FDOT begins safety improvement project on Hawthorne Trail
January 19, 2024
Press release from Florida Department of Transportation
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Construction is underway on a safety improvement project on State Road 24A and Williston Road (State Road 331) at the Hawthorne Trail. FDOT will install a Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) that will improve safety and increase pedestrian mobility in the area by providing pedestrians with a new place to safely cross State Road 331. PHBs are advanced crosswalk systems that control both vehicle and pedestrian movements using traffic signals. For a video on how PHBs operate, please watch the video below.
Three quarters of a million dollars because people can’t look both ways before crossing a main street? Really?
This is a much needed improvement as I drive by that crossing everyday. It’s dangerous for everyone as is. The current blinking yellow light does nothing as it is always on and only just blinks faster when pressed by a walker or bicyclist. Too many cars don’t pay attention and look for crossers and go faster than the posted speed limit. Also many time traffic can block your view to see if someone is already in the cross walk. At least with the hybrid crossing the signal button will trigger a red light for all 4 lanes leaving no doubt someone is there.
These flashing crosswalk activations cause drivers to brake abruptly which can cause all kinds of rear end collisions. Proof, look at the skid marks at the Williston road rails to trails crossing and the Archer road Shands crossing. Lots of rear end crashes there just for someone to cross the road. Do we really need 80,000 lb. semi trucks locking up their brakes sliding downhill toward the crosswalk?
Wait, are you saying that magic paint and blinky lights won’t override the laws of physics like the Traffic Gods have been telling pedestrians? Blasphemy!
If DOT has resources available for a trail, they need to divert them immediately towards getting all lanes on 13th St at 16th Ave open again. It’s nearly criminal that this blockage has lasted so long. If it’s important enough to close lanes on a major state highway, it’s important enough to run double shifts to get it fixed.
Why does this one cost so much? If Googled the average cost is between $21,000 and $128,000.
Rails to Trails, seems they could just put in railroad crossing arms, that are activated by walkers/bikers as they near the trail. I can’t think that they would be that expensive. of course as shown by the Birghtline deaths, people do sometimes go around those as well.
Have been through this crossing a few thousand times. Have seen multiple VEHICLE crashes where a drive does the right thing and stops for a pedestrian, but is rear ended by another driver not paying attention.