Former GRU GM Ed Bielarski selected as Chair of the second GRU Authority

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – At the organizational meeting of the new GRU Authority on May 23, the Authority selected former GRU General Manager Ed Bielarski as its Chair and businessman David Haslam as Vice Chair.
After City Clerk Kristen Bryant administered the oath of office to all five members of the Authority, the board members introduced themselves.
Chip Skinner
Chip Skinner said he’s lived in Gainesville since 1987, graduated from the University of Florida in 1992, moved to central Florida for a short time, then came back to Gainesville. He worked for a subsidiary of the Florida Department of Transportation, “so I have vast knowledge when it comes to the utilities’ right of way and construction issues that they encounter a lot on the roadways.” He was also the Public Information Officer for Public Works, RTS, and General Government at the City of Gainesville. He currently runs a nonprofit lacrosse organization and is a freelance consultant in communications.
Ed Bielarski
Ed Bielarski is a former General Manager of GRU and earned his BA in Accounting from Loyola University and his MBA from St. Joseph University. He said he’s worked in Controller/CFO roles in private organizations and got into the utility business about 30 years ago. He became General Manager of GRU in 2015 and was fired by the City Commission in 2022. He concluded, “I know a lot about the utility, understand a lot about its issues, and I think made it a better place.”
Craig Carter
Craig Carter is a former Gainesville City Commissioner and was a member of the original GRU Authority. He said he wanted to address his previous comment that he would not come back to the board; at the time, he said, his son had been in a serious accident, his wife thought she would need to go to Germany to support their son, and he had responsibilities at work. He said that since then, he has learned that his son will not require surgery, and he hired an employee in his office. He continued, “About a week before I got appointed, more and more conversations happened with Tallahassee, my wife, and my family, so I agreed to come back.”
Eric Lawson
Eric Lawson said he has been in healthcare for 35 years and has been in executive leadership for 30 years. He is a former CPA and worked for many years as a Chief Financial Officer. He now serves as the Chief Executive Officer at HCA Florida North Florida Hospital. He concluded, “It was an honor to serve the first time, and I’m certainly really excited to be able to rejoin the board and continue the work that we started.”
David Haslam
David Haslam said he came to Gainesville in 2007 at the age of 23, after he got out of the Air Force. He said he has owned and operated several businesses since 2007, and he has owned his current business, Campus Scooters, for about 15 years. He said he sold all his previous businesses and that all of them were profitable and had zero debt when he sold them.
Election of Chair and Vice Chair
When the clerk asked for nominations, Carter immediately nominated Lawson for Chair, then Haslam nominated Bielarski and Skinner seconded the nomination of Bielarski. The vote to select Bielarski as Chair was unanimous.
Carter then nominated Lawson as Vice Chair, and Skinner nominated Haslam. Bielarski seconded the nomination of Haslam, and Haslam was unanimously selected as Vice Chair.
Chair comments
Great start. To the board I would like to say thank you for taking on this challenge. Please do not pay any attention to the whining in the background. Please stay away from politics and NGO’s. Focus on the business first with All your customers in the equation. Have fun. Make it the only happy place in city government as it now stands.
Rarely has anyone had a chance to expose the truth.
Bielarski’s ego has no bounds, taking personal credit for the accomplishments of the 800 highly qualified employees of GRU. Shouting and raw emotion will not age well. He might make a good chair if he were to check the messiah attitude at the door and take a more conversational attitude with the rest of the board and allow staff to ground the board members in an organized manner with the current state of the business and imperatives before proceeding accordingly. It seems clear though that Ed is on a personal mission of repetitional cleansing and retribution against Ward and the rest of the commission for his termination. Beware his true motives.
Or … perhaps he was told to take the lead … in an effort to lead the other members.
Thanks, commissioner
Ironically, Ed didn’t support an oversight board when proposed as a referendum. He fought it because the city powers told him to, and then they fired him.
So, now Ed is in charge, but as a volunteer and with a vengeful heart.
Chefs kiss.
I fought it because it would have given the city commission the power to appoint the board. How do you think that would have worked?
I expect the Authority meetings will be far more PRODUCTIVE now!
At least we finally have a Chairman who knows exactly how the City Commission ran our utility into the ground and what it will take to try to fix it and take CONTROL of the agenda.
His ego has nothing to do with his ability to diagnose and treat this dying patient/GRU that continues to hemorrhage money.
It’s his knowledge, experience and willingness to promote good decision making based on DATA rather that what will please City Commissioners who refuse to make any SIGNIFICANT cuts to their massive staff, lavish salaries and bloated budgets.
The city commissioners want a chair that will continue having GRU customers pay for their out of control spending addiction.
The other board members are fortunate to have Ed Bielarski for their Chairman as well as GRU customers.
I think you are mistaken about the “ego”, it seeps into all phases of a persons life, whether they like it or not.
Reading the impressive resumes I feel we are progressing in a much needed forward motion. Thank you to Governor DeSantis for recognizing the need and his “true grit”. Lastly Ward Scott … God Bless … for his courage to stand up for Gainesville and his never ending quest to expose the incompetence rest easy ………..
Best wishes and best of luck to this authority, but I hope the city residents vote to strip their power. Bielarksi’s willing acceptance of this hostile takeover, shortly after he ran and lost a race to be the mayor, suggests he prefers getting even to solving problems, and has no loyalty to the citizens of Gainesville who built GRU and who still own it, though now wrongly stripped of control.
A serious attempt at fixing GRU would not have included this hostile takeover by the state GOP but instead would have passed an oversight board of experts to design and monitor steps to cure the problem without stripping the city of it’s legal rights. How does a mayoral candidate welcome this hostile takeover – he has – and if he had been elected, would he have then?
Wah! Wah! Wah! What a broken record you are!
Leaving the GNV CC or MGR (the true power in GNV) would never solve any GRU problems! Evidence is the past 10/20+ years of financial waste of taxpayers money by the GNV CC/Mayor, etc!
The City is broke and the spend happy thieves (AKA GNV Mayor, CC, MGR) are still going full bore on pet projects spending while threatening GNV taxpayers with cuts to security, emergency response, and on and on!
The State should appoint oversight of the GNV CC/Mayor and MGR!
Yeah, you’re right. I mean most of the posters here come up with new ideas all the time. It’s always such a feast of refreshing, fair, and comprehensive opinions. Not all of them say “corrupt demonrats should be locked up”. Some of them say “these far left idiots are just like pedojoe”. Where else can you find such intelligent comments, I mean other that at a Trump rally.
Corrupt demonrats should be locked up and the far left idiots are just like pedojoe.
You sure as he(( can’t find any intelligent comments on the Gainesville daily trash rag… the pansies that oversee that garbage publication are afraid of free speech!
You might notice, Jazzman, that neither Biden nor any other prominent Democrat politician can even draw people to a rally. Wonder why that is. They have to rely on liberal media to create their propaganda.
Say the governor and legislature put in an oversight board.
The very first time this board of experts tells the city something it didn’t like they would be denigrated as tools of the evil governor for taking away control of the utility from the city. Sound familiar?
The city commission has been consistent in their willingness to fire any manager of GRU who advises any action that was counter to their desires.
I think the focus needs to be on educating the public that this new ballot measure they are putting to the people in November will not only get rid of the GRUA, but it will also put GRU under the City Manager which is absolutely insane. One, that is far too much power for one City employee. Two, they only hire do-people for their tasks. Giving GRU over the CM will effectively bankrupt GRU. Forget the name calling and stick to the facts and simply educate the public on the implications of one person having control over that much of City government.
If it is placed under the management of that shill Curry, the misappropriations and redirecting of GRU profits will only continue.
Not only that, she’ll be crying for a new salary increase because of her new “responsibilities.” She’s already overpaid for what she contributes.
Great to have the new board. To echo other commenters, please ignore any and all political threats and dirty tricks from the City Commission, and just focus on running GRU.
They will try to smear the board members, they will threaten to raise taxes, cut services, file frivolous lawsuits, use any and every underhanded tactic imaginable, and blame it all on GRUA instead of ever acknowledging their own ineptitude and corruption that led us to the desperate state of GRU today.
Just stay the course and fix GRU.
I just want to know if the meetings will be televised or if tickets will have to be purchased.
Harvey’s head exploding will be comical to watch.
Give em hell Ed!
Thank you board members for volunteering your valuable time on this issue, it’s appreciated 🙏
Read his book.. it’s available on Amazon.
It’s very informative – and well worth the time.
I hear Bielarski presented an excellent powerpoint presentation about GRU. It would be a great public Chronicle service if you added a direct link to this presentation in the above article. Thanks.
You can find all GRUA files and videos linked below. The slides Ed showed are not published, but you can watch the recorded video of presentation linked below.
A link to the presentation has been added at the end of the article.
Put the voots to them Ed. Make ALL the free loaders pay.
I am encouraged by Ed’s selection as Chair- with the support of the two new members. I am troubled by Carter’s claim that he needs an attorney to talk to when GRU has retained competent independent legal counsel. Cunningham’s revelation about the specter of additional debt downgrades is for me the biggest takeaway. Two previous members wanted immediate action to stem the unsustainable hemorrhaging of GRU revenues into City coffers. Unless this happens soon, GRU will fail.
What should you fear more?
Career Politicans owning and running monopolies, when you vote once every four years (and lose half the time),
Government contracting with *some* businesses, when you $vote 365 days/yr (and win every time)?