Gainesville Alachua County Association of REALTORS® announces support for One Mill for Schools ballot initiative
Press release from Gainesville-Alachua County Association of Realtors
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — The Gainesville Alachua County Association of REALTORS® (GACAR) proudly announces its support for the One Mill for Schools ballot initiative. This crucial measure, which will appear on the upcoming election ballot, seeks to continue the funding necessary to maintain and enhance the quality of education in Alachua County public schools.
As an organization dedicated to fostering vibrant, thriving communities, GACAR recognizes that strong public schools are the cornerstone of a successful and prosperous community. The One Mill for Schools initiative has a proven track record of positively impacting our schools by providing essential funding for critical programs and staff, including art, music, and career/technical education programs, as well as school counselors, media specialists, and technology support.
GACAR President Gurske expressed the organization’s enthusiasm for the initiative, stating, “Supporting education is one of the best investments we can make for the future of our community. The One Mill for Schools initiative not only benefits our students but also strengthens our local economy by ensuring that our schools remain competitive and capable of attracting families and businesses to the area.”
The Gainesville Alachua County Association of REALTORS® encourages all community members to learn more about the One Mill for Schools initiative and to support this important measure at the polls. Quality education is vital to the growth and sustainability of our community, and continued support for our schools is a priority for GACAR and its members.
Public schools have become a woke disaster that need to be replaced by better ideas–private, home, charter schools that haven’t become cesspools of publicly funded ignorance. Vote against giving these masters of disaster any more resources to do their evil deeds.
Another group with their heads in the sand. In their words, “maintain and enhance the quality of education in Alachua County public schools.”
Maintain? Maintain what? One of the most consistently divisive programs in the state? For 20 years? They have admitted having no strategic plan and still don’t, except throw even more money at a problem they caused in the first place.
As the great leader Diyooooooone says: we needs change!!
Anyone else get their latest TRIM Notice?
The SBAC needs to manage their budget better to actually enhance the educational needs of the children, not enhance the pocketbooks of the district level administrators and their personally selected staff who do nothing for which they allude the one mill is intended.
Another “lottery” type supplement for local education.
If you want to give more money to a failed system, take it out of your pocket, not mine and everyone else’s comrade.
Vote NO! The more $$$ you give liberals the more they waste.
More Dem daycare security costs. Nuff said.
Voting a certain way b/c a realtor association tells you to 🤣.
Of course the real estate people want a yes vote. They are experts on what is best for kids. The liberals will follow because of the hope and joy of a hollow $25,000 tax break promised. That is what Shamella and T.T.Vadar of the Soros Death Star are commanding it’s sheep to do.
2024 school board budget is approx $600,000,000 for approx 29,000 students.
It’s absurd to increase taxes once again. They have more than enough money…money isn’t the problem and any honest person realizes this. Cut the bureaucracy and spend the funds on actually educating the students.
That’s quite a budget. How many employees does the Alachua county school system have?
Looks like approx 4,800 employees and approx 1,500 teachers. **They makes employment stats very hard to find so please feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.**
For additional reference the 2017-18 budget was approx 350,000,000, or about a quarter billion dollars less than the current budget. Please tell me what has changed for the better over the past several years that supports this bloated budget. I’d wager that our schooling is much worse now than in 2018. Anyone who promotes another huge financial increase is either corrupt or brain dead.
Too many chiefs…
They don’t like sharing with the tribe either.
District level pay level vs instructional pay level percentages compared to other counties. Someone in the SBAC who usually jumps at the opportunity to provide answers should raise their hand.
That’s slightly more than $20,000 per student, which is more than adequate funding. Despite his funding, Alachua, county schools still have the greatest performance differential between majority and minority race/ethnicity students of any district in the state. I would love to see some stats on the percentage of the school board salary spent on classroom instruction versus administrative staff over the last 20 years.
No more taxes!!!
Absolutely not! Do better with the more than adequate budget you have.
So a group with no formal education, wants others to donate money that will end being wasted and probably make kids dumber