Gainesville man arrested after reported gunshots

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Tajawaun Ontarien Curtis, 27, was arrested yesterday and charged with possession of marijuana over 20 grams after a caller said shots were fired from his car.

At about 12:42 p.m. yesterday, Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to a call about gunshots fired at Palm Point Park; the caller reported that a light blue Ford Focus was seen leaving the park after the shots were fired. Deputies conducted a traffic stop on the car in the area of 1700 SE Hawthorne Road a short time later, and Curtis was identified as the driver of the car.

Deputies reported smelling the odor of marijuana coming from the car and conducted a probable-cause search, which reportedly produced 28.4 grams of marijuana, a digital scale, and a large quantity of small plastic bags. The search also reportedly produced an air rifle with ammunition.

Post Miranda, Curtis reportedly admitted the marijuana and plastic bags were his and said the marijuana was for his personal use. He also reportedly admitted shooting the air rifle from his car into the lake near Palm Point Park.

Curtis has been charged with possession of over 20 grams of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. He has a juvenile criminal history and one adult misdemeanor conviction for possession of drug paraphernalia; a charge of possession of a marijuana derivative was dropped in that case. Judge Walter Green set bail at $7,000 with the provision that he may be released on his own recognizance if he is accepted to the Drug Court program.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • “Air Rifle”? Is that like an “Air Guitar”? Finger Gun (bang bang)?

    Why no DUI charge? Driving stoned is OK now?

  • more wasted money on the “war on drugs”. Glad we can take a major player off the streets.

    • A major player????🤣🤣🤣🤣 he had a ounce of weed on him,you can carry more on you if u have a medical card🤣🤣🤣🤣 Also its WEED.

  • “Tajawaun Ontarien” ROFLMAO, I read these stories and mug shots just for the absurd names.

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