Florida Department of Education announces successful mid-year progress monitoring results

Press release from Florida Department of Education
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. –Today, the Florida Department of Education announced that mid-year progress monitoring results show students continue to succeed under the first-in-the-nation progress monitoring assessments. The percentage of students scoring a level 3 or higher on the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) Progress Monitoring second assessment (PM2) of the school year rose to 45%. This is 3 percentage points higher than PM2 results for the 2023-2024 school year and 6 percentage points higher than PM2 results in the 2022-2023 school year, when the progress monitoring assessments were first administered.
“Florida’s students continue to succeed at every level,” said Commissioner of Education Manny Diaz, Jr. “Progress monitoring provides students with faster interventions leading to better results. I am proud of our students, and I am thankful for Governor DeSantis’ unwavering commitment to supporting educational success.”
Highlights from FAST progress monitoring results for English Language Arts include:
- The overall percentage of students scoring a level 3 or higher on PM2 has risen 3 percentage points from PM2 in 2023-2024 and 9 percentage points from the beginning of the year progress monitoring assessment (PM1) this year.
- For Grade 4, students increased 2 percentage points over 2023-2024 PM2 results and 11 percentage points over PM1 of this year.
- For Grade 8, students increased 3 percentage points over 2023-2024 and increased by 7 percentage points over PM1 of this year.
- For Grade 10, students increased 4 percentage points over 2023-2024 and 6 percentage points from PM1 of this year.
Highlights from FAST Progress Monitoring for Mathematics
- The overall percentage of students scoring a level 3 or higher on PM2 has remained steady at 31% and has risen 16 percentage points over PM1 of this year.
- Grade 4 students increased 14 percentage points over PM1 of this year.
- Grade 7 students increased 2 percentage points over 2023-2024 and increased 7 percentage points over PM1 of this year.
- Grade 8 students increased 1 percentage point over 2023-2024 PM2 results and 16 percentage points over PM1 of this year.
These results further demonstrate Florida’s educational success in addition to the record 89.7% graduation rate for the 2023-2024 school year announced earlier this month, an increase of 1.7 percentage points over last year. The 2023–2024 high school graduation rate represents the highest rate in Florida history, with the exception of the pandemic school years 2019–20 and 2020–21, in which graduating classes were exempt from statewide, standardized assessment requirements stipulated in state law.
These marks are still absolutely abysmal. It’s a shame that Alachua County doesn’t devote more resources to our teachers – and pay them a decent wage.
How does one access these reports. Can individual schools be seen?