Fall Term Grand Jury indicts five Gainesville men


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Five Gainesville men were indicted by the Fall Term Grand Jury on February 23 in two murder cases.

The Fall Term Grand Jury returned a True Bill indicting Alderious White, 29, Jason Travis Ward, 38, and Patrick Owen Watson, 49, for the unlawful killing of D’halani Armstrong, burglary while armed with a firearm/home invasion robbery, solicitation to commit home invasion robbery with a firearm, and possession of a firearm and ammunition by a convicted felon. Armstrong was killed on July 19, 2022, during a home invasion robbery.

The Fall Term Grandy Jury also returned a True Bill indicting Aziel Dejayn Brown Gainey, 21, and Jerquay Lavon Freeman, 18, for the unlawful killing of Romeo Shepard, conspiracy to commit first-degree murder, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon. Sheppard was killed on September 1, 2022, in the 1700 block of NE 8th Avenue.

The finding of a True Bill means that the defendants will now be arraigned and will face trial at a later date.

Assistant State Attorney Michael Becker presented the indictments to the Alachua County Fall Term Grand Jury; Judge Kristine Van Vorst received the grand jury findings, and no bond was issued on the murder charges.

  • I see one of these guys is only 18. These violent criminals just keep getting younger and younger. The 18 yearly old in Philly who killed the cop a few days ago, the 19 year old in Orlando who went on a murderous rampage…it just seems that we are starting to see just how damaged this next generation really is. It is a complex issue but I can tell you 3 major reasons: lack of any real faith, too much social media, and rap music. No father in the picture is another big one.

      • ????, The requirement of a permit doesn’t stop criminals. That’s why they’re criminals – they don’t obey the laws, regulations or rules.

        The state should put ’em in the chair so we don’t have to about any repeat offenders. I’m tired of hearing about multiple felony convictions for violent crimes.

  • It’s funny that lack of faith is mentioned in the comments…. judge and be judge… laugh now cry later… I think the hair is powerful and it proves itself by your fear…this is the product of your forefathers so knock knock little piggy let me in …not by the fat of our chiney chin chin…then Ill huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down…

    • Lmao huff and puff ALL you want, ALL thugs with no morals or ethics. They just think they can run around robbing and killing. Hope they’re ready to spend the rest of their lives in prison. That’s where they belong. Make sure you put some commissary on their books!

    • Their lack of faith is what has landed them in prison on earth & in hell for eternity. Why? because, “thou shall not kill”. —-they’ll be braiding each other’s powerful hair while each one decides “ whose the husband (Adam) and whose the wife (Eve, or in this case Steve)…this may be the product of them not knowing their biological fathers and “ Our father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be thine name”. Can I hear an Amen? Amen. Maybe they’ll find Christ while in prison and be forgiven, but they’ll probably end up being Sodomites with Lucifer.

    • Boss Lady I think you hit the nail on the head in one way. You compare these 5 men to the Wolf in the 3 Little Pigs story and I completely agree. And that’s why we need to continue to build prisons to keep these Wolves apart from society, we need to hire good Wolf catchers to round up these violent Wolves, and we need guns to protect ourselves when these big, bad Wolves show up on our doorstep and try to bust their way in.

      • They & their kind best not come knocking on my door if they know what’s good for them! While I’m only 5’1& 3/4”, I practice @ the range & am a dead shot!. My career was all about saving lives. That said, if it’s them or me, my spouse, or my dog, it won’t be us! Maggie G MSN, NP-C, retired

  • Why did this take so long. They should already be getting ready for trial and sentencing.

  • How many are repeat offenders forced by probation lawyer$$$ and courts to stay here instead of LEAVING for a better opportunity?

  • When blaming everyone but the thugs themselves for their crimes, I think it wise to remember that there are people of ALL races and cultures who are raised in the same type circumstances as these thugs but they do not go on to become criminals. The blame for these criminals lies WITH these criminals, they chose to be what they are.

  • I agree 👍🏾💯 These kids are fake. No! I am not going to blame video games or music. Absence dad, some what, but at the end of the day, we make choices for our own lives. The music 🎶 and the video games enhances what is already there. Criminals uses these to defend themselves all the time to get a lighter sentence. It’s called manipulation. They want so call street credit. Which is crazy! The dad probably was not part of their lives, which makes a big difference. I pay attention to the 2 parent household and believe me, it makes a difference. Let me make this clear, a dad being present physically doesn’t mean he is apart of a childs life.

  • We are fighting a spiritual battle not three little pigs .But against principalities in high places.That is not human

  • I’m Irish Catholics. The Protestants have wanted to eliminate up in Northern Ireland for eons and vice versa….. lack of faith….. eye roll

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