Gainesville man arrested for shooting BB gun at neighbor

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Jon Theodore Secreto, 43, was arrested late Thursday night and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon after allegedly shooting at a neighbor with a BB gun.

A Gainesville Police Department Officer responded to the 2600 block of NE 12th Street regarding an incident that happened at 5:47 p.m. on May 30; his investigation found that Secreto and a neighbor (the victim in the incident) had been arguing because the neighbor kicked Secreto’s dog when it charged at him in the roadway.

Secreto allegedly went back into his house and picked up a BB gun; his brother was reportedly shouting for Secreto to shoot the neighbor.

Another neighbor reportedly told the officer that Secreto came out of his house with a BB gun and fired one shot at the victim; that neighbor reportedly provided video of the initial argument. That neighbor also completed an affidavit describing the incident.

Post Miranda, Secreto reportedly denied shooting at the victim and said he does not own a BB gun. A search of his home reportedly found no weapons.

Secreto has five felony convictions (one violent) and four misdemeanor convictions. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $50,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • I’ve known this guy and his brother Jason for years. He may not be very good at shooting BB guns. But meth- THAT’s a way different story! 🎯

  • This guy is nothing more than a leftover hanging on the toilet bowl side that needs to be flushed. Given this guy’s history $50,000 is a little light.

  • Hoggtown used to be a delightful town to live in, say early 70’s thru mid 90’s.
    Now it is a war zone with no relief in sight.

  • IIRC this is the guy that hangs out with Jennifer Secreto, their ‘half sister’. The two brothers have had ‘relations’ with her upon occasion from what I recall…

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