Gainesville man arrested for selling marijuana, fleeing from deputy at 140 mph on Newberry Road
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Marquis Oliver Ross, 27, was arrested early this morning and charged with fleeing law enforcement at high speed with disregard for the safety of others, possession of over 20 grams of marijuana, selling marijuana, and driving without a valid license after allegedly fleeing from deputies at speeds over 140 mph in a 35 mph zone on Newberry Road.
At about 11:52 p.m. last night, an Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy attempted a traffic stop in the 6900 block of W. Newberry Road on a white BMW 430i for running a red light; the BMW was later determined to be a rental from a company in Ft. Lauderdale.
The deputy reported that the BMW initially slowed down but then accelerated; other deputies observed that the BMW was traveling over 100 mph in the area of the Oaks Mall, with “numerous” cars on the road. The BMW reportedly ran a series of red lights and drove in a reckless manner. Due to agency policy, the deputy did not pursue the BMW.
However, multiple officers in unmarked patrol vehicles followed the BMW to The Earl Apartments at 124 SW 62nd Street, where the vehicle was found abandoned. Deputies found Ross walking in the apartment complex, and he was detained. Deputies reportedly found a BMW key and two bags of marijuana totaling over 42 grams on the ground nearby.
A K-9 track was conducted from the area where Ross was detained, and the K-9 led deputies back to the BMW. Deputies reportedly used the BMW key that had been on the ground to start the car, and an iPhone found on Ross reportedly connected to the Bluetooth in the car.
Ross has never had a Florida driver’s license, and a previous Gainesville Police Department incident report documents a March incident in which the same BMW fled from officers.
Post Miranda, Ross reportedly admitted driving over 140 mph.
Ross has four felony convictions (none violent) and three misdemeanor convictions (one violent). He has served two state prison sentences on Alachua County charges, with his most recent release in 2016. He has a 2019 criminal conviction in Georgia and an active warrant out of Gadsden County. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $147,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
another candite for city ambassador
Maybe the Harvey Ward Executively Appointed City Ambassador. It might be a great backup gig after losing his BMW.
Yeah, but guys, c’mon, it’s just pot…totally safe, won’t cause any problems for anyone, it’ll just make us all mellow and we can sing Kumbaya….
Chain gangs, folks, chain gangs. None of these thugs wants to lift a dang finger – make them work their fingers to the effing bone in the 100 degree heat and maybe, just maybe they will think twice. Otherwise, they go to the air conditioned jail with unlimited phone calls, three squares a day, television, and continue running their little drug fueled criminal enterprises and gangs from the inside. It’s out of control!
Lock this POS up and throw away key this bastard don’t need To be breathing much longer
Huh? For Marijuana?
For driving reckless.
Watch your mouth
Maybe you need to go to jail
So, I think the DMV Offices of Administrative Safety needs more legislative power.
As it stands there is a difference in what penalty can be ruled depending on “Traffic Citations” and “Criminal Traffic Citations”.
Criminal Traffic Citations are in the realms of DUI’s and obviously more severe driving charges.
But what’s is ‘the worst’ the DMV can do???
Suspend ones driving privileges???
Traffic officers are tasked with writing all those tickets for this guy, and submitting them and dash cam videos to the courts. Then, both the DMV and the criminal courts can impose suspensions depending on the severity of their crimes. But the DMV Dept of Administrative Safety, I think I typed that right, needs the legislative power to not just suggest a penalty, but impose a penalty.
How do you lease a car without a license?
It’s from Ft. Lauderdale, and attracted here… 🧐🤔🥺
Why would anyone need to illegally buy marijuana these days…?
Others could have been KILLED by the scummy public attorneys and judges who let him go free! 💩👹🤡🍦🍦🍦SPLC
Why are you driving like an idiot when you know your main income comes from illegal activity? We sure have some stupid weed men in this town.
DMV Offices of Administrative Review.
Located on the 3rd floor of the Bank of America building on NW 13th Street across from checkers.
Don’t ask how I know all this I just kinda know.
So! Moving right along,
The DMV just needs more legislative power in cases like these.
Why is this still a thing this should be legal by now and not destroy this man’s life.