Florida Highway Patrol combats rise in street racing, takeover events

Press release from Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Street racing, street takeovers, and stunt-driving incidents have risen in Florida, but the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) and the Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) are intent on combating these dangerous driving behaviors.

Florida law, enacted in 2022, prohibits street racing. Takeovers, drag racing, donuts, burnouts, wheelies, drifting, and other related activities create unsafe roadways.

Overtaking a road is dangerous for many reasons; it impedes the normal flow of traffic, can delay emergency vehicles responding to those in need, and endangers participants, spectators, and innocent bystanders.

“The reckless actions displayed by those participating in attempting to overtake roadways cause serious risk to themselves and others,” said FLHSMV Director Dave Kerner. “Florida is a law-and-order state, and we will continue to ensure that order and safety come first. Florida State Troopers are trained to enforce the laws of the state, and we will not hesitate to act against those who choose to participate in street takeover attempts or racing.

“The individuals involved in these crimes are not just committing dangerous acts, they are criminals. When stopped and detained, dangerous narcotics, firearms, and warrants are often discovered. Their illegal activity is not entertainment; it is irresponsible and challenges the safety Floridians deserve and have as a constitutional right. Reckless drivers and participants do not care about your safety or the safety of your family, and FHP has prioritized shutting down these groups. They will be caught, and they will be prosecuted.”

In the past four years, 6,641 citations were issued for either street racing/stunt driving – a first-degree misdemeanor – or for actively participating as a spectator – classified as a non-criminal traffic infraction.

FLHSMV data analysis identifies ages 16-29 as the key demographic for participants and spectators.

The law outlines drivers, passengers, organizers, promoters, and anyone in a vehicle who is filming participants can be charged with first-degree misdemeanors.

Spectators can be cited with a non-criminal infraction and subjected to civil penalties under section 318.14, Florida Statutes.

Consequences of violating the law include jail time, driver’s license revocation, and county-imposed fines ranging from $500 to $5,000. Other financial impacts include the cost of vehicle towing, impoundment, court fees, and indirect financial hardships created by the lack of a vehicle or driver’s license suspension/revocation.

In response to this criminally negligent activity, FHP wants to raise public awareness and target those who participate in dangerous and illegal street takeovers and street racing, spectators, passengers who knowingly ride in a participating vehicle, and those who promote these events on social media. By educating them about the consequences and enforcing the law that makes our roadways safe to travel for citizens and visitors alike.

Remain calm if you encounter illegal street racing, stunt driving, or street takeovers. Safely pull over to the side of the road and report it. Do not engage.

If in immediate danger, always contact 911. Otherwise, dial *FHP (*347) to reach the nearest dispatch center. 

A warrantless arrest can be made if a law enforcement officer has probable cause to believe an individual is involved in this criminal behavior. Email StopRacing@flhsmv.gov if you have knowledge of an upcoming event or can identify participants. Send any corresponding documentation; this information could lead to an investigation.

For more information on FHP’s initiative to combat roadway takeovers, street racing, and stunt driving, visit FLHSMV’s webpage at www.flhsmv.gov/StopRacing.

  • I know what will solve the motorcycle problem – string a piece of piano wire across the street where the offense is being committed.

    Won’t take long to determine who was violating the law.

      • Betta, the streets will be safer without the anarchy riding down the streets endangering the lives of others.
        If you really want things betta, you would know that instead of condoning the actions if the cyclists.

      • Clovis is too busy playing musical chairs to care about street racing or piano wire.

  • A subculture of people who only experience property ownership rights with their bodies, looks, fashions, tats and cars is the result of not owning real property of any future gain. That’s why we must increase homeownership for more younger individuals, if they did well in high school. So they can grow up better.

    • This subculture experiences property ownership through theft and robbery and fraud.

    • I’m not as worried about the kids that do well – I would expect their ability, determination and support systems will continue to work for them. I wonder what would happen if those in the bottom 25% in 3rd, 5th and 8th grade could divert to a competence (think Boy Scout handbook) and vocational ed track. THAT would create true diversity and opportunity and make those students valuable to their community, probably as much as technology brought our geeks to life.

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