Gainesville City Commission directs Mayor to send the President a letter asking for a ceasefire in Gaza
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Following the General Public Comment period at today’s Gainesville City Commission, the Commission voted unanimously to ask Mayor Harvey Ward to write a letter to President Biden, Rep. Cammack, and Florida’s Senators, requesting humanitarian treatment of all and a ceasefire in Gaza.
Sixteen people spoke during General Public Comment, asking the Commission to introduce and pass a resolution for a ceasefire in Gaza. Several people said Israel and the United States are guilty of “genocide” and have “blood on our hands.” Others said Israel is “slaughtering innocent people.”
Some of those who spoke represented Jewish Voices for Peace and also supported an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. They made the argument that opposing Israel’s actions in Gaza is not antisemitism. One representative of that group said, “It is particularly confusing for many to weigh in, when Jewish identity has been instrumentalized to further Western hegemonic agenda in the Middle East, and, by design, any critical questioning of Israel’s actions is met with allegations of antisemitism.”
Sample resolution
Abigail Fletcher referred to the sample resolution she had sent to Commissioners; that resolution states that the City “(1) Urges the Biden administration to immediately call for and facilitate de-escalation and a ceasefire to urgently end the current violence; and (2) Calls upon the Biden administration to ensure the provision of humanitarian aid, and enable reliable access to clean water, electricity and other human necessities for people in Gaza.”
A letter in lieu of a resolution
Following the public comment session, Ward said, “Traditionally–and I’m not inclined to break tradition, because then we’ll be doing it all the time–we don’t add resolutions at the last minute. There are other avenues to follow.” He suggested that since the Commission’s next meeting is three weeks away, the Commission may want to direct him to “send a letter on our behalf in lieu of a resolution… I believe, as Gandhi told us, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. That’s real. There are people who feel as passionately who are not here today.”
“This is about peace, and I don’t have a problem with sending a letter saying, ‘Please stop shooting each other.'” – Mayor Harvey Ward
Ward said he didn’t want to get into a pattern where one group shows up at one meeting, then another group shows up at the next meeting to oppose the previous group. He continued, “This should not be about that. It’s about human life. This is about peace, and I don’t have a problem with sending a letter saying, ‘Please stop shooting each other.'”
Commissioner Casey Willits pointed out that there is a large Jewish community at the University of Florida and that one of Gainesville’s sister cities is in Israel near the border. Referring to the October 7 attacks on Israeli civilians, he said, “It seems like some of our sister communities could have been in the crosshairs of the violence.”
Willits: “What happened on October 7 was horrendous”
Willits said he had received “dozens and dozens” of emails “talking about the apartheid of Palestinians within Israel and Palestine… And I’m gonna say very clearly how disappointed I was… that none of them mentioned Hamas, none of them mentioned the children of Israel that were killed.” He said he was glad that some of the people who had spoken today acknowledged that “what happened on October 7 was horrendous, and it’s a massacre and immoral and against probably every single person’s value system.” Willets said he saw value to a “humanitarian pause… I think there’s a real window… Ending this military action, I think, rightly, is the best thing for Israel, for Israelis, and for Jews across the world.”
“Ending this military action, I think, rightly, is the best thing for Israel, for Israelis, and for Jews across the world.” – Commissioner Casey Willits
Commissioner Bryan Eastman said, “It hits all of us a little bit harder when you see an image of a three-, four-, or five-year-old that has been harmed both during the initial attack from Hamas and then all the horrible photos coming out of Palestine.” He deferred to Commissioner Reina Saco for “some ideas on how to move forward with this, but… we need these things to stop.”
Saco makes the motion to write a letter
Saco said she was previously placed on a watch list for Canary Mission “because I had spoken out, because I was a member of SJP [Students for Justice in Palestine], and I had spoken out against the last bombing of Gaza and the last time children were being murdered. And that had me put on a watch list as an antisemite, because I said we shouldn’t bomb children.” She acknowledged that it wasn’t a good idea to pass a resolution the same day, so she made a motion “that the City Commission authorize the Mayor to write a letter requesting humanitarian treatment of all and a ceasefire; I will leave the rest to [the Mayor].”
Ward said the letter will go out tomorrow to the President, to Rep. Kat Cammack, and to Senators Rick Scott and Marco Rubio; he added, “I would hope, despite my experience, that we all value human life and that peace should be an objective and a ceasefire would be palatable. And I’m happy to be directed to do that.”
Commissioner Ed Book said the way “we make a difference in the worldwide landscape is what we do and how we treat each other locally… I feel like that’s where we set our goals, as a local elected official… The efforts that we do as City elected officials say that everybody matters.”
Ward thanked the public for the “respectful manner in which you approached us today.”
The motion passed unanimously, with Commissioner Cynthia Chestnut and Desmon Duncan-Walker absent.
Nothing Shitlibs like more than virtue signaling.
Hamas is a terror organization and they have command centers in hospitals and schools. Israel absolutely has a right to defend itself. Hamas brutally murdered thousands of ppl and their goal is to wipe Israel off the map. The city needs to focus on cleaning up the cesspool it created and stay in their own lane. Remember that the city represents the ppl; you have no right to speak for the citizens on this.
Yeah, sure, a letter from the Gainesville Florida City Commission is guaranteed to really make a difference on the national and international scene. I can picture it now, Prezident Bribem picks upt he phone and calls PM Netanyahu: “Hello, Ben, I just received a letter from Gainesville FL CC, and well, it’s really movingly heartfelt, so I think that we need to seriously rethink things here . . .” Netanyahu: “Oh boy, gosh, you’re probably right, let me see if I can get Haniyeh and Sinwar on the line, maybe we can just talk this out, now that the Gainesville FL CC has put in their oar.”
Best comment ever!!! I was thinking the exact same thing like what is a letter from gainesville really gonna do lol
Didn’t them sticking us with paper straws save the turtles from having plastic straws in their noses on the other side of the world and the biomass plant stop climate change? There letter will do zero, like zero waste by 2045. They are out of their jurisdiction…
Desantis needs to step in and say the only thing local governments can do is provide essential services within their boundaries.
Lol. You nailed it. These morons think their power goes beyond Alachua County. Typical narcissistic behavior with their grandiose behavior. Focus on Gainesville and fix the roads!
Yes Carmi!!!! Exactly what I was thinking. They’re such a joke 🤣
So obviously a lame attempt at a virtue signal. Did any of them mention the hostages? Call out the terrorist monsters that planned the attack on Oct 7th that slaughtered innocent people?
This CC is 100% predictable. This shocks no one.
Just another bad case of political “Do-something-itis.”
Hamas is guilty of war crimes and genocide! Hamas invaded Palestine, and put the Palestinians in the middle. Forcing unbearable acts. Just saying some people need to look at the full picture rather than claiming it’s Israel’s fault.
I think Ward and the rest of the Commissioners should go over and beg Hamas to put value on the Israeli citizens. Wonder if Saco spoke out against the atrocities committed against Israelis by Hamas?
Israel can and should blow Hamas to Hell. If those who spoke against it don’t like it, send them over to protest. Hamas has shown just how much they “value” human life.
Hamas doesn’t take too kindly to people, especially Americans, who can’t decide what gender they are and don’t understand that same sex couples aren’t able to reproduce on their own.
Yes, please send City and County Commissioners to meet with Hamas. I’m sure we can find money in budget.
It’s so cool having these ethnic squabbles between desert tribes of the levant happening right here in north central florida. I love multiculturalism.
Maybe the CITY should spend its time worrying about our schools, the weekly shootings and the ugly developments they allow to be built; and not worrying about a bunch of hyphenated Americans whining about dirt thousands of miles away. Just a thought.
They can’t keep panhandlers out of street medians and we are having a vagrant crisis .the face masks has sent to much C02 to their brains.
Bully City Commissioners just can’t do their Basic Duties. They better get real serious about the agenda established by the new GRU Utility Board. If they took money in transfers over and above GRU profits there are ways for GRU ratepayers to Claw that back. You think that 29% rate hike was a jolt? Hang on because this could be Epic to the City of Gainesville’s financial demise they have created. Their politics are just plain dumb and accountability is coming.
No different than the Feds with their 35 trillion in debt with no chance of ever paying it off. We’re doomed by irresponsible politicians everywhere.
Next will be protests blocking your streets AC County/GNV! The Hamas/Hezbollah terrorists know no boundaries and do not accept being governed by US Laws! Support them at your own peril!
It would nice if we could live in peace.
But some have chosen to hate…more than they love their children.
No nation. Would ever allow the in justice of the October 7th assault to take place without some level of justice for those abused, tortured or lost.
Every major religion in the world has had a reformation.
Except one.
And they are not Jews.
I am not sure what you are even talking about.
A city that can not fix pot holes has little to say to anyone else.
100%! Perspective is essential.
Well if the City of Gainesville Commission makes any type of statement its safe to assume they are wrong. What a joke these people are.
I say keep going until you get all you can of Hamas. All these animals understand is force and Israel needs to continue applying it. Remember these are the same Palestinians who were celebrating on 9/11.
Unfortunately there has never been and never will be peace in the middle east. What we really need is to stop pouring our tax dollars into that part of the world.
Harvey’s ego is so out of control that he thinks The White House and Congress will even pay attention to him. Harvey, who? This guy has no idea how to run a city! Typical liberal that instead of worrying about the issues we have in town, wants his face known by “pretending” he cares about humanitarian causes. How about taking care of the homeless problems and veterans in Gainesville? How about worrying that traffic and roads are awful and schools are over crowded?
Liberals are a cancer to the world.
Leftist Liberals serve their master, Satan, well. Usually serving in complete ignorance of this relationship due to their prideful, self-righteous hearts.
In 1890, Austrian Rabbi, Nathan Birnbaum, invented the words “Zionism” and Zionist” to express the spiritual and mystical desire that a covenant with God would eventually allow Jews to return to their homeland. When Zionism was adopted by the secular heretics of non-spiritual members as an aggressive movement that would eventually force a Jewish state ahead of God’s plan, Birnbaum disavowed the new “Zionism” because the term had become re-defined and corrupted away from his original peaceful intent and the teachings of the Torah.
The Orthodox Jewish sect of Neturie Karta understand how the current disaster in Palestine is a product of the corrupted interpretation of Zionism intended only as a mystical term. Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss from Neturei Karta International explains the Orthodox view –
Today, Israel’s Zionism has devolved into a Military-Industrial-Zionist Complex, aided and abetted by Zionist industrial partners in the US federal government and DoD.
In one example, President Biden – an avowed Catholic – proudly claims he’s a Zionist. He made this claim twice. When Biden was a Senator he said, “… I am a Zionist. You don’t have to be a Jew to be a Zionist”. As President, Joe Biden made a similar claim, “You need not be a Jew to be a Zionist.” Here is the clip:
What a bunch of idiot puppets. There’s no such thing as “proportional war”. Hamas had years long ceasefire to only squander Gaza’s resources for terrorism again.
Hamas must be erased and Gaza taken back until Palestinians learn to live like good civilized neighbors. No matter how long that takes.
Any call for ceasefire in Gaza should be aimed at Hamas and demand that they lay down their arms and surrender, not Israel which has a legal and moral right to self defense. Hamas’s leadership has promised to repeat the barbarism of 10/7 and a ceasefire which leaves them hidden in Gaza is exactly their goal and rewards their medieval behavior.
Dam jazzman for once I totally with you
Just for the record: I checked. Gravity is still working.
Had to check. Jazz nailed this one.
I had to pinch myself to make sure what I was seeing was real.
There is hope. Perhaps we can coexist.
I know it’s shocking that he did
Excellent reporting, Jennifer.!
OMG, as if the mayor’s letter will have any effect on whether there’s a ceasefire or not. Biden has some pull but he can’t control what netanyahu does as shown by what we’ve been watching for the last month. This is a publicity ploy and ridiculous in my opinion. Why doesn’t the mayor do a fundraiser to raise money for all the Palestinian people that have been affected by this war and include the Israelis who have lost a loved one in this war. That’s much more effective than a stupid letter.
I agree with having a Cease Fire. Bombs are much easier.
The morons continue to respond to the tug of the puppet masters. Fund Ukraine…..condemn Israel….maybe they are Epstein’s list as well and are being pressured to respond…..? Just kidding. They are on a ‘list’, but are far to unimportant to have been on that one.
Maybe those who want a “letter” sent will hand deliver it to Hamas and volunteer to be a disrupter in some of the tunnels.
The only justice for Hamas would be to gas or seal off the entire tunnel system.
Even if the loss of the 200 or so hostages would be tragic, it would be worth the collateral damage knowing that the terrorist group who call themselves Hamas are eradicated from Gaza. Seal them up and let them devour one another in an effort to stay alive. They deserve as inhumane a death as possible.
By the way, anyone else notice where Israeli citizens are purchasing firearms to protect themselves and their families? Take heed, if you’re legally able – you may want to do the same.
Do these fools (Commissioners) know how Jewish students away from home attending U.F. are probably living in fear. Especially when they the commissioners just added to their fear by agreeing with Hamas brainwashed people. This city should put people on notice Gainesville is a safe place to live no matter your religious beliefs. Have police been instructed to provide extra patrols around Jewish centers?
If we invite President Xi will Mayor Harvey Ward Ward finally clean up City of Gainesville, FL – Government? Asking for a homeless friend
Just another group showing their true colors and their hatred of Jews, shame on them, all good people can see right thru their facade.
Let’s stop bombing babies in the womb too. Geography shouldn’t matter.
Nothing but a publicity stunt…
Doesn’t the commission know the President can’t direct a cease fire in Gaza?
Maybe they should have cc’d Santa as well.
Just when I thought the City Commission could not be more stupid, they prove me wrong. Again. These useless idiots need to stick to fixing the MANY problems here in Gainesville. Leave global politics to the federal government. The absolute pandering shown by this group of mentally challenged individuals is staggering. They should ALL be voted out by special referendum for failing to represent their LOCAL constituents.
More of the same…’fiddling while Gville turns into a homeless encampment’.
I’m glad these dingbats are focused on the important things – instead of minor issues such as potholes, increased crime, et al.
It’s the effects of inflated self-importance.
“Darn it, Jill, I’d like to take action, but my hands are tied until I hear from the City Commission.”
What do they think a letter from little nothing wokeville is going to do. Israel, should keep on until hamas is totally eliminated. and the so call 16 who wants the letter sent pack their bags and get the hell out of this country
These idiots asking for a cease fire in Gaza need to go to Israel and ask for a cease fire as Biden doesn’t have a say so! It’s a war and innocent people get killed, Hamas don’t give a dam as Hamas killed innocent people in Israel
Let me know how that works out for ya Harvey.
He should send a letter to Hamas suggesting they surrender to Israel. This would end the bloodshed instantly.
I think staying out of it would have served the commission better. Served your Jewish residents and college community better. There are Jewish people all over Gainesville that are afraid. Taking a position at all is not what you are elected to do. I didn’t show up because I was told over a dozen anti Israel demonstrators were speaking. I m very very disappointed and concerned regarding this commission decisions.
Who cares? They need to worry about issues impacting people living in Gainesville. What a stupid bunch of people. It’s no wonder the finances are a mess.
They’re the biggest bunch of idiots. Everyone needs to keep their noses out of it and let Israel do what they need to do.Do they really think Hamas is going to cease fire? Hamas doesn’t care about rules or laws. Hello Gainesville City Commission Idiots – hamas are terrorists. Do you know what that means?
I hope Israel army kills every single Hamas member no matter where they are. Thankfully Netanyahu isnt going to listen to Biden. There should be no aid money either because there’s no telling if it will end up with Hamas. Palestine hates America anyway so why should they get any aid money from America.
Israel is reparations for Turks and Arabs siding with the losing side both times, in WW I and WW II. Why should they get a third try?