Gainesville man arrested for inappropriate touching of 15-year-old girl


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Gabriel Richard Munoz, 22, was arrested yesterday and charged with lewd and lascivious behavior on a victim under 16 years old after allegedly inappropriately touching the sister of a friend.

Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputies responded yesterday to a report that Munoz had molested a 15-year-old girl. Deputies learned that the girl had been visiting her sister in Gainesville during the week before Christmas, and Munoz was also staying at the sister’s residence. The sister learned yesterday from her mother that the 15-year-old said Munoz had touched her inappropriately over her clothes and had made sexual remarks to her.

Post Miranda, Munoz reportedly said he was “stupid” and clarified that he was “overly friendly.” He said some of the touches were accidental when they were in the car.

Munoz has no local criminal history. Bail information is unavailable.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Where is that an excuse ” I was acting stupid” for being a Chester. You must of let the hair dye soak too long and it pickled your brain. You are 22 years old. The girl is 15 years old how is that not plain enough. Also there is no inappropriately touching of a 15 years old chest or rear end that can be accidental. Just glad she was brave enough to report and you got caught. Now you can be on the pervert radar for a while.

  • The dumb kid would not be locked up right now had he not admitted to touching her fully clothed body.
    The article said nothing about witnesses and since no sex took place; There is no forensic evidence left behind. It would be completely his word against hers. He volunteered himself to the sex offender registry. This is why a suspect should never speak without a lawyer present

  • He musta thought he was south of the border, you know, where 15-yo are celebrated for reaching “womanhood” so conveniently at that age… 🤔🥺

  • Stupidity seems to be more of the norm these days rather than the exception.

    I don’t care how old the girl was, it’s wrong to touch any female in an inappropriate manner without her permission.

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