Eastside High School student arrested for threatening family with gun
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Artrell Amarion Otis Little, 18, was arrested early this morning and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, carrying a concealed firearm without a permit, possessing a firearm with an altered serial number, and tampering with evidence.
Little, who is listed as a senior at Eastside High School, was reportedly called to an apartment at 920 SW 6th Street by a man who was involved in an argument. Little reportedly entered the apartment with his hand in his pocket. He then allegedly produced a handgun from his pocket, placed it on the table, and, according to one witness, allegedly said he would “shoot the whole place up.” Two children were reportedly present, and they were told to go into their bedroom and call 911. Little reportedly fled on foot after he heard the instruction to call 911.
Little and the man who called him were apprehended by Gainesville Police Department officers in the complex, but Little was reportedly not carrying a gun. A K9 team reportedly located the gun, wrapped in a t-shirt, in the bushes about 10 feet away from where they made contact with Little. The serial number of the gun was reportedly scratched off.
Little has no criminal record; Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $20,000, along with a requirement for a GPD monitor after release.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
We have some real dumbasses here, don’t we? Look at that hair! Even Eddie Murphy would be rolling on the floor, laughing, looking at that. Royal Village should have a ‘UF/Santa Fe College Students Only’ policy or they’ll be the next Campus Walk before they know it. His mom should take him to a regular barber shop for a man’s haircut.
I really have got to ask you, are you saying that the hair is what makes him a dumbass? I can agree there are a lot of dumbasses here, but one’s hair doesn’t make them a dumbass. When I was young I shaved the under part of my hair, made all my hair uneven. Why because I liked I, of course I grew up. I got some weird looks but it was merely because people thought it was an odd style, and I definitely marched to the beat of my own drum, which by no means is dumb. I did not let others influence me. and to this day some may think I am a bit crazy and they may be right, because I still do not give up easy, and march to the beat of my own drum. I am just saying the way you stated what you did sounds like you believe his hair is what makes him a dumbass.
The fact that he would choose to wear his hair like that. Can you imagine sitting behind him in school? Or sitting behind him anywhere? I know people with very non-conservative hair, by the way. One of my English teachers in high school had a poster in her classroom. It said, as best as I can remember: “If a being does not keep pace with its companions, perhaps it is because it marches to the beat of a different drummer. Or maybe it’s just an idiot.”
I’m quite sure that he had it it pony tail but the jail made him take it out sitting behind him in school wouldn’t be a problem. Everyone is different and just because you don’t understand his reasons why he grew locks makes him a dumb ass. To me it seems like you stereotype people by their hairstyles.
It’s modeled on the Kodak Black hairstyle, really common among Gangsville youth. Kodak Black is a South Florida rapper and criminal who has been to jail multiple times including on gun and drug charges, for anyone who doesn’t know. I don’t see how all that hair could go into a ponytail, but maybe. I might feel worse about hurting his feelings if he hadn’t pulled out a gun and threatened to shoot up a household of people.
With that hair would need to be a dumb ass to wear it 😂😂
He tinks he be a Rastaman…he be smoken dat good weed man…I ree? ..Jaworski shoulda made him cut dem dreads off as a lesson to not be such a dumbass man….
No, you’re right, all the geniuses are wearing the poo-doo… 💩
Your the dumb ass, and if I was you for future reference I would watch my mouth on what and who I’m speaking on.
Love the Medusa hairstyle. This guys going places I can tell. No doubt he’ll end up in the ‘Big House’ before it’s all over.
Again we have laws on the books that say having a concealed gun is illegal without have a CWP yet thugs still carry them why because they will never obey the law.
Yet all these left wing idiots keep says we. Need stronger gun laws 😂😂😂
I guess since the cops didn’t see him with the gun or anything the gun charges won’t stick? We need to go back to MANDATORY sentences for these kind of things.
Was he raised by rap and video games mixed with CRT while home skooled?
Well look at that…actually don’t have to look very far nor very hard to know who bears some responsibility here. Unfortunately there are many in the community who will instead choose to deflect that blame to others.
Wake up! It’s not our fault.
On the bright side, those gun laws are working hard again. Think about it, if criminals didn’t break them, law enforcement could relax a little.
once Thuggerism stops.
racism claims will also?
The kid looks like he has a giant spider on his head. His being a thug goes without saying. I think his barber should go to trial with him.
Hair or no hair 💈 is not the issue!
I’m a Grandfather and very conservative. The issue is his apparent total disregard for the laws of our society. I can choose to not hire him or even live near him. He must confirm and respect the very basic rules we live by.
I’m sure he has been on this self-destructive path he has chosen for many years. Now it’s time for the system he hates to deal with his actions. Hopefully it will allow him the opportunity to change his direction in life.
Looking respectable/decent instead of trying to look like a fool helps to bring out those behaviors (respectable/decent behavior instead of acting like a fool or court jester). It does matter.
Please run for office
Awww look…. Another thug….
When I grow up, hopefully I can look that cool. It’ll also help me out a LOT with that job search! 👍
Mensa alert!
That was strike one with the stolen altered gun and he’s out if he can post $2000 to Rodney….what will happen next time he commits a crime with a stolen altered gun?
10,20, life? I think his bond was too
What does where he went to school have to do with it. The crime occurred in SW Gainesville. He was called there by someone in SW Gainesville. Who is the other participant in this crime someone from another school perhaps?
Looks like his head is poopin’ in many directions simultaneously 💩
He doesn’t wash his hair…he has it crop-dusted
Bitch don’t try him.
Do any of you know what happened was any of y’all there ? Cause if not then how can you go off of what someone else says or just a picture & what does his hair have to do with the way he lives just because you don’t look like him that doesn’t mean your life better than his