Gainesville man arrested for attacking man who accidentally hit his car in a parking lot

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Otis Edison Clements III, 44, was arrested yesterday and charged with burglary of an occupied vehicle and battery after allegedly attacking a man who accidentally hit his car in a parking lot.

At about 6 p.m. on Saturday, the victim accidentally backed his car into Clements’ car while it was parked in front of Kelly’s Quik Stop at 2410 SW 34th Street. They reportedly exchanged information, but the victim told a responding Gainesville Police Department officer that Clements became more and more upset. The victim said he offered Clements $100 for the damages, but Clements did not think it was enough.

The victim said he entered the passenger front seat of his car, and Clements followed him, reaching into his car without permission and punching him in the face.

The officer reported that store surveillance video corroborated the victim’s account of the incident. An employee of the store reportedly went outside after hearing the commotion and told the officer she saw Clements punching the victim and then grabbing the victim by the neck. The witness reportedly gave the officer the tag number of Clements’ car, and the officer made contact with Clement at his home.

Post Miranda, Clements reportedly said there had been a crash and that he had taken photos of the victim’s ID and insurance card; however, he denied touching the victim.

Clements has at least 20 felonies (one violent) and 15 misdemeanors (four violent). He has served four state prison sentences, with his most recent release in 2018; all offenses were in Alachua County.

Clements has been released from the jail; documents with bail information are not posted on weekends.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • “ Clements has at least 20 felonies (one violent) and 15 misdemeanors (four violent)”

    But he will get slapped on the hand. Maybe a year or 2 in prison. Which obviously isn’t a big deal to him. He a “seasoned veteran”. Some judge with a set of, well you know, should send him away. A year for every felony he’s ever received. That should teach him a lesson.

  • Another criminal with 35 convictions and 4 prison terms loose on the streets. At 44 he still has not learned to control his temper or emotions over a minor traffic crash. No known useful purpose in society for Otis.

  • WTF was he still returning here after every conviction?
    Oh wait, the tattoos will answer that 🤡👹💩

    • It’s crazy, I wonder what you would think of me based off appearances. (I.e. tattoos) I’m a law abiding citizen. Not everyone with color and tattoos is a violent felon. Just happens this guy is tho lol.

      • You’re not worth thinking about, stop trying to inject yourself into the conversation. You’re only proving people with tattoos are desperate for attention and cringey.

        • I can’t believe this comment got through moderation. Mods, please don’t approve troll posts.

          • Honest question I agree with most of what’s said down here. I just don’t agree with what he said. lol I guess I signed up for it when I got tattoos tho. Not everyone with a tattoo on their throat is bad.

        • lol injecting myself into a public conversation that evolves around the crime in my city… ok😂 And please don’t think about me. Think about how quick you are to judge people and how close minded you are.

      • Yeah, but he has gang tattoos. Do you have gang tattoos? If I see anyone with a gang tattoo, I’m going to assume they’re trouble.

        • Where do you draw the line with gang tattoos, cause I have skulls. Does this constitute “gang style tattoos”

      • I have yet to meet someone that had a tattoo on their neck that was a solid “law abiding” citizen. I am sure it is not an absolute but seems to be a good indicator of bad judgement.

  • This case will be dropped if I had to guess, or pled down to a non violent misdemeanor.

  • Why offer $100 if you’ve already exchanged insurance info??? SOUNDS FISHY TO ME!!! So yea I’m putting my hands on you too!!!🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

  • This loser looks and acts like an animal. He needs more jail time. His previous time in jail hasn’t taught him anything.

    • No, he does not act like “an animal.” Animals don’t act like this, he acts like what he is, a criminal. You owe animals an apology 🙂

  • “Clements has at least 20 felonies (one violent) and 15 misdemeanors (four violent). He has served four state prison sentences, with his most recent release in 2018”

    Pretty sure he’s not learning any lessons after 4 prison sentences. I guess the judges are waiting for him to kill someone before they keep this violent felon locked up.

  • He even looks like a big B-thole, its a good thing it wasn’t me he reached in and grabbed, he would probably be without his hand.

  • I remember a Florida law, 3 felony convictions and you’re in for life, this idiot shouldn’t see the outside again

  • What a bald faced lie, clearly this man has no character at all. So glad there were cameras there to prove he’s a jerk, has no impulse control, and is a liar.

  • I would gladly support a 1 cent sales tax incease to build many more jail cells. Provided judges would be required to keep people like this in them.

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