Gainesville City Commission votes to nearly double their own salaries
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – The Gainesville City Commission voted 4-1, with Commissioner Desmon Duncan-Walker in dissent and Commissioners Reina Saco and Harvey Ward absent, to almost double their future salaries on first reading; the second reading is scheduled for December 15.
The initiative, championed by Commissioner Adrian Hayes-Santos, will tie future commissioner salaries to a formula in Florida Statutes that uses population to calculate the salaries of county commissioners. City commissioners currently make $37,085.85 and would make $71,015.09 if the change were made in January 2023, based on current estimates. The mayor currently makes $47,199.21 and would go up to $88,768.86 if the change were made in January. However, the commission is projected to get a cost-of-living increase in January under the current ordinance, and the new increase, if passed on second reading, would take effect in January 2024.
Duncan-Walker tried to postpone the issue during agenda approval
Duncan-Walker made a motion at the very beginning of the meeting to continue the issue to the new commission, which will be sworn in on January 5, 2023. However, she lost the vote, 4-1, foreshadowing the final vote when they finally got to the agenda item at the end of the meeting.
Saco and Ward were both absent for the whole meeting; Mayor Lauren Poe said at the last meeting that he believes Saco will be taking a leave of absence until January 5, but the City told us there were no responsive records in response to our request for any documents related to a leave of absence for Saco.
The city commission will have to increase the City’s budget to account for the increased salaries, and according to the backup provided in the agenda, the impact is estimated to be $290,000 – $403,000 per year.
Five members of the public stayed to the end of the meeting to comment
When they got to the item, which had been advertised for the afternoon session but was instead moved to the end of the evening business after Poe called for a recess at 4:30, Hayes-Santos made the motion to approve the ordinance, and Commissioner David Arreola seconded the motion.
During public comment, Jo Beaty said it was “very suspicious that you waited until after the election so it couldn’t be an election issue.” She and other commenters referred to an analysis published yesterday in MainStreet Daily News that compared Gainesville’s city commission salaries to Ocala’s and Jacksonville’s. Alachua Chronicle did a similar analysis in 2019 and also found that Gainesville city commissioners’ pay was in line with other Florida cities.
“I find it very interesting that when you wanted to pass something the other day and Ms. Saco wouldn’t come back, you recessed the meeting and didn’t do the items that were on there because you probably would have had a 3-3 vote, and it would have failed. And now you don’t say, ‘Well, let’s postpone this because we have two people out.'” – Jo Beaty
Beaty also took issue with the reasoning that a higher salary will attract better candidates: “I object to that… There’s been no shortage of good, qualified people.” She added, “I find it very interesting that when you wanted to pass something the other day and Ms. Saco wouldn’t come back, you recessed the meeting and didn’t do the items that were on there because you probably would have had a 3-3 vote, and it would have failed. And now you don’t say, ‘Well, let’s postpone this because we have two people out.'”
Debbie Martinez said they should put the proposal out to the voters and added, “This appears to me to be an out-and-out power grab, and using a fear tactic, by some, to imply that having highly-paid members of the Gainesville City Commission will prevent them from being corrupt.” She asked them to reject the item or, at the very least, postpone it until the new commission is sworn in.
Tana Silva told the commissioners that their duties have “mushroomed” due to their own decisions–she said that she counted 132 total public meetings on the 2015 calendar, and there were 303 public meetings last year. She said that restructuring the committee system “can help restore some reasonable use of City resources and commission members’ time and staff time… and alleviate the burden on staff.” She suggested that they “put this aside and go about letting the next commission restructure, return some sense and reasonable priority-setting measures, and let them decide on their salaries… or put it to a vote [of the public].”
Labor unions argue the salary increase will hurt morale
Jenn Powell, the labor organizer for the Communications Workers of America Local 3170, said the union has reopened the wage article of their contract for negotiation. She said, “Of course, we have been told there is no money for wage increases, and if we want to see wage increases, we must find the money ourselves–you can look at the minutes, they basically say that.”
Powell said the commissioners’ salaries are already scheduled to increase to $40,386, based on inflation, “and that is more than can be said for the CWA employees,” who are getting a 2.5% raise, “and inflation has destroyed that.”
Powell said the City and GRU currently have a “serious retention problem,” so the union surveyed its members at the request of the City. 77% of employees who completed the survey said their biggest concern was that wages are not keeping up with inflation. 71% said they were actively seeking employment elsewhere. She concluded, “This move… may be a cause of concern for the City, its rank-and-file employees, and it will be detrimental to morale, retention, and recruitment going forward.”
A second representative of CWA said employees are “all for pay increases for the higher quality of life, but given the situation, however, they’re disheartened that the city commissioners’ quality of life has been placed above the other City employees.”
Chestnut questions Ward’s absence
When the discussion moved back to the commission, Commissioner Cynthia Chestnut asked Poe where Ward was. Poe responded, “I do not share personal information of other commissioners.” He went on to say that the absence was “on City business” and that “when I traveled in the past, I did not want folks to know that because I was away while my wife and children were home, and I did not want to put them at risk.”
Commissioners argue for the increase to “create opportunities” for women and minorities to run
Chestnut read a prepared statement in which she listed “expectations” that the public has of commissioners at all hours of the day. “One of my goals, in looking at the salary restructuring, is to create opportunities for more women to campaign and be elected in public office, to share their wisdom and expertise.”
Hayes-Santos said that in at least one City Commission District, there are no homes for sale that a commissioner could buy and afford on their salary, and there are only a handful of homes in other districts, but more homes would be affordable if the salaries were increased.
Duncan-Walker said she had originally agreed with Chestnut’s argument “but also to make this position accessible to African Americans and minorities, as well. I thought specifically about my district, and creating opportunity, and voted along those lines.” She said, though, that it was “challenging” for her to hear that the decision would affect employee morale. “I have a genuine concern for the people who work here.” She said she was changing her vote but said she knew it was likely to pass.
“I have advocated for wage increases for the lowest in our organization up to our charter officers, and now, here at the last, I would like to offer what I think is just compensation for the people who take this seat after me.” – Commissioner David Arreola
Commissioner David Arreola said, “During my entire term in office here, I have been an ally to all the bargaining units. I have really done my best, I have advocated for wage increases for the lowest in our organization up to our charter officers, and now, here at the last, I would like to offer what I think is just compensation for the people who take this seat after me.”
Poe said he thought the bargaining units would see increases because “the landscape has changed” since the last three-year contract was negotiated.
Chestnut suggested adopting a rate of 75% of the state formula instead of 100%; she said that Tallahassee, for example, pays its commissioners 50% of the state formula for county commissioners. She said she thought that would make it possible for women to be able to run and support themselves.
Hayes-Santos said he heard her concerns, but “I think we should do it because it gets us to where it should be.” As a compromise, he suggested adopting a rate of 75% of the formula the first year before increasing it to 100% the next year: “that might spread it out over a further period of time but still, I think, gets us to a true population-based formula, which I think reflects the work we have.”
Chestnut thought for a moment and said, “Or just keep it where it is.”
The commission voted 4-1 to increase their pay to 100% of the state formula, with Duncan-Walker in dissent and Saco and Ward absent.
I call BS in this vote. Shame on the commissioners.
The average City Commissioner salary in Florida is $52,631 as of October 27, 2022. That is if they are lawful , not under state audit,or on Junket Voyages at there every whim. Clueless, shameless, Gainesville Democrats. How about them taking some financial responsiblity for The Biomess and all the lawsuits and associated cost that are being filed against them for illegal zoning , crime, and censorship.
Not to mention that this city can’t put together its own financial statements on time! These idiots shouldn’t be paid a dime!
I told you so…”You voted for it, you got it.”
The only reason lard arsed Ward wasn’t there is now he can deflect and say he didn’t vote for the pay increase. The only way he can save taxpayer’s monies now is if has a coronary. People are idiots if they think he and the pole smokin’ Poe didn’t meet in a dark room and plot this out. They’re even bigger idiots if they believe that nut Chestnut saying being a commissioner is a “full-time+ job.”
Now all you libertards can stop your bitch ass crying and whining.
I suggest a State audit to see how much money this group has stolen already.
While the rest of the city and county residents are having to trim the fat from their family’s budget, the fat ass commissioners are piling the fat on.
Hope Harvey is reading.
Somewhere along the line these folks forgot the concept of service in favor of employment.
Carrollton Texas is similar in size to Gainesville. Their mayor makes $14,000 a year and commissioners make $7,000 a year. They consider themselves public servants and treat it as an honorable volunteer position. NO honor in Gainesville.
Expect pigs to behave like pigs.
Read earlier today Clay electric said they drop their electric rates by 10.00 a kw/hr due to lower natural gas prices
now we now where the money is coming from for the raises as long as GRU rates are the highest in the state these dam idiots should not even get a pay check
Must be nice.
More and more, east Gainesville commissioners are the only ones with any sense and sensibility, the rest are woke beyond broke.
Our ‘wise Latina woman’ leaves a lot to be desired. I hope the Chronicle and its contributors were instrumental in getting Chestnut elected. She barely won by 250 votes.
Take back the $500,000 for Saco’s Spanish translation hotline. That would be a way to pay for the raises and also stick it to Saco, which I’m sure they want to do anyway.
How convenient.
This is criminal. You don’t simply vote yourself in a pay raise.
The community needs to speak up.
Wake up Gainesville!
We need a state audit of the damage done by these commissioners.
This is our liberal government at it’s best. I can’t believe Gainesville residents voted for these people and expect anything less. This should be illegal.
That’s what happens you we elect Political Science majors instead of real, working citizens. You get career politician wannabes like these kids; then they go to international municipal conferences in Israel to swear an oath to work full time in politics somewhere else. They really think they’re helping the people that way, via college degreed brainwashing. Despite the evidence.
You think this pissed off a lot of taxpaying residents? Wait until the 3 amigos finish their terms in office. I would wager the new mayor with an arse as wide as the Santa Fe River will hire at least one of the outgoing to a newly created high paying position. Ward’s girlfriend Poe will probably be the first choice.
What’s government without nepotism anyway?
Are commissioner spots part time jobs anyway? So they voted themselves a full time salary for a part time job… Nice…
Double their meager little salaries huh? Voters of Gainesville, YOU put those thieves in office so there is no one else to blame.
Retention of ‘quality’ (HA) people on the commission, they are elected not hired.
This batch in office makes the President and his band of fools look legitimate.
Governor DeSantis, you might want to take a look over here . . .
Meanwhile…..Interim city manager is being investigated for a tax lean on a business she used to own. Now there’s the kind of liberal you want running your city. Checks all the lib boxes too. Minority, women, and a tax cheat. Perfect.
They should bring the Brazilian butt wax lady back while they’re at it too.
Meanwhile…..Interim city manager is being investigated for a tax lean on a business she used to own. Now there’s the kind of liberal you want running your city. Checks all the lib boxes too. Minority, women, and a tax cheat. Perfect.
Lib Dems love taxes, but somehow think they’ve done soooo much, they can rightfully avoid paying them.
“The initiative, championed by Commissioner Adrian Hayes-Santos, will tie future commissioner salaries to a formula in Florida Statutes that uses population to calculate the salaries of county commissioners”
This is the scariest part to me–no wonder the commissioners want to turn Gainesville into a homeless mecca and Sanctuary City for illegal migrants. Every person they bus in adds $$$ to their own paychecks.
These term limited goons on the commission surely plan to run for either a different seat (by a quick move in with a friend or running for the at-large seat since Lying Hyphen Hayes(a white wannabe minority from Canada) and the other AOC lover don’t know how to make a living at anything. Inexperienced, jobless losers. That’s it. They just gave themselves a 100% raise.
I am as incensed as the rest of you, but It’s laughable that so many comments are framed in such a way that conservatives are immune to nepotism, incompetence, and deception. It seems rare that it is good vs. bad these days…only left vs. right.
WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ALL THE COVID RELIEF MONIES??? WE applied and took an ordeal only to be denied. I wonder if they went online to supervisor of elections to see what party we are registered under??? I you look at next meeting city/county see how they are going to spend relief money on their BS projects and not helping the residents…TAKE THEM TO THE LIBERTY TREE.