Gainesville man arrested after multiple stand-offs with law enforcement

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Andrew Perry Oscarson, 50, was arrested this afternoon on a warrant and charged with domestic battery and four counts of aggravated assault on a law enforcement officer after two stand-offs with officers and deputies.

At about 7:45 p.m. on Sunday, Gainesville Police Department officers responded to a call about a domestic battery in the 2200 block of SW 14th Street. The victim said Oscarson had forcibly pushed him out of their shared residence and had threatened to kill him.

After officers arrived, Oscarson reportedly stepped partially out of his front door with his right arm hidden behind the door; he threw his wallet onto a table and said officers should not come closer because he didn’t want to hurt anybody.

After officers interviewed the victim and determined that Oscarson should be arrested, they tried to approach him, but Oscarson allegedly stepped out of the doorway with a knife in his hand, roughly 8 to 12 inches in length. He allegedly took several steps toward officers and refused to drop the knife despite multiple commands from officers. Officers reportedly deployed a Taser twice, but Oscarson pulled the wires off and went back into his home.

Officers surrounded the house and spoke to Oscarson by phone, but he allegedly refused to come out and said he had “long-range capabilities.” Officers noted that he was believed to have a handgun and rifle in the house. Oscarson allegedly said he pulled the knife because he felt threatened, and if he felt threatened again, he would retaliate with lethal force.

Today, Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputies returned to the home with an arrest warrant. They surrounded the house and evacuated nearby residences; ASO’s Negotiations Response Team and SWAT team also responded to the scene.

After several hours, Oscarson came out on his own and surrendered. After being medically cleared at the scene, he was transported to the Alachua County Jail.

Photo from the scene, released by Alachua County Sheriff’s Office

Oscarson has one misdemeanor conviction for driving without a valid license in 2002. The arrest warrant recommended that he be held without bail, but bail will be set at his First Appearance hearing tomorrow.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Glad to see ACSO take care of business after GPD tucked tail and left the other night.

  • Pure stupidity on Andrew who has aged terribly for 50. Let’s see what the judge does at first appearance. Should be high bond for the charges but never know.

  • That’s just plain embarrassing if I’m reading that right. You have a guy who threatens to kill people and GPD just walks away. This is exactly why Gainesville has so many shootings now and murders. GPD has no balls anymore and has clearly made them ineffective. Years ago this would never have happened, but that’s what happens when you live in a blue county with a weak City Council who care’s more about trees. It’s going to get a lot worse if you cut police funding and not increase their pay. Godspeed!

    • >care’s more about trees

      Shoot you’re giving the libs here too much credit. Gainesville was ‘tree city USA’ back in the 90’s and 00’s but now it’s all about that development for the Wards and Poes of this city. They care about green alright but the other kind $💵💸💰

    • I would not blame GPD you have to remember who controls GPD the idiot city council and city manager I am surprised they haven’t decided to defund GPD

  • Interesting……..Doesn’t GPD have a SWAT team and a new up-armored vehicle? Guess they don’t want it getting scuffed up?

    • He’s got a big tRump sign in his front yard. To go with his broken down pickup trucks.

  • This Violent Trumpanzee is really gonna go nuts when donald is found guilty again, Yikes .

  • @-You voted for it. trumpanzee? Ha! Remember this is a liberal town. That’s why our crime rate compares to California. Get it right bro’.

    • LOL What party the Mayor and City Council are has nothing to do with the cowardice of the MAGA PD department who works in it. You people will try to blame it all on “liberals” when it is you, yourselves who are the chickens here. It wasn’t even a nice try.

  • Gpd probably backed out for a number of reasons. One being that Oscarman may have had firearms. He claimed that if he would use lethal force. GPD according to the story had not evacuated homes and the interest of public safety did not want to push the guy and risk injury to neighbors and law enforcment by maintaining a close tactical position and taken away any possible suicide by cop scenario. GPD never left the scene and maintained surveillance. By going with the State Attorney and Judge getting a arrest warrant gives law enforcement better legal ground. It gave plenty of time to evacuate nearby homes and set a safe perimeter. It also gave the guy a different Law Enforcement to deal with that may have calmed his demeanor after GPD attempted less lethal options. The important thing was the guy was taken into custody, no innocent people were injuried, no law enforcement was injuried, and the suspect was not killed. The liberals would have had a field day if this guy was killed or other bystanders were endangered or harmed. I dont see it as GPD fleeing, more like a win all the way around.

  • He’s my uncle he was drunk they busted out almost every window in the house and tear gas it after I told him that it wouldn’t work on him they f***** up people’s vehicles in the yard they pulled my vehicles out in the yard they lie like ain’t nobody’s Business the police are agents of the Apocalypse in this particular instance he had a pocket knife and they went nuts the man that built the house was an engineer so it’s hard to kick the door in I offered them the keys they didn’t want them they would rather bust the residence up so they can force us to move and sell the last piece of the Watergate estate that hasn’t been f***** with yet

    • You and your uncle are idiots. Sounds like they should have shot him the first day he pulled a knife.

    • Then why did you call the police? If Uncle Andy was drunk. You said he forced you out of the house and threatened to kill you. If you didn’t want the police to respond to your reported threat tge way they did then why call? Once your Uncle threatened law enforcement it changed the whole game. Windows can be fixed you may qualify for the free windows program the county is toting. At least your Uncle gave up and gets to live another day.

    • Poor excuse for a man that age hopefully he will get enough jail time that he can go right to a nursing home when he is released

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