
Fareed Johnson thanks his supporters and vows that he will not stop working for the residents of Gainesville

Letter to the editor

I’m writing this with deep appreciation to the citizens of Gainesville who believed in one of their own. I would like to thank each voter for their consideration and participation in the election process. For those who supported me, a simple thank you just isn’t enough. This journey started lonely and quickly grew into a movement. I was never interested in running to be a part of the majority, and that scared some folks at City Hall and the local DEC office. This movement-inspired campaign reached so many that a sitting Mayor had to put his boots on the ground to campaign against us.

As I stated in my previous letter, this campaign represented the values that some of our leaders speak of loosely, with no real intentionality. I wanted to run on a platform that was not divisive and that no one had to question. Quite frankly, I wanted to run on common sense. Safe neighborhoods, affordable housing, and reducing the tax burden are not partisan ideas. Recently, ensuring accountability for those who police and enforce laws has become a bipartisan concern. So, we must ask ourselves, how did this race become contentious?

One day, Gainesville will truly reflect these values, but it’s going to take a few more candidates willing to go against the entitled status quo. This race was a tremendous learning lesson. Going forward, I will continue to do the work alongside both Democrats and Republicans. The work did not stop on Election Day; it merely increased as our neighborhoods and businesses are being impacted by the failed policies supported by the elected candidate.

In closing, I give you my word that I will not stop until every person, regardless of race, socio-economic status, or political affiliation, is represented in the chambers of City Hall!

Fareed Johnson, Gainesville

The opinions expressed by letter or opinion writers are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AlachuaChronicle.com. Assertions of facts in letters are similarly the responsibility of the author. Letters may be submitted to info@alachuachronicle.com and are published at the discretion of the editor.

  • YALL TRIED TO SNEAK A BLACK REPUBLICAN IN.. cmon we knew better 💯💯💯🤷🏿

  • I appreciate his attempt at unseating the lunacy lining the halls of City Hall.

    Only in Gainesville can a person who exhibits conservative values be supplanted by someone whose primary platform is having the government provide for the lazy, feckless, unmotivated people who live only to get whatever they can from the individuals who reside in a particular community.

  • Well crafted editorial. The city is probably a lost cause for moderates or for those who lean right, but if u have the interest a county run may get a more diverse set of voters perhaps depending on the voting rules in place, dunno. Thanks for getting in the arena. 👍

  • The Gainesville Voters have managed to add more weight to their sinking ship. Party on Wokesville, Party on!

  • I like what this young man has to say but I also know that talk is cheap. Hopefully Mr. Johnson will continue to try and make Gainesville a better city for all it’s citizens.
    Thankfully, I live in the county and do not have to deal with the City Commission or all the silliness of Gainesville.

  • Mr. Fareed, thank you for running. You had my vote, but I’m afraid that the Democratic machine here has control, because most of the good people of this community sit on the sidelines. Please run again and do your best to engage, probably the most untapped resource – pastors who lead congregations of 1000s of potential voters who aren’t infected by the woke-mind virus. They may be infected by apathy or wrong convictions that Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics, but ignorance is currable. See https://ivoterguide.com/insights/83

  • I was listening then the Perry love fest turned my stomach. A like minded ally to commissioner Book would be welcomed by many. But not with Perry strings attached nor single members district subversion tactics/misdirection.

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