Gainesville man arrested for stabbing man in the back and face
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Dontrell Cameron Joseph Davis, 20, was arrested last night and charged with aggravated battery and simple battery after allegedly stabbing and punching another man during an argument.
At about 9:25 p.m. last night, a Gainesville Police Department officer responded to a call from an apartment at Sweetwater on 16th. The victim reportedly said he had been arguing with his girlfriend about her plan to go somewhere with Davis, her cousin, and then he began arguing with Davis. Davis and the victim reportedly began punching each other; the woman tried to get between them, and the victim allegedly reached over her to punch Davis in the head again. Davis allegedly pulled out a 4-inch fixed-blade knife, reached over the woman, and stabbed the victim in the back. He also allegedly swung the knife at the victim several more times, cutting the victim’s face.
Post Miranda, Davis reportedly said, “I reached over [the woman] and hit [the victim] in the back with the knife.” He reportedly said he didn’t remember cutting the victim’s face but added, “I swung the knife wildly.”
The victim sustained a stab wound on the back, two lacerations on the side of his face, and a broken hand from punching Davis. Davis sustained two cuts on his hand from holding the knife and a bruise and cut on his face. The victim was transported to the hospital for treatment and has been charged with simple battery via sworn complaint.
Davis has no criminal history. Judge Susan Miller-Jones set bail at $100,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
Another promising career as a NASA rocket scientist come crashing down to a sudden halt. Sad.
Gainesville is gaingsville. Nothing new. People have forgotten how to have conversations and discussions without having to resort to violent behavior. And no it has nothing to do with guns, or the second ammendment. It’s a matter of social skills that they should be learning at home.
You can tell he was raised around nothing but women. Buddy lookin extra sassy.
Only 20. Why don’t our publik skools teach conflict resolution? Or maybe they were absent that day (it’s only taught one day?).
Oh well…..I guess Dontrell won’t be in the MLK parade this year? Sigh….
He wants to be apart of the GG committee.
Simple battery?????