Fireworks every day!


  • Shootings are the norm rather than the exception in Gainesville. The GPD has talented officers who are devoted to fighting this unfortunately they don’t have a crystal ball to show where the next shooting will be. When I moved here 30 years ago a shooting was rare, and a very big deal when one did happen…now look at this place, such a shame. Thanks Jake for the slice of reality.

  • Thanks Jake! There used to be radio stations that played the top hits of the year. Besides our idiot leaders, shootings is likely a very close 2nd place. If I remember correctly, 2023 started with a bang and in all likelihood, will go out with one as well.

    Probably wise to not depict who’s firing off the “fireworks.” Wouldn’t want the progressive leftists to have a meltdown.

  • Easy solution….put 10 foot fencing with concertina wire around all the section 8 housing developments and throw all the gun by-backs over the fence with some extra ammo and they’ll solve the problem. Tell them their monthly checks & food stamps will be late. Delayed 911 response would also be recommended. Sick of this government subsidized violence!

    • You’re on the right track. Make these areas Gated Communities. Limit visitors, no overnight guest unless registered at gate. Only people on lease allowed to reside there. Hire and pay well for good security.

  • Buying a gun? 3 day wait, except in Gainesville, where there is a 7 day wait. Court system? Tough on crime? Not in Gainesville.

  • I live downtown and hear gunshots on the average of once or twice per week. Not fireworks. Typically 2-3 bangs per second, usually 3 to 12 shots per episode. I assume only the incidents in which someone is killed or injured get reported. It’s time for Gainesville to implement an acoustic gunshot detection and localization system. There are several on the market.

  • Yes, your Gangsville and Alachua county “leaders” have it backwards. Try to penalize and restrict legal law abiding citizens from protecting their families by legally owning a carrying a gun. While being soft as a baby’s butt on criminals and then actually thinking criminals will obey strict gun laws and not carry them. When will these nuts understand: criminals don’t legally buy guns they steal and buy them illegally and they don’t obey any gun law. None.

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