Gainesville man arrested after allegedly pushing into neighbor’s apartment and holding him prisoner for over 30 minutes
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Ernest Rennie Clark, 61, was arrested yesterday after allegedly pushing his way into a neighbor’s apartment, threatening him with a golf club, and holding him prisoner in his bedroom for over 30 minutes.
At about 5:06 p.m. on February 1, Gainesville Police Department officers responded to Campus Walk Apartments (914 SW 8th Avenue) and, after forcing their way into the victim’s apartment, reportedly found Clark holding the victim prisoner in his bedroom.
The victim told an officer that Clark knocked on his door and then, when he opened his door, Clark forced his way inside, armed with a golf club; the victim said he was afraid Clark would hurt him. He said Clark told him someone was trying to kill him and asked the victim to call 911. However, when he called 911, he said, Clark attacked him to grab the phone and prevent him from calling 911.
The victim said Clark grabbed him by the shirt, pulled him onto his bed, and prevented him from getting up from the bed or leaving the room; he said Clark told him at least seven times, “I’ll beat you over the f***ing head!”
The victim managed to get through to 911 at some point, and officers were dispatched. When officers arrived at the apartment, they could hear the victim inside, calling for help, and they reportedly had to force entry into the apartment, follow the sound of the victim screaming for help, and force open the door to his bedroom. Inside, officers reported finding Clark still holding the victim against his will on the bed and still holding the golf club.
An officer reported that the victim had marks on his hands from struggling with Clark over the phone.
Post Miranda, Clark reportedly said he went to the victim’s room to call for help after an unrelated altercation; he said he was afraid someone was going to shoot him. Clark reportedly did not explain why he pushed into the victim’s room or held him in his bedroom against his will.
Another resident of the complex reportedly told an officer that Clark had also tried to force his way into his room, but he was able to physically push Clark out of his room.
Clark has been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, interfering with communication with law enforcement, and battery. He has one felony conviction and 17 misdemeanor convictions, including several battery convictions, all before 2011. Judge George Wright set bail at $80,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
Since Clark had a deadly weapon, the cops should of used their deadly weapons.
So you’re saying the felon shouldn’t be able to swing a golf club? It’s going to be a long 4 years.
This man did the same thing to someone I know a few months ago! He had a rope or belt and also a box cutter. He forced his way into their apartment and only left because he saw a camera.
The landlord knew about his behavior and paid him for janitor/maintenance services. The landlord is just as guilty. His name is Aaron. He is the slumlord who runs campus walk because he inherited the building.
I wouldn’t expect any less from Ernest Clark!
I thought Campus Walk was supposed to be for college students. Wonder what his major is?
He’s in a graduate program working towards a degree in ‘Shucking & Jiving’.
Criminology ?
Yalls do not know Ernie so hush up. He a good man so don’t believe the baloney