle delivery?!!??
Ok…no report on whether the other guy has a valid handicap permit? So did he get a fine for parking in one? (Or did I miss it in reading this article?)
Jewell said the victim didn’t have one. Happens all the time in Gainesville but if you call the offenders out, all of sudden you’re the racist.
Maybe they should start giving out “privilege” placards instead.
Who gives a f..k