Fire at The Point Apartments displaces several occupants

Press release from Gainesville Fire Rescue
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – At approximately 6:32 p.m. this evening, Gainesville Fire Rescue crews were dispatched to an apartment fire at 3100 SW 35th Place. Firefighters arrived to find a 2nd-floor apartment unit with a fire in the attic. Multiple units arrived in approximately 6 minutes and immediately began searching surrounding apartment units. A total of 20 firefighters from GFR put the fire out and searched the structure. The Red Cross was notified that multiple apartment occupants were displaced.
This fire is currently under investigation to determine the origin and cause.
A recent shooting, now residents are burned out of their apartments. Sounds like section 8 Rocky Point is on a downward spiral.
Phoenix is like two-thirds of a mile away or less. People also cut through the back of Phoenix and come out by Casablanca, which is right by Rocky Point.
So what !
I know somebody who lives there now, and I used to stay over there sometimes years ago. But there’s a reason there’s a big wall with barbed-wire between Phoenix and Town Parc and Grantwood has a big fence and locking gate around it. My friend who lives there now got his building shot at. Somebody standing in front of Phoenix threw a rock at my car years ago and caused damage as I was driving by. Sorry if you live there, but it’s not a great place as far as crime.
Wow ! Why section 8 you’re awful you should have kept that comment to yourself.
WTF happened to the Point? First a neighbor murders another neighbor, now this? Are they renting to section 8 vouchers too?
They sold us three times in two year that’s what happened we’re constantly under new ownership and it’s reflecting that it’s falling apart for the 1st time in 5 years I won’t be renewing 🙁