Gainesville man arrested for hitting patrol car and injuring uninvolved officer while fleeing traffic stop
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Robert Joseph Rodriquez (or Rodriguez), 21, was arrested late last night and charged with driving without a valid license, resisting an officer without violence, and fleeing with injury or property damage after allegedly hitting a patrol car that was stopped at a red light and injuring an uninvolved officer while fleeing a traffic stop for running a stop sign.
At about 10:59 p.m. on Tuesday, a Gainesville Police Department Officer attempted a traffic stop on Rodriquez’s car after he allegedly ran the stop sign at NE 3rd Avenue and NE 21st Street. The car stopped in the 2100 block of NE 3rd Place, and the officer got out of his car to contact the driver.
The driver, later identified as Rodriquez, allegedly drove away at a high rate of speed and hit an uninvolved GPD officer’s car that was stopped, facing south, at the red light at NE Waldo Road and NE 12th Avenue. A GPD spokesman told Alachua Chronicle that Rodriquez’s car “pulled out of Walmart and crossed into the opposite lane of travel” before hitting the patrol car.
The patrol car was totaled, and the officer was transported to a local hospital with head and lower body injuries.
Rodriquez allegedly got out of his car immediately after the crash and tried to flee on foot but was detained. Rodriquez has lived in Gainesville for at least 14 years and was identified by his Florida ID card, but the officer’s investigation found that he has never had a driver’s license.
Rodriquez has no criminal history. Judge Meshon Rawls found no probable cause for the charge of driving without a valid license and set bond at $30,000 on the other two charges.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
He had no driver’s license and the corrupt judge says no to charge? I hate liberal crap.
Rawls is of the same cloth as Sharpton.
That’s ’bout all needs be said ’bout that.
The judge is not corrupt so save this. The policeman has no probable cause to do a traffic stop. These policemen have been pulling women, senior citizens over for no reason because they are from the pits of hell. You are talking about the corrupt judge, you need to be paying attention to the ex-mayor Poe trying to bring all these illegal immigrants. You better hope that the MS-13 gang is not in the group he brings into Gainesville because we will have the same situation as Haiti. The gangs have taken over Haiti. If Ms-13 that Poe brings into Gainesville, it will be over for the corrupt leaders and the entire police department will be eliminated. Reason; Poe has a reprobate mind. Noone is bigger than God and you seem like you are so perfect and what you say matters. I know everyone is perfect in your family and is serving a true and living God. Since this Judge is corrupt, why didn’t you run for judge to make things perfect in this evil corrupt city.
I remember a judge that was in Gainesville that was removed from the bench for changing prices at Pic n Save store in Gainesville and stealing. Elwell was a Caucasian judge that was giving out harsh sentences mainly to people of color. Was Elwell a corrupt judge? These scumbags posing as GPD officers are just like Elwell that feel they are above the law. I sincerely hope that Poe is successful in his mission bringing illegal immigrants to Gainesville because in the group he brings will probably be the MS-13 Gang. Poe is so angry that he can’t run the city as a corrupt mayor that he is about to self destruct in his mission. This is what you need to worry about instead of defining a judge as being corrupt. If the most deadliest gang in the world comes to Gainesville, it will be woe unto people like you and the scumbags aka God officers. You better watch what is happening in Haiti where the gangs have taken over Haiti. The irony of all this, the leader of the Haitian gang is an ex-police officer. You are miserable about the sentencing of an African -American male that didn’t cause any of this but the corrupt policemen initiated everything because of a personal vendetta. I pray the Ms-13 comes into Gainesville and do the same thing what is happening in Haiti and then you will shut your mouth about a judge being corrupt.
He was already getting pulled over but there was no probable cause???
There is never probable cause for these Policeman pulling anyone over in the black neighborhoods. They didn’t arrest the Caucasian man that killed a black male at Harper’s Pointe apartments. They spoke to him and allowed him to go back in his apartment after committing first degree murder on Mother’s Day. Maybe this Caucasian man is one of these misfit supplier because it seems the drugs they are investing such as Mollies, percosets and fentanyl are making them wanting to activate traffic stops for no reason. It seems their addiction is overpowering their police salaries and they have to use their badge to confiscate what they need by hopefully pulling people over.
The corrupt policeman runs tag and got angry because the driver didn’t match the tag. The policeman ran a tag on a car I was driving that had Georgia plates and became angry it went back to a rental company. The police thought someone from Georgia was in the neighborhood trying to buy drugs that they always confiscate for their own usage. Whenever that fails, they have a personal vendetta against anyone that make their game plan go wrong. Their addiction supercedes their salaries they make from GPD. Why are they pulling over everyone and not reporting the stops on criminals? Robert wasn’t a criminal and this is why everything where he was arrested.
Since there are some who claim that systemic racism exists in police departments, I think it’s safe to assume there exists in some cultures systemic disobedience and disregard for authority.
This is a fact if you navigate the United States and it is proven that black males have become victims of the racism in police department more than any race in the United States. Why? There is orchestrated genocide on African -American males. Why obey authority when authority have no regards for African -American males.
We know you meant to say, “black males have become victims of themselves.”
Maybe you should “anonymously” tell them to stop shooting each other.
Let us know how that works out for you.
Quote “Rodriquez has lived in Gainesville for at least 14 years and was identified by his Florida ID card, but the officer’s investigation found that he has never had a driver’s license”
Why didn’t the late Judge Green’s school guest speeches on students acting properly sink in on this boy’s brain? Was he a crack baby too?
First, Allow Judge Green to rest. Second, it has been proven that more people in law enforcement have been arrested for illegal drug usage and trafficking. Prime example; New River Cops in South Florida. The way these GPD officers are operating in certain neighborhoods makes one wonder if they are addicted to crack. How can anyone navigate from N.E. 21st Street and N.E. 3rd Avenue to N.E. 12th Avenue and Waldo Road in 2 minutes? These crack, fentanyl and percosets addicts that parade around as GPD officers need to be randomly drug test. Apparently, Rodriguez was driving a jet because to come from these locations in this period of time is a notorious lie. Why is the policemen that patrol the predominantly black neighborhoods pulling people over without to activating their lights or sirens? I see a serious problem here. They only do this in so-called drug infested neighborhoods. It has been proven in the United States that police officers are not to be trusted even if a person had a valid license. All the black males that have been killed by corrupt police officers, was it because they only had a state id. What you need to do is request from GPD that shows all officers that were terminated under Waylon Clifton and Tony Jones tenure and come back with a report stating what they were terminated for is because they were crack babies. There is orchestrated genocide on African -American males in the United States. There are many black officers that conspire with Caucasian officers to destroy their own race so get off the bus attacking Robert. Once the soap opera, ” Days of Our Lives” begins, the corrupt officer will be exposed for all the demonic things they have been doing in this evil city. It only takes one incident to become a class action matter against these demons that allow these scumbags patrol around committing more crime than the suspects they arrest. Do your homework before attacking other people families. If I recall, President Bush nieces checked into a re-hab for crack usage. Again, if they drug test most of the officers that patrol black neighborhoods, it will be proven their actions will prove they are abusing some type of drug they feel they can find easily in these neighborhoods. They have to go in Hailey Plantation or the Affluent neighborhoods to retrieve meth because you don’t find meth labs in black neighborhoods. I am quite sure if you have family, they are not perfect because there is no perfect family in America because of the Devil’s job, to seek, destroy and devour.
Thanks for the reinforcement.
If you want to make about race, let’s do it.
Why is the per capita murder rate for one race 20 per 100,000 and 3 per 100,000 for another?
“Anonyass” let’s just take all law enforcement out of troubled neighborhoods and let nature take it’s course.
The only thing I can think is you must have gotten a ticket lately, your reason for hating law enforcement.
I have never gotten a ticket but I am praying that the the most deadliest gang in the world which is the MS-13 take over Gainesville like the Haitian gang took over Haiti. I am sure your police licking behind will be the first person they victimized because they hate the policemen because of their corrupt think about it that reaches his climax when the policemen allow think think about it to embrace and kiss their anus.
Apparently you are the product of your parents abusing fentanyl and opioids because you have a problem with reality that there are many black men that don’t have criminal records and Judge Green has nothing to do with corrupt police actions in this town. Maybe someone needs to investigate you if you come clean realJK. Identify yourself with name, address, date of birth and social security number or shut your mouth about a deceased judge. You have no respect for death that you will encounter one day. Hopefully it isn’t the result of an aneurysm, a stroke that affects your vocal cords or a massive heart attack. Whenever, your number is called, make sure you have made your peace with Almighty God because if not, you will spend eternity in the pits of hell.
Guess you don’t need a driver’s license anymore in Gainesville…
The immigrants that migrate to Gainesville don’t need one.
You can’t have a Florida identification card and driver’s license at the same time. The policemen lied when they stated Robert was driving on suspended and revoked license. He never had a driver’s license.
The state of Florida issues you a DL number if you are caught driving without a license the number is the same as your FL ID card. So if you get caught driving you are still fined just like any other person with the exception that you get another suspension. A simple internet search answers that but I know it’s hard to do that when YOU don’t live in reality.
Since you are such an expert on everything Bear9765, why don’t you identify yourself to replace the Chief Judge and the Mayor in the city. You are nothing but spineless coward individual that is afraid to identify yourself to become the Chief judge and Mayor of this city. As Bear9765, you don’t qualify because your statements are irrelevant.
I hope they run his fingerprints through the system. It’s a little odd that he only has one entry/contact with law enforcement in 14 years based on his actions in this incident. Intent to flee, hitting a police car, and then still trying to flee on foot. What’s he running from beside no DL
Tell them to run his fingerprints and give you a personal report. If the males the police officers have killed because of traffic violations, had a chance to flee, they would be alive today to be a party to a class-action lawsuit against these scumbags.
More likely to have been shot by one of their own.
Nope. You made it about race. Don’t back out now. According to the Washington Post, black Americans are killed at a rate of 6 per 1,000,000 by police. Yet, what the Washington Post won’t tell you is that black Americans commit murder at a rate of 20 per 100,000. White Americans commit murder at a rate of 3 per 100,000.
I could go on forever. But the issue isn’t skin color.
The issue has been skin color since slavery time. There were no Caucasians that were enslaved by Blacks. We all can go home about what the media states but the fact remains that more blacks are killed by policemen than an other race. Show me facts to prove I am wrong.
More whites are shot by police, and it’s not even close:
Wow. Over 1,000,000 Caucasians were sold into the slave trade in Africa.
Blacks commit the most murders in America. Is it because black Americans have an innate propensity for violence? Is it because they’re less than human as Woodrow Wilson would have you believe?
But, you are unable to dig deeper and use your critical thinking skills to wrestle with these questions.
There are many blacks that are older than Robert that don’t have criminal histories. I am sure everyone in your family have perfect records. Why is this confusing to you? Robert is 21 and never had a criminal history in 21 years. Where is the 14 year BS coming from? He is not 14 but 21.
Bear9765, submit your name, address, Date of birth so everyone will know whether you have a criminal history. They state Robert is 21, not 14. This means that 21 years, he has no criminal history.
Who will come forward to dispell the mistrust? Who will investigate the discrepancies? There is not enough citizens who get involved pro or con. I am unemployable, I think those of us who sit staring into the abyss all day or retired should do more than go to a ballot box… I have a reason why I do investigate, many don’t, a reason is not needed just take action. BAD actors in our government should be thwarted. Government actors like OURS was not. Now observe the mess.
I am overwhelmed with obligations & I now have a que. When I slip back into my leisurely pursuits, what will YOU do? Remember none of this will ever go away “CLOUD” it’s a period in history what will YOUR Great, great… Progeny see that You did or didn’t do. Right or wrong pro or con pursue the true truth & right the wrong or exhibit FACTS to support the ESTABLISHMENT.
REMEMBER YOU are the only one to blame about why things are so bad when YOU take no action. Those that find no fault produce objective facts to support the … All the speculation & subjective rhetoric that’s so biased means nothing but shows ever more unintelligible Baa Baa of SHEEPLE, we are poor little lambs who have lost our way.
I hope this apparently 14 year resident who has no record will prevail if this is a blue/blew isis jack move cover up. Remember the cover up is ALWAYS worse than the CRIME. Deception is fraud & fraud at the government level is corruption. Link
There is probably in car camera and body cam footage of the incident. He fled a traffic stop, attempted to elude by driving into the wrong lane of traffic. He tee boned a police vehicle. He then attempted to flee on foot fleeing the scene of a accident with property damage and personal injury. All because he never has a drivers license. What could you possible have to exonerate this POS? Where you there recording this on your bike? Oh wait a minute it’s all Donald Trump’s fault. He must have caused it somehow. Do you actually realize how insane you sound with your rants. The county, city, and Federal government has mental health services available to you free of charge. Please if you want to investigate conspiracy feel free to investigate Biden, Harris, Fed DOJ, closer for you, Fulton County GA, Gville City Commission embezzling, China Virus. Maybe you and Jesse Ventura can team up. Have a nice day.
None of this is true. You were not there but there were witnesses that videoed the entire accident and this is why the cop got injured because he t-boned a BMW that was heavy metal. Police will say anything to cover their tracks but all I can say is I know they made the worst mistake in Gainesville history when they arrested Robert. Watch the soap opera, ” Days of Our Lives” about the actors and actresses in this soap opera for Robert. Not to mention the attorney that will bankrupt the city about Robert. Robert has proven how these policemen come at criminals, non-criminals, senior citizens etc.
Hahahaha, now is not police fault so you blame all…
And want people watch your videos…😜 clever…!!!
Do you know USA have 50 states?..If Florida is so bad, move to any other…still have 49…plus the protectorals.
Hahaha you are the best !!! 😜😜
There is something brewing right now.
You are right. These scumbags, their superiors barked up the right tree attacking Robert because they are about to be exposed for the misfits that portray themselves as officers, Captains, Lieutenants etc. They eat their own vomit and when they regurgitate, they try to spew it on any black male in their path. It always takes one incident to start the proper investigation to eliminate all these misfits.
God hates liars so bad that he doesn’t want them tarrying in his sight. All officers including the one that was transported to the hospital was involved in the arrest of Robert. They are trying to cover their tracks but believe this, it is too late because there are too many loose ends, holes that led up to this arrest. Wake up people and smell the coffee brewing in this evil city that is known as Sodom and Gomorrah. Be careful when you start digging ditches because sometimes you may fall in the ditch first.
He loves everyone but hates the sin.
At least you’ve still got time to stop.
The street that the policemen initially they stop him doesn’t even exist The location disappeared and if you are doing the traffic stop, why didn’t the police activate their lights or sirens. Reason; The policemen want to pull people over to retrieve drugs and monies and not have the transaction on their dash cams or report the stop.
The corrupt police squad where each one was involved in the arrest of Robert needs to arrest the white man that killed Blake, a black man in Lake road and see if he had a license to murder. Investigate this white man and stop targeting black males. The number one reason all black males are being stopped is because of traffic such as running a stop sign, not coming to a complete stop or they smell marijuana. The police had killed many for running stop signs, red lights etc. trying to retrieve their drugs. Robert didn’t cause the accident, the policeman that was transported to the hospital and all his scumbag buddies did. Stop trying to cover up for these scumbags posing as GPD officers because they barked up the wrong tree with Robert. Robert arrest will expose the entire department and their bosses that allow these officers to parade around being criminals. This is the beginning of one of the best soap opera’s ,”Days of Our Lives” that everyone should watch. I can reassure you that you will enjoy every episode of this soap opera.
Why is it only now that this will happen? Why hasn’t it already happened?
It always takes a first time for everything. This case will bring the FEDS in to investigate what is going on in Gainesville with the corrupt police officers because they are similar to the New River Cops from Miami. If these cops were not corrupt and had trust from the community, we wouldn’t have an increase of gun violence and murders of 67percent in less than a year. This is facts that came from Chief Moya report.
Befuddled, maybe we are waiting for the MS-13 gang members to arrive that ex-Mayor Poe is bringing in before it happens because there are actors and actresses coming from this gang. Days of Our Lives with the MS-13 should generate billions of dollars for the city of Gainesville Florida.
You sound like Andre talking again
You are just another one if the demographically misinformed that seemingly suffers from either the COVID VAC side effects, to much of the Biden kool-aid, or mental illness. Please seek help from the several free mental health programs available.
Save these resources for yourself when the MS-13 gang takes over Gainesville Florida like the Haitian gang took over Haiti. The leader of the Haitian gang is an ex-police man. You will see the corrupt policemen that will join this gang out of fear because they can’t beat them.It seems you have side effects from the Covid vaccine. You must have been drinking Biden kool-aid. Your mental illness will make this gang target you first because they are already here. Apparently, you are not aware the gang is already here and former Mayor Poe is trying to bring the rest of their gang members to Gainesville.
I guess you think you know me. MS 13 are little boys who bring machetes to turkey shoots.
Call Mayor Poe and ask him when the rest of the MS-13 gang members are entering Gainesville so you can formally meet them Bear9765.
I got something for them to welcome and say goodbye to them.
The only thing you have is your mouth that runs nonsense cowardly. Bear9765, identify yourself since you are the worst menace to the United States. You are just like these corrupt policemen that throw a rock and hide their hands. Come out Bear9765 and show the world the most dangerous person in the world is here to protect everyone single handed from the MS-13 and is worse than any Navy seal or any of our military men single handed. Boldly come out and present yourself and stop hiding behind Bear9765. If you are a coward how are you going to defend anyone. Action speaks volumes nincompoop.
Dude, YDFU! 😝
Meshon is related Merchan! Certified POS!!!!!!!!!!!!!