Gainesville City Commission delays decision on 25% increase in residential trash collection fee
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – At today’s General Policy Committee meeting, the Gainesville City Commission postponed a decision on increasing residential trash collection fees until at least January but increased the franchise fee for commercial trash haulers from 10% to 15%.
Status of the Zero Waste ordinances
Jared Lloyd, Public Works Operations Manager, reviewed the effective dates and current status of various pieces of the 2022 Zero Waste Ordinances.
The “Solid Waste” ordinance established new requirements for commercial establishments, including providing an equal number of receptacles for recycling as are provided for garbage, requiring pharmacies to provide a take-back program for prescription drugs, and requiring all properties that provide commercially-collected residential garbage service to also provide recycling service. Residential multi-family properties are required to provide a plan for diverting “usable and functioning household goods, furnishings, and electronics” instead of disposing of them when residents move out; properties with 200+ units were required to submit the plans by July 2023.
The “Food Waste” ordinance requires restaurants to separate food waste from the waste stream and deliver the food waste to a food waste processor; deadlines for implementation depend on the size of the restaurant.
Lloyd told the Commission that it is not practical to enforce the food waste sections of the ordinance due to a lack of infrastructure, but the City is currently partnering with nonprofit organizations for networking and resources. He later added, “That is changing, and that’s a good thing. We’re starting to see a lot of change in that area, and I believe the enforcement side of that and the diversion side of that is coming very soon.” He mentioned several large projects that are coming in the next few years and can be seen in the presentation.
Commissioner Reina Saco asked Lloyd to say more about his comment that the City has not collected all of the diversion plans from apartment complexes despite a deadline that was over a year ago “but we are starting to hit them up a little harder to try to get them to submit them.”
Lloyd said the issue is, “Where does it go, right?… We have a shortage of areas for it to go – they only have so much space they can store.” Saco said the City knew that “two, three years ago – that was why we phased it in as we did.” Lloyd said the City is “actively trying to find solutions.”
Moving on to the topic of “pay as you throw” trash collection, Lloyd said the program “encourages recycling through reduction in cart sizes and saving a dollar or two when you can” because residents can opt for smaller carts with a lower monthly fee. A resident can request a different cart for a one-time fee of $15.
City is negotiating a 10-year contract with a single trash hauler
Lloyd said the City is in the process of negotiating a 10-year contract with a single hauler to handle trash pickup from single-family garbage, recycling, bulk, and yard waste; multi-family garbage, recycling, and bulk trash; and commercial garbage and bulk trash. He said they can’t do commercial recycling due to a state statute. The contract would require the hauler to have electric or bio-diesel garbage and recycling trucks that would reduce emissions by 80% within two or three years, “or they would have to prove that the technology doesn’t exist.” The contract is expected to be signed by October 1.
The new contract will require the company to purchase new trucks (at $575,000 each) and new garbage carts for 28,000 homes.
25% increase in residential cart fees would shore up the Solid Waste Fund
The City’s annual costs for solid waste collection have increased about $3 million since 2019, so the department proposed a 25% increase in residential cart fees that would increase the charge for each cart size by $5-$10 per month. The monthly fee for the largest cart, for example, would go from $40.75 to $50.94. Staff also recommended a 15% franchise fee for commercial haulers, up from the current 10% of gross revenues. The increase in cart fees would increase revenue by about $2.5 million dollars a year, and the franchise fees would increase revenue by about $730,000 a year.
Lloyd said that if the fees are not increased, the Solid Waste Fund (which is used to maintain roads) would be reduced by $4.4 million in FY25, but increasing the fees puts about $900,000 into the fund before withdrawals for roadway maintenance.
Previous increases were 5% every other year
In response to a question from Commissioner Bryan Eastman, Singleton said the fees have increased by 5% every other year for the past decade or so. Eastman said the 25% increase would be “a big increase, just in one single year.” He wanted staff to come back with multiple options, including the financial impact of each option, “so that we can not have as much of an impact on our ratepayers. Or maybe even look at where road money could come [from]… We need to get more money into roads and we need to be repaving those, but I don’t know if this is necessarily the right way.”
City Manager Cynthia Curry said staff “made the recommendation in order to set us on a path to not dig into the fund balance as much as we have been,… but we could wait and review this a little bit more, maybe come up with just some different scenarios.” But she said it was important to make a decision by January, “whether it’s 25%, whether it’s 15, 20, or whatever… Otherwise, we’ll get a hole in this fund, and we’ll have nowhere else to go.” She suggested moving forward with the increase in the franchise fee for commercial haulers and looking at cart fees again in January. She said waiting until January would reduce the Solid Waste Fund by about $630,000.
Commissioner Ed Book said, “There’s not a circumstance where I would vote to raise the cart fees 25%,” but he said he would consider a “phased-in approach.”
Saco said that given the current “cone of silence” on the waste hauler contract, the public will have more information on the City’s costs after the contract is signed. She said she had been prepared to vote for the 25% increase “because we have a lot of trash, and it’s not getting any better, and our department’s been doing the best that it can with what it has.” She said she was uncomfortable with delaying the fee increase, “but if that is the will [of the Commission], I will go with it.”
Commissioner Casey Willits said, “25% in one year is too much for me,” but he said he would support 5% or 10%, and he supported the recommended increase in the franchise fee.
Commissioner Desmon Duncan-Walker said she would like staff to come back with options because she wanted to “move forward with addressing what we know we have to do as a City, but also in terms of protecting the most vulnerable amongst our ratepayers.”
Commissioner Cynthia Chestnut supported the increase in the franchise fee but wanted staff to come back, “perhaps by the end of the year or so,” with options to raise cart fees; she favored phasing in higher fees and explaining to the public why they will be increased.
First motion
Eastman made a motion to increase the franchise fee to 15% and ask staff to return with multiple scenarios for funding the Solid Waste Fund. Chestnut seconded the motion.
During public comment, Jim Konish asked why trash collection fees are on the monthly utility bill: “If you don’t pay this bill, they cut your electricity off.”
After public comment, Book said the City had let this problem build up for several years, so “I think that the City does take the burden at this point, as opposed to putting it on our neighbors, and we deal with this delay to figure out what our other options are, while still increasing the franchise fee.”
The motion passed unanimously.
Second motion
Book made a motion to direct City staff to conduct a public relations campaign to inform residents that fee increases are coming and that they can reduce the size of their carts to reduce their monthly costs. The motion passed unanimously.
I delayed this decision because I feel 25% is not enough as I mentioned previously I feel we should raise it. 125%. I can never bring in enough money to satisfy my spending habit. Furthermore, it doesn’t matter what I do because the commoners I rule over are dumb and keep voting myself and people like me in the power to constantly stand upon their throats.
All this bitchin’, complaining, griping, & whining won’t do anything to improve the lives of the community until the real trash sitting in city hall gets taken to the dump.
You want change? Make it at the polls
@That’s the way it is: Yes, we plan on voting, obviously, but we’re also going to share our personal experiences and raise valid questions that deserve to be answered. Thanks!
That’s great! Even better if you vote for anyone who isn’t currently sitting on a chair looking down on their subjects from behind a dais.
Remember, they’re not going to give you the answers to your questions.
>>The (10-year) contract would require the hauler to have electric or bio-diesel garbage and recycling trucks that would reduce emissions by 80% within two or three years, “or they would have to prove that the technology doesn’t exist.” The contract is expected to be signed by October 1.
>>The new contract will require the company to purchase new trucks (at $575,000 each) and new garbage carts for 28,000 homes.
What are they going to do with the existing garbage carts they will be replacing? Each one has like 50 lbs. of plastic. It would be more environmentally responsible (and more friendly to our wallets) to keep the existing trucks and carts. They are living in a fantasyland at our expense.
True carts last n design to last for decades n trucks as well. Looks like driving up costs
28,000 new cart there’s not even 28,000 new resident Apts or homes . It’s driving up costs and not budget friendly it phasing out those people who are here…. costs excided budgets : makes debts and opens doors for new more affluent full time residents,more snowbirds.
Sad 😔 to me reduce reuse recycle ♻️
We may end up with no garbage service and having to burn our trash in the back yard or throw it in the woods
If it only cost $15 to replace this group of idiots I’m sure the majority of Gainesville residents would do it in a heartbeat.
They’re not even worth recycling.
How much longer are you dumb dumpster Democrats going to continue electing this type of trash to raise your every day expenses?
I guess we’ll see just how dumb you really are this November.
The dumb dems need to be caged themselves. What idiots..Wasted tens of millions over the last 10 years (Biomass, Reichert House, dead end projects, annual rental inspection horse crap and fighting for it in the courts, attracting homeless with dignity village & Grace Marketplace, Santuary City on and on. Separating food totally idiotic and further costing more that they have. They all need thrown out of town…I pray the state will take over in receivership and Gangsvile city comm will no longer exist…
Is this for the recycling carts or the fee for dumping trash in general?
After recycling for years I stopped because I
Don’t care ✨
Don’t give up on reduce reuse recycle
Possie up🐎🏇🏽🏇🏽🏇🏽🏇🏽🫏 get going Jessie James gang are going going going gone.
The city DOES NOT RECYCLE. Over 3/4 of the stuff you try to recycle (with the triangle) is not accepted for recycling. It is just a smoke and mirrors BS by the Democrat politicians and bureaucrats.
That’s why all my recycling goes in the garbage (without a second thought).
I don’t participate in stupidity.
I’m thinking they limited the vendors interested in putting in a bid with this stipulation, dunno tho’
” The contract would require the hauler to have electric or bio-diesel garbage and recycling trucks that would reduce emissions by 80% within two or three years…”
Plus the half a million dollars is underbid…waiting list fir that equipment is long….
I don’t invision alot of contact bids either… costs n population will increase as the county grows ….
But the bid contact is ten (10) years…ouch…
Do they use electric vehicles to cut the trees and transport it to that biomass plant?
How much CO2 does that put out?
Maybe the plan is to turn the biomass plant into a trash incinerator to burn all those paper straws that end up in the dump.
Are the restaurants going to have to sort those?
It’s getting so expensive to go out to a restaurant that only the people who get welfare checks will be going out.
This will start the trend of going with cheapest option by residents on container. Once filled do like the vast City Ambassador Corps do throw it on the ground or pile it up in the parks.
How much are the recyclables worth?
How much cash do they get for the plastic, paper, glass, aluminum cans?
Nowhere in these discussions does this come up?
Aluminum brings almost $1/lb‼️
Yeah…the metaloids go around picking out the aluminum cans from the recycling bins…it’s a lot of $ they get! Good question about how much the city or whomever is getting the cash for it and its hundreds of tons of aluminum cans, tin cans, plastic, cardboard,
Paper and paper straws…
What did they do with all those dirty c19 face masks? That’s like dirty Biowaste. Did they compost that or do we have a c19 waste dump spreading Covid from Sicko sakos dirty face diapers?
They burn it at the incinerator off us441 . Alachua County has an incinerator..built like 40 years ago … still works people…
Thinks it off 441 .
Never heard of that. I hope it’s generating electricity…what are the things they burn there? I think you’re thinking about the tree burning biomass plant that ruined GRU and put us $1billion in debt a la Hanrahan to stop
Fake climate change global warming BS… UN & WEF use fear to control the people that we are going to be under water…they used the big lie C19 to implement great reset. Google Schwab great reset Covid should come up..
Those should go into the biomass plant to dispose of that bio-waste. Sicko Sako & that other fat commi thing with glasses on the ACSB will keep them in biz with all their infectious c19 face diapers.
They can burn the paper straws &
Bio waste face diapers to generate electricity…there’s all sorts of things they can put in the biomass incinerator….pizza boxes, fast food trash, etc…
Yes, who gets the $ from the recycling? That should go towards lowering our garbage bills.
I want to know about the money made from the recycling and how many millions of dollars they get from GNV’s waste stream! That could lower our utility bills. They need to get efficient and sort all the trash for recyclables and compost the compostables…not talk about electric trucks or co2.
They obfuscate the issue. Their dirty little secret they don’t want you to know about…
The recycle program does not make money. It costs money, just like the rest of the left’s ‘green’ programs.
Take note 📝 all reusable makes more jobs…all recyclable ♻️ makes more products
GNV recycle doesn’t pay; it costs. It never was expected to be profitable. In fact, the recycling program does not recycle and costs way more than regular garbage pick up.
Roger: that’s what they make you think. Follow the money on what they get for plastic, glass, tin cans,
Aluminum cans…they gas light us!
There recycle program is ludicrous. Put it all in one can and
Process it correctly!
They’re in denial of Bidenomics in an election year, not proud of it?
Bidenomics 101
First, spend spend spend to pay back voters…
That spikes inflation, increases crime, closes businesses…
Inflation raises unemployment, homelessness and misery — creating *more* demand for Gov’t programs…
And inflation makes workers get 2nd, 3rd jobs — falsely “lowering” official unemployment rates while upping human stress, coping addictions (and gov’t programs)…
Then, take credit when added regulations cause economic slowdown, deflation, Fed Bank rate cuts… but more lost retail jobs since consumers have less time to go out…
Fourth, hand baton to Kamala, hit repeat 🔁
Just like the Trump crash of 2020, worldwide inflation was covid driven realJK.
“Joe Biden is mostly right that the US inflation rate is the lowest among other leading economies.
Starting in July, the U.S. passed Canada for the lowest inflation rate among the G-7 countries, which represent some of the world’s biggest economies. And for the previous five months, the U.S. ranked a close second to Canada for lowest in the G-7.
Expanding out to a larger grouping of 30-plus large economies, the U.S. has one of the lowest inflation rates. However, a few countries — Denmark, Greece, Portugal, South Korea, Spain and Switzerland — have lower inflation than the U.S. does…”
When Trump was still president in 2020 The Congress passed and he signed tax give aways meant to pump the economy and avoid a deflationary depression. When BIden took office another similar bill was passed and signed and Trump advocated that it include a $2000 payment to tax payers instead of the $1200 Biden favored and which passed. Look it up.
In fact we avoided the depression which was feared and a long term recession which almost everyone agreed was coming. Wage growth in the US has outpaced inflation, which is now under 3% while employment has set records.
Jazmine, inflation has largely been driven by increased fuel transportation costs. And the excess demand for goods, services, and places to live resulting from importing an extra 15 million+ people, most of whom are consuming vast amounts of taxpayer money.
The rest of the world doesn’t have a corrupt lying leader who shut down their energy production and opened their borders.
You would really have to be an idiot to think the job market is “good,” especially here in commie-retardVille.
“While the rising number of immigrants in the US has sowed division among politicians across the country — and stoked angst among a swath of voters — there’s one place where almost everyone seems on the same, upbeat, page: Wall Street.
Last month, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) calculated that immigration will generate a $7 trillion boost to gross domestic product over the next decade. The agency came to that conclusion after incorporating the recent surge in immigration.
The CBO release spurred a flurry of fresh number-crunching among investment bank economists, to account for the boost those new comers are giving to the labor force and consumer spending. Goldman Sachs Group Inc. revised up its near-term economic growth forecasts Sunday. JPMorgan Chase & Co. and BNP Paribas SA were among banks that acknowledged the economic impact from surging immigration in recent weeks.
“Immigration is not just a highly charged social and political issue, it is also a big macroeconomic one,” Janet Henry, global chief economist at HSBC Holdings Plc, wrote in a note to clients Tuesday. No advanced economy is benefiting from immigration quite like the US, and “the impact of migration has been an important part of the US growth story over the past two years.”…”
“March 11, 2024
United States produces more crude oil than any country, ever.
The United States produced more crude oil than any nation at any time, according to our International Energy Statistics, for the past six years in a row. Crude oil production in the United States, including condensate, averaged 12.9 million barrels per day (b/d) in 2023, breaking the previous U.S. and global record of 12.3 million b/d, set in 2019. Average monthly U.S. crude oil production established a monthly record high in December 2023 at more than 13.3 million b/d…”
“…unemployment has been at or below 4% for 30 months—the longest stretch in 50 years…”
Jazz: it was the Obama crash of 2008 and the quantitave easing and resulting inflation to lessen the fall why we are in bad shape.
And then the ARPA fund BS that I
Hope Trump puts all elected officials in prison who misused them like giving it to hippodrome.
They should have given it to the utility rate payers to help them out over time…not to rich people who want to go the the opera in their tuxedos & Prius
Obama was not the president until 2009.
Want to try that again?
You didn’t read my full comment. Deflation is just as bad as inflation. And thank Kamala for her 33 senate tiebreaker votes for that bipolar economy.
Deflation is worse than inflation as long as inflation is controlled at low levels. Deflation is what panicked everyone in 2008 and 2020.
Yes paying less for something is far Worse than paying more for the same thing! Low prices are just the work of the devil! You are an idiot JMan! Debtors love inflation they can pay back their debts with cheaper money. Savers are the ones robbed by inflation because it steals purchasing power. JMan do you actually know what inflation and deflation mean. Only debtors, economists, & governments are afraid of deflation and our government is in huge debt! The dollar is based on debt that is why the TPTB fear deflation. Oh and Obama was partial president with Bush in late 2008 because of the GFC! Pepperidge Farms remembers Obama got George the 2nd to bailout Gm before Barry got sworn into office.
More leftist delusional thinking.
OP: what you’re describing is actually the Cloward-Piven plan, which itself is a thinly-disguised power grab.
Kool Aid is sweet but has no nutritional value. These fees and storm water are tied to the City GRU Residential electric meters and go on top of a juiced Customer Charge.
So our Communist City Commission wants to give a 10 year monopoly to one single waste company? How much money is under the table for this patently stupid idea. Where is the incentive to properly perform the service? And for now, they will settle for a 50% increase in the transfer fee (tax) for waste haulers. Gainesville is truly becoming a Communist run city.
Yes, and commercial service is monopolized. Our business service has gone up 40% on day one since there is no longer competition allowed for commercial pickup.
Instead of grocery stores, restaurants, and the like throwing out perfectly good, eatable food, make it available to the folk in need.
Spare me the legal scare tactics, that’s corporate America covering their ass.
Raise them garbage rates. Watch the cat food cans pile up at city hall. (A little garlic improves the flavor).
When the mall was it’s own part of Foxtrot zone, the food court used to donate the massive amounts of leftovers to St. Francis every evening. Eventually the health department/codes/someone did not allow them to donate the food any longer. Tons of it went into the dumpster outside every night.
GRU bills the City $300,000 per year to collect the monthly residential garbage fees on the utility account that are active and writes off the bad debts. The County tax collector would charge $100000 per year with virtually no bad debt whether the power is or or off. $200000 additional unrealized surplus revenue. The most county’s and city’s bill this way for less paperwork ,a more dependable revenue stream and easier accountability. And why is the City using inflated garbage rates to pay for road construction. Charge the true cost for garbage collection and finance road construction improvement by increasing the city’s commercial and residential tax millage rates. It’s a the transparent method that spreads the cost evenly to all users of the infrastructure.
Good comment 👍 another example of the spaghetti accounting that’s been done between gru and the city. Clean up the books please Mr. Bialarski
Hmmm….raise fees instead of cutting unnecessary items like a holiday parade, funding non-profits, replacing park signage as names were changed, hiring consultants constantly to study new ways to burden citizens. All while not properly maintaining roads and other infrastructure that are one of the core services. The scale has tipped and those elected by 10% or less of those able to vote should slide off. It is time for change on the commission!
I’m leaving Gainesville and Alachua County as well.
Looking at surrounding areas who are not governed be these feckless fools.
Attempting to make sense of my GRU bill proves we all are being robbed.
I wonder why they didn’t go ahead and pass the increase since they clearly plan to do it in January…
Maybe because they don’t want to rile people up while GRU governance is on the ballot?
There is clearly a desire to do this AFTER the election.
Even if the referendum passes – there’s zero chance control will go back to the city.
It will be litigated in courts for – all with an injunction in the interim.
Instead wasting time, the local Communists should get a job and do something more productive in their lives.
There’s no point in getting the GRU rates under control if the city just raises the prices on other things to make up the difference.
The authorities need to step in and remove them from any and all finacial decisions . If they run out of things to screw up, just go home like Saco. The less they are supposedly working maybe the carnage will be reduced. Total failures and stewards of the taxpayers money. The LGBrandon agenda just does not work.
Maybe you have “a lot of trash” because the recycling is not being picked up! I have to email the city almost on a weekly basis. I put my recycling bins out the night before the scheduled pick up day, but nine times out of 10 the recycling bins are not picked up! I finally just gave up and started putting all of my recycling in the regular trash bin and a big yellow overflow bag, which I have to extra pay for, and then I’m considered a “wasteful” person because I had to put things in a yellow overflow bag! Well, pick up my recycling then!!!
“the Gainesville City Commission postponed a decision on increasing residential trash collection fees until at least January”
Because there’s elections this November?
“The law, which asks restaurants to stop using single-use plastic waste and require some tossed items to be donated, went into effect on Sept. 2 (2022). The city of Gainesville code of ordinances states the penalty for violations will be a fine of up to $500 or jail time up to 60 days.”