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Yes! Sir. That guy has No Morals
His lawyers have been busy.
Freakin’ awesome!!
The body builder dude is gonna be MAD about your depiction of him in this cartoon…….He’s in much better shape than that!
Lol Gvl Gym member. Like you, I recall working out there and seeing Clovis for hours IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY when he had other high ranking government jobs. Lazy, stupid and useless.
Rock it Jake!
I’m pretty sure he likes the depiction. He’s never been especially fond of wearing the uniform.
Well done Jake.
People at ACSO is racist, sad… I am not saying I am a fan of Clovis Watson Jr., however I am saying ASCO is racist. Not all of them there are quite a few. Focus on the crime in Alachua. The young people are out of control
So the people at ACSO is racist . Maybe ARE racist would be better understood. Even though it is a untrue statement. Why would you want them to concentrate on crime and young people if the people at ACSO is racist as you say. Clovis Watson is a huge problem. No one seems to remember the turmoil he caused for the city of Alachua. Also he was never that great as a law enforcement officer or a politician. Rhino turn demoncrat.
A true example of how incompetence screws up and moves up. Only cares about lining his pockets and totally disrespects ASO employees.
This is so funny. 😂 Clovis Watson needs to go!