
Eight arrested after deputy investigates report of squatting at vacant commercial building

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Eight people were arrested yesterday after a report that there were people inside a vacant commercial building off Tower Road.

At about 11:50 a.m. yesterday, the owner of the building located at 602 W. 75th Street, the former location of the Big Daddy Guns retail store, reported that there was a tent behind the building and people inside.

Google Maps image of the building at 602 W. 75th Street

An Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy responded and saw a tarp covering a structure behind the building. As he was observing from behind the building, a man rode by on a bicycle and yelled a warning to the people under the tarp. The deputy reported that after the warning, the door to the business opened and closed several times, although he could not see whether people went in or out. He then saw several people jump the fence and chased them.

After the deputy ran around the corner of the building, he reportedly saw that four people had run out of the back door of the business, and he called out that he would use his Taser if they did not stop.

Brandy Samantha Lawless, 46, stopped running and was detained. She has been charged with burglary of an unoccupied structure, property damage over $1,000, and resisting an officer. Post Miranda, she reportedly said she had been living behind the building and did not know who had broken into the building. She has four felony convictions (one violent).

Julie Alda Alvstad, 46, slowed down and was detained. She has been charged with burglary of an unoccupied structure, property damage over $1,000, and resisting an officer. Post Miranda, she reportedly said she had been sleeping in a recliner behind the building and did not know who had broken into the building; she said she had not been there long. She has one felony conviction and three misdemeanor convictions (none violent).

The deputy saw a man running and ordered him to stop; when the man stopped and turned, the deputy detained him. That man reportedly identified himself as Todiah Hampton multiple times, but he was later identified as William Fountain Hampton, 42. Hampton has been charged with burglary of an unoccupied structure, property damage over $1,000, resisting an officer, and providing false identification to an officer. He has three felony convictions and 17 misdemeanor convictions; he has served two state prison sentences, with his most recent release in 2017.

A fourth man kept running and was chased by another deputy but not caught.

While deputies were speaking to the three subjects who had been detained, another man came out of the building and was immediately detained; he was later identified as Charles Alton Smith, 38. He has been charged with burglary of an unoccupied structure and property damage over $1,000. Post Miranda, he declined to speak. He has five felony convictions and seven misdemeanor convictions (none violent). He has served one state prison sentence and was released in 2014.

Deputies gave verbal commands from the front door, and two more people came out, James Vhay and Tiffany Pinion.

Tiffany Ann Pinion, 34, has been charged with burglary of an unoccupied structure and property damage over $1,000. Post Miranda, Pinion declined to speak. She has three misdemeanor convictions, none violent.

James Henry Vhay, 44, has been charged with burglary of an unoccupied structure and property damage over $1,000. Post Miranda, he reportedly said he is dating Pinion and they had been staying at the business for two days; he said they had come from their residence in Micanopy because Pinion’s husband had passed away. He said he did not know who had broken into the business. He has one felony conviction (one violent) and four misdemeanor convictions (two violent).

Deputies continued giving verbal commands for anyone in the building to come out. A K-9 unit arrived to clear the building and reportedly found Timmy Owens hiding under a blanket. Owens was bitten by the K-9; the report stated that he was bitten because “the handler nor other Deputies knew he was beneath the blanket due to his small stature.”

While receiving medical treatment for the bite, Owens reportedly said Alvstad had invited him to “rest” the previous day; he first said he had walked in with Alvstad, then changed his story and said friends had to carry him inside. He said he didn’t notice the damage inside the building and that Alvstad had laid him in a hallway, covered him with a blanket, and given him “molly.” He said he didn’t wake up until the K-9 found him.

Owens has been charged with burglary of an unoccupied structure, property damage over $1,000, and resisting an officer. Owens has four local misdemeanor convictions (none violent).

After the building was cleared, deputies noted that entry had been made into the back door of the building, and then a wall was broken through to enter the main area of the building. The total estimated damage was estimated at $1,000. Deputies found additional damage throughout the building, including burn marks from a fire that had been set at some point.

While deputies conducted their investigation, another man returned to the building. Donald Tyler Scoates, 31, had a warrant for failure to pay child support and was arrested. Deputies asked him about the living situation at the business, and he reportedly said he had been living behind the building for months. He said he was the first to erect a tent behind the building, and the others followed. He said he didn’t know who had broken into the building.

Bail information is unavailable on weekends.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • What a sad group of career criminals Poe and Ward have invited to Gainesville.

    • More accurately, Welcome to East Portland….or Pelosi and Kamala’s East San Fransisco.

  • Well, couldn’t they claim they were living there, and the owner would have to go through the eviction process?

  • Yes, some of these people have problems, but Everyone on this Earth deserves a place to live. That 1-5 % of the people own all the wealth and so many people have to go without is not the way our Creator wanted things to be, imo. That top layer needs to be removed and the wealth spread so that Everyone has a place to live and doesn’t have to run from the law simply because they needed a place to lay their heads at night.

      • I’m not in the 1-5% that owns all the wealth–critical thinking would have solved that question for you.

    • George, you are correct, I wonder if “Guest” is going to bond them out and take them home. These folks have family somewhere why are they not helping them. They are not “Cabbage Patch Kids”.

      • Because people like the ones arrested have already burned all those bridges and have been disowned most likely for stealing from their family or x friends.

    • If you believe so firmly in $ocia1sm, do some research and tell us where it has actually worked, anywhere in the world, at any time. Until recently, the US was the leader of the Free World, inventing more, and making life easier for everyone. Then came the Democrats and Obama and Biden are just the icing on the cake to demonstrate the fallacies of the government dream you’ve been indoctrinated with.

    • You need to [Insert gender preference]-up and go on over to Grace Marketplace, collect a few of the less fortunate and bring them home with you. Although I understand your point of view, in the USA, if a person makes a few right decisions, they can live a good and productive life. The trouble begins with the first felony conviction, as then you are branded and for the most part, many times for good reason, unemployable.

    • But not in someone else’s property. I hope you never have to experience being the victim of squatters. The disgusting mess, trash everywhere, the overflowing and clogged toilets, the excrement and urine left all over the floors, carpet, etc. They cause thousands of dollars worth of property damage and should be held responsible, homeless or not.

    • They will NEVER make it in a college town. No matter how many lifelines our esteemed non-profits throw em. NEVER.

      • I am one of the ones that got arrested and I am born and raised Gainesville and most of them are from surrounding area so nope we do just fine.

    • You dont realize they had a place to live, and then destroyed it by cutting through walls, lighting fires, etc? They also have many homeless shelters they are welcomed to.

      Instead of seeing this as an opportunity to decry wealth inequality, which it is not. How can you not see it as lawless (literally the name of one of them) trash breaking into and destroying someone’s hard EARNED private property?

    • You and your kind have absolutely ZERO right to anything me or anyone else works for! Get a freaking JOB and quit sucking on the taxpayer tit! Damn liberals!

    • Hey Guest …..You and they way you think are part of the problem. Maybe you should go over there and see the damage they caused and left. You might feel differently when you are the one picking up their dirty needles. How can you condone this … maybe once they are released you can house them!
      I’m sure the owners of this property can not keep a tenant in there… the homeless are sleeping at their front doors in the morning, needles thrown all over , urinating wherever they please and hanging around the property asking the patrons who do shop there for money. Clearly it is not safe in that area and we can thank our local elected officials for this.

      I am not sure if the new Sheriff is behind this clean up but I am thankful that they arrested instead of citing squatter rights.

      Had these 8 thieving career criminals each had a job they could pool their income together and rent/buy their own property

      • Oh shit well I am one of the ones that got arrested so if you’ll hire me I would greatly appreciate it. As for the damage inside and needles laying around I do agree it’s careless but don’t be so quick to judge a person you dont know for that is careless as well. We were there because the building was abandoned and has been for months if someone came and talked to us it would have been cleaned up but since everyone was in jail it’s hard to clean up. As for the thieving career criminal part not all of us have a thieft on our record and Tim has no previous record.

    • Get to work earning it instead of typing for someone to give it to you.

  • Gainesville has been surrendered. Hobos all over the place. On every corner, every median, a fantastic look. Sad…

    • They’re not at Poe’s house, or Ward’s, nor City Hall.
      The Dems protect their stuff while trying to take others’ away.

  • Shouldn’t they be at Grace Marketplace? They need to shut that place down and let the churches help their fellow man. What a bunch of useless bums.

  • Reminds me of one of the scenes in the show Breaking Bad with the meth head flop houses. Very disturbing.

  • Seems this is the same sorry bunch of molly heads that were camped out at the corner of archer rd and sw 34th street. Between the strip mall where the old radio shack was an carrabas. Must have gotten a bus pass. Sad

  • Funny isn’t it? How fast the police can act to remove squatters from a commercial site, but if they squat in your vacant home, you have to go through eviction (months long) and the whole nine yards. Why is that I wonder? Why are commercial interests considered so much more important than personal ones?

    • I’d say it was a Democrat’ property but it was an old gun store so that would go against their stance on 2A rights.
      Then again, seeing their hypocrisy firsthand, maybe it was a Democrat owned property.

  • I know everyone pictured. I have a veryyyyy long past with DTS who I dated years ago. I live right down the road from where they were squatting (this time) and I am about to crack open a cold one and sm*ke a joint because I CAN BREATHE. Celebration worthy! They are all needle junkie thieving ASSHOLES with not a lick of common sense or care about anything but themselves and their next hit… they never stay in jail long, they’ll be out soon… (snitches get stitches). D is trespassed from my complex because he broke into my yard yet the cops do nothing when I call (he taunts me all the time) because by the time they show up “they don’t have eyes on him on the property”… notice his arrest was real simple “he walked up and was arrested for warrant for child support” yeah right just like you arrested him for the same warrant in my yard but didn’t arrest him for BREAKING AND ENTERING and going crazy outside my windows scaring my kids… look at those eyeballs, they tell the real truth. Hope they enjoy their free detox ha karmas a b*tch.

  • We all need a place to squat. But for the grace of good happenings we could be one of them. Underdtanding, not distain is needed.

    • A tree works when you’re in the woods in a bind. That’s all the squatting that should be allowed.

  • Almost, and I mean almost, comical.

    “Split! Everyone, the gig is up!”

    What a mess.

  • y’all hate homeless people so much but fail to realize how easily it could happen to you

    • I go to work and pay my bills. I have friends and family that would bend over backwards to help me because I would do the same for them. A majority of homeless don’t have that because they are addicts who rob and steal from anyone naive enough to listen to their lies they spin. Jail used to be a place where these folks would hit rock-bottom and realize where they went wrong. Now it’s an easy 3 hots and a cot then the local judges let them out ROR and they are back anywhere from a day to a month later. Rinse and Repeat

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