Easter services and events

Please send information about your Easter events to info@alachuachronicle.com

Saturday, April 8

City of Alachua

10:00 a.m., Hal Brady Recreation Complex – The City of Alachua presents an Easter Egg Hunt, with children’s gift baskets and eggs donated by Dollar General. The event is free for all children and will feature pictures with the Easter Bunny.

Deeper Purpose Community Church

1 p.m.-4 p.m., Catherine Taylor Park, 18100 SE Douglass Street, High Springs – 17th Annual Easter Eggstravaganza & Spring Festival. Free community event for the whole family with thousands of candy-filled eggs, face painting, pony rides, train rides, games, music, food trucks, inspiration, vendors, Kidz Zone, photos with the Easter Bunny, a soft toddler play zone, and more. Free gifts and prizes for the first 200 children to sign in. Parents who need accommodations for their children and vendors can email deeperpurposecc@yahoo.com.

Sunday, April 9

Deeper Purpose Community Church
19930 N US Hwy 441 High Springs, behind Subway Plaza

Noon – Outdoor Easter service for families.

Forest Grove Baptist Church 
22575 NW 94th Ave, Alachua

7:00 a.m. – Easter Sunrise Service at the Forest Grove Baptist Church Cemetery. The cemetery is located at 8100 NW 226th Street, Alachua, FL.

8:00 a.m. – Light breakfast at Forest Grove Baptist Church.

9:00 a.m. – Sunday School

10:15 a.m. – The Forest Grove Baptist Church Choir performs “Hallelujah! He’s Alive”.

For directions and more information, please visit our website at: www.forestgrovebaptistchurch.org.

Hague Baptist Church
6725 NW 126th Ave, Gainesville

11 a.m. – Join us for Easter Service, followed by an Egg Hunt with lots of sweet treats.

Kanapaha Presbyterian Church
4101 SW 63rd Blvd, Gainesville

7:00 a.m. Sunrise Service at the historic Kanapaha Church Cemetery – Watch the Sun come up amidst ancient oaks dripping with moss and the old headstones of saints gone before us. Celebrate the Risen Lord! Chairs provided or bring your own

8:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. – Breakfast in the Memorial Hall. Free – all are welcome.

10 a.m. – Traditional Worship in the 1886 Sanctuary, Rev. Michaele Wood presiding. Goodie bags for children at the end of service!

  • PAGAN HOLIDAY. If you read the Christian scriptures 14 days after the new year (Spring=March 20/21) at sundown Passover is celebrated. Jesus Christ, Emanuel, Yahshua, Jesus de Christo, became our Passover!!! Wake up America.

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