Gainesville man arrested after allegedly entering fenced back yard to watch victim through window

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Jermain Antwan Herring, 38, was arrested early yesterday morning after allegedly entering a fenced back yard to watch another man through a window.

The victim told the responding Gainesville Police Department officer that he and Herring got into a verbal argument and Herring went home, but when he later looked out a rear window of his home in the 100 block of NW 11th Street, he saw Herring looking through the window.

The officer noted that the victim’s back yard was completely fenced and poorly lit.

A witness also reportedly saw Herring looking through the window; the witness had seen a social media post that showed Herring “doing voyeuristic type activities,” and the officer noted that there was a BOLO (“be on the lookout”) for Herring due to reports that he had been looking through windows of people’s homes.

Herring’s full criminal history is unavailable, but he has at least 15 felony convictions out of Suwannee County and has served three state prison sentences, with his most recent release in 2021. He has a pending sworn complaint for loitering/prowling after he was allegedly seen near bike racks on the University of Florida campus with a bolt cutter in December. Judge Tatum Davis set bail at $175,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • See what you little boys (in the previous articles) have to worry about. Don’t play with guns or you’ll have to get the wrath of Jermaine Antwan Herring.

  • Jermain Herring aka Peter Gazer is already on the GPD Voyeurist Watch List. All you guys make sure you keep your blinds closed.

  • Quote: “he has at least 15 felony convictions out of Suwannee County and has served three state prison sentences, with his most recent release in 2021. He has a pending sworn complaint for loitering/prowling after he was allegedly seen near bike racks on the University of Florida campus with a bolt cutter in December.” Send him to Newnan’s Lake Psycho ward.

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