FDOT to begin safety improvements on East University Avenue next week

Press release from Florida Department of Transportation

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Construction will begin next week on a safety improvements project on E. University Avenue at NE 26th Terrace, adjacent to Fred Cone Park. The installation of a mid-block crossing and Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) will improve safety and increase pedestrian mobility on E. University Avenue by providing pedestrians with a place to safely cross. PHBs are advanced crosswalk systems that control both vehicle and pedestrian movements using traffic signals. For a video on how PHBs operate, please click the link below.

Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon

Traffic will be maintained in accordance with FDOT standards. Drivers can expect single-lane closures for both directions of University Avenue during off-peak hours. Pedestrians will also see periodic sidewalk closures and pedestrian detours. FDOT encourages drivers and pedestrians to obey traffic laws, be alert to construction workers and traffic devices, and closely follow signage along the detour routes.

FDOT selected American Lighting and Signalization LLC to complete this $323,000 project by fall 2023, weather and unforeseen circumstances permitting.

  • Don’t expect the equipment and supplies to be there when you come back if left unguarded. Welcome to East Gangsville.

    • Ever hear about that “15min city”thing? All this safety stuff may be a part of that plan….the next thing you know, cars won’t be allowed to travel on those streets or neighborhoods to stop climate change…anything with the words sustainable in it beware…I recently read an article about people in England complaining about it…its the sort of thing the great reset face diaper wearing fascist Marxists may bring here.

  • Put the disbanded K-9 units to work as crossing guards. Might as well make sure the residents utilize the resources available for their safety rather than jaywalking to cross the street.

  • Thank you! Those of us who live and work in East Gainesville welcome and appreciate these changes. Improving the safety of a community is always a good thing.

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