Gainesville man arrested for stealing car, gun, and cash from girlfriend to pay a debt

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Bryan Maverick Williams, Jr., 29, was cited for driving without a valid license today and arrested on a warrant for stealing a car, gun, cash, and other items.

On September 4, 2023, an Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy responded to a home in Gainesville where a woman said she had been dating Williams for about two months, but he was a guest in her home and did not live there. She said that after she fell asleep, her purse was taken out of her bedroom; her gun was taken from her car, which was “out of commission” at the time; and her mother’s car was stolen. Her purse reportedly contained her driver’s license, the key to her car, and $700 cash.

The victim reported that Williams was not responding to attempts to contact him, but a mutual acquaintance reportedly told her that Williams took the items “in order to provide something of value to an unknown person he owed money to.”

Williams has been formally charged with grand theft of a motor vehicle, grand theft of a firearm, and grand theft of $750 or more, and a capias for his arrest was issued on January 24. At 3:20 a.m. this morning, he was cited for driving without a valid license and was arrested on the capias.

Williams has a juvenile criminal history between 2010-2013, three felony convictions (none violent), and one misdemeanor conviction (non-violent). Judge Thomas Jaworski set bail at $72,000.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • “…was pulled over for driving without a valid license…”

    Not buying that explanation…also not defending the guy

    • There is actually no arrest report detailing why he was pulled over, so I’ll reword that. But the police often recognize vehicles that belong to people with suspended licenses.

      • Thanks, Jennifer! I’m not trying to nitpick your reporting and it’s perfectly understandable if the officer personally knew him.

        You and AC are invaluable!

      • Maybe the girlfriend he stole the car from knew he didn’t have a license.

  • These women need need to be more careful of who they date and allow to live in their house. He needs to spend some time in jail.

  • Surprise, Surprise… always. Get an education instead of being a statistic.

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