Gainesville man arrested for allegedly threatening three women with AR-15

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Deshawn Montez Sanders, 27, was arrested yesterday and charged with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after allegedly threatening three women with an AR-15 near the KFC on E. University Avenue.

At about 2:55 p.m. yesterday, a Gainesville Police Department officer responded to a call about a man holding an AR-15 at 1221 E. University Avenue.

The victims told the officer that Sanders and one of the women had previously gotten into an argument at KFC over social media posts and had separated before Sanders returned to the area about an hour later with the rifle and allegedly said he was going to “shoot the place up” and kill the woman he’d argued with.

After the alleged threat, Sanders reportedly put the rifle in a car and got into another argument with the woman. An unknown bystander separated Sanders and the woman, and he reportedly left the area in the car. He was later apprehended by GPD officers in the 1500 block of SE 4th Avenue.

The woman he argued with reportedly told an officer she was in fear for her life and feared Sanders would shoot her; she said she had never seen him act like that, although Sanders has a history of battery charges (later dropped) against her and other women. The other two women also reported that they feared Sanders would shoot them.

Post Miranda, Sanders reportedly said he owned an “AR” and that another person had driven him to the area where he had encountered the three women. He said he got out of the car with the rifle in his hand but said he did not point it at anyone; he said he was confronting the women for saying they had people coming to get him. He said he was yelling back and forth with the women and put the rifle back in the car, but then he heard one of the women say she was calling the police, so he left. He reportedly said he ran into a house and saw police surrounding the car outside, then went out the back door of the house and began “crouch-walking” in the woods before officers saw him and told him to come out. Sanders also reportedly said he gave the rifle to a friend but would not provide any further information.

Sanders has one felony conviction (non-violent) and a history of dropped battery charges. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $600,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • So Sanders got arrested at the KFC. Irony … Eastside does as Eastside do. So another demographic challenged convicted felon in possession of a firearm that he claims to own. This guy not only has battery charges dropped but a burglary, attempted second degree murder, and shooting into a dwelling. It looks like everything gets dropped for No information filed. Law Enforcement seems to be doing their job arresting him or filing charges. It is the 2nd half of the judicial process that keeps messing up. There is no way this POS belongs on the streets.

    • And look at that bail. Finally the JUDGES are getting smart. High bail=less chances of getting out and committing more crimes.

      • The high bails are only in winter mos, so they don’t freeze on the streets. Investment decision for public lawyers.

    • If there’s no information filed then most likely the victims aren’t cooperating so you can’t blame the SA or judges. Hopefully this handsome young fella will get his act together and allow someone like me to spoil him

  • Felon in possession of a forearm.
    Multiple allegations of battery.

    Did the laws change since the new fiscal year started?
    Red Flag laws anyone?

    • Those laws are for law-abiding citizens, not really apropos in east Gainesville, which is why those stupid laws don’t work

  • Fried chicken is serious business. I don’t guess he’s related to Colonel Sanders.

    • Me thinks some phone calls might have been made from Tallahassee to the 8th judicial circuit regarding appropriate bond amounts… Hmmmmm……. 😉

  • This is what happens when you let multiple Dem cultures raise your children, folks. And the DNC wants it multiplied outside their districts, next.

  • Gainesville, how’s that gun crime task force workin for ya? Thought so.

  • What a waste of talent. I am so sure that in only 11 years a Bright Future scholarship and a $200,000 Pell Grant and a million or so in Reparations money would allow this underserved man to become the heart surgeon he is really meant to be.

  • When will people learn that guns don’t solve your problems, they just make them worse. He could have easily been killed by a cop or a person that was legally armed.

  • So, about 2 months ago, there was a robbery at Zaxby’s on N. Main.
    Before that, there was a battery at Publix on N. Main just up from Zaxby’s. The perp from the robbery was seen by a witness who thought the guy was going to hit Circle K/Little Ceasers on N. Main Street & 16th the same day as the Zaxby’s Robbery.
    Now, on E. University ave, a guy pulls an AR 15 after arguing with a woman at KFC.
    I think I read about a woman pulling a gun on the attendant at the Popeye’s drive through. (But that may have been at a Alachua location)
    Does anyone else see the pattern here?
    Instead of being worried about global warming, and carbon emissions, we need to do more to ensure that every fried chicken vendor, has everything they need to provide a top of the line product.

  • I wanted to share another observation of mine about KFC.
    Just follow me here,
    Indians have given up convenient store ownership in lieu of owning KFC restaurants. Go to the KFC off SW Archer rd, and you’ll find the entire kitchen staff is comprised of employees of Indian decent.
    Why one may ask?
    Well, lets look at it logically.
    They are obviously done with being robbed in their convenience stores.
    Someone, somewhere, with the last name of “Patel” came up with a brilliant idea. 💡
    If predominantly, african american men get convicted of robbing convenience stores,,,
    So, simply flip the script.
    If there is a demand for a product, and convenience store ownership is “risky” and dangerous, what would be a safe, high revenue generating business opportunity?
    Fried chicken is the answer.
    Ironically enough, I don’t think Indians “meant” to do that from a racist motive.
    Again, it’s just an observation.
    That seems to work for everyone. They are in my opinion very brilliant people those Indians.

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