Gainesville man arrested for threatening to shoot relative, placing gun within reach of child

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Joseph Harold Wiggs, 22, was arrested yesterday and charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and child neglect after allegedly threatening to shoot a family member and then placing his gun within reach of a child in the back seat of a car.

At about 1:45 p.m. yesterday, a Gainesville Police Department Officer responded to the 100 block of NE 21st Terrace, where the victim said that while she and Wiggs had been arguing, Wiggs pulled a handgun with a drum magazine from his waistband and brandished it while saying, “It would only take one.” The victim said she was in fear for her life and was afraid Wiggs would shoot her if the argument continued. The victim said a woman picked up Wiggs in her car and there was a child in the back seat of the car.

Wiggs was reportedly found riding in the passenger seat of the woman’s car, with a child in a car seat in the back seat. An open backpack was reportedly found next to the child, with the firearm unsecured in the backpack. The drum magazine was reportedly loaded with 50 rounds, plus a round in the chamber of the gun.

Post Miranda, Wiggs reportedly said he had argued with his relative but said he never pulled a firearm or threatened his relative with a firearm.

Wiggs has one misdemeanor conviction. A sworn complaint was filed against him in 2021 for allegedly trying to hit a former girlfriend with a car, but the charges were later dropped. He has a court date of June 17 after receiving a Notice to Appear for driving without a valid license on May 28. Judge Lorelie Brannan ordered him held without bail.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Another member of the Gainesville City Commissions ambassadors in-training brain trust.

  • It sure has gotten “dark” in G-ville since I moved from Miami years ago.Along with increase in gun violence.
    Used to be a nice fun college town.

  • He needs to be in a cage. He definitely has a problem with women. Tough guy wanting to be a wannabe gangsta. All that was needed for him to scream “Brace Uself”

  • So, charges dropped for “trying to hit a girlfriend with a car” ( for anyone listening, that’s attempted murder )

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