Florida Department of Education submits historically significant standards for students to ensure Florida continues to move forward in education

Press release from Florida Department of Education
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – On September 1, Florida Department of Education Commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr. made recommendations for cut scores for the Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (FAST) in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics, as well as for the end-of-course (EOC) assessments in Algebra 1 and Geometry. Whether a student wants a job-ready certificate, a 2-year credential, a 4-year degree, or all of the above, it is critical that along that journey, Florida’s schools give students and their families a clear picture of academic readiness for the next steps. The Commissioner’s recommended cut scores are going to give the State Board of Education the ability to provide Florida’s students the best opportunity they have ever had to take control of their academic journey.
Even as the nation’s students struggled in recent years, Florida’s students continued to have record achievement and close achievement gaps. Cut scores help students, parents, and teachers know whether a young person is ready for the next steps in the academic journey. Florida is setting the bar higher than it ever has before – once again proving this Administration’s commitment to Florida’s students being ready to have a great job, a successful career, and pick the best path that suits their dreams.
“My recommendations take into account the invaluable work and input of parents, educators, superintendents, school board members, college presidents, and the general public, as well as Florida’s historical performance on assessments,” said Education Commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr. “History has demonstrated that when the bar is raised for Florida’s students, our teachers and students respond. If the State Board of Education approves my recommendations, Florida will adopt the most rigorous expectations we have ever set for our students. I have complete confidence in our students and teachers to rise to the challenge once again.”
“We thank Commissioner Diaz for moving the state education system in the right direction,” said Tom Greene, Vice President of Advocacy for ExcelinEd. “The recommended passing scores set higher expectations that bring us a step closer to ensuring all our students are prepared for post-secondary success. We remain committed to working with the Commissioner and Governor DeSantis to ensure continued progress for all students.”
These proposed cut scores will be discussed during the State Board of Education meeting in October. Cut scores establish proficiency levels for students that can be used to recommend whether or not a student should proceed to the next grade level. Cut scores are being updated concurrent with new accountability measures for Florida’s progress monitoring assessments (FAST), and this is the first time Florida has updated cut scores since 2015.
The recommended cut scores are available at https://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/5663/urlt/BESTCommRecALCuts.pdf.
Before doing any changes, can everyone on the board of education and everyone associated with making the changes pass all of the test? If you can’t do it, you can’t expect students to. That’s why the fcat was changed, because the governor wouldn’t take the test.
News articles need a who, and what. A recognizable “who” Is Manny Diaz Jr., who says raising the bar will be good. I don’t think we can reach the bar we have, let alone raise it. Is the article intended to conceal the what?
Parents have no business solely relying on the government to educate their children. Schools are just very expensive daycare now. If you allow the state to essentially raise your child then don’t expect a grandiose result.
This makes absolutely no sense and is so unfair!!! I work for the Fl school system and see sooo many wonderful students who are unable to receive their diploma due to testing. Many are A/B students! This breaks my heart!!!!