Gainesville man charged with firearm theft; law enforcement records note that gun may have been used in Miami-Dade homicide
Staff report
WALDO, Fla. – Kerkland Kerr, Jr., 31, of Gainesville, was arrested early this morning and charged with marijuana possession, firearm theft, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon after deputies reportedly found a gun in his car that may have been used in a Miami-Dade homicide.
At about 1:52 a.m. this morning, an Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy pulled Kerr over in the 14000 block of NE Waldo Road for failing to maintain a lane. Kerr, the only occupant of the vehicle, reportedly refused to get out of the car at first, and additional deputies arrived during that time.
A deputy reportedly saw marijuana in plain view in the center console, and the odor of marijuana was noticeable when deputies approached the vehicle. Kerr was detained based on the marijuana in his vehicle (about 7 grams), along with a “blunt” weighing about 1.5 grams.
A probable-cause search of the vehicle reportedly produced a loaded Taurus PT740 pistol in the center glove compartment. A query of law enforcement databases indicated that the gun was stolen from a firearms dealer in Lake City, and there was also a note that a weapon of the same make, model, and caliber was used in a Miami-Dade homicide.
Kerr has two felony convictions (none violent) and 11 misdemeanor convictions (none violent). Judge Sean Brewer set bail at $15,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.Â
So, if one of his boyz or Gramma can come up with fifteen hunnerd he will be on his way?
What a great country.
Felon with a murder gun $1500.00 bond. Let um go to kill more of his kind. Hes a good boy to the good ol boys.
As if the helicopter hair, and the third eye wasn’t enough. Another convicted felon this time with stolen firearm that may have been used in a homicide. I’m sure he has a great reason for all that besides he was enjoying the holiday season. Bail amount is just a tad light for all the charges and a possible connection to a homicide.
Mr. Kerr looks to be higher than a kite. Those ‘antenna’ on his head were worthless failing to alert him to the Po Po’s presence.
Kodak Black, the rapper who popularized that hairstyle, will also be spending Christmas in jail down in Miami.
Send your auto insurance bills to the judge, c/o county courthouse.
Wow! Another felon with a gun. So glad Gainesville’s got such tough gun laws, keeping lawful citizens from obtaining firearms . And, a get tough on crime attitude by the local courts. 😂🤣😂😅
Convicted felon with a murder gun and they give him a $15000 bail. Unreal. This county is a joke
Nothing says intelligence like this hairdo he has.
aka pooh-head, aka eye-neck-tatt-man, aka sleepy, aka…
15K? Crazy.
Let me get this straight: 15k bons (1500 cash) for possession by a convicted felon of a stolen weapon that may have been used in a Murder…..Why do we even have a Justice System?
But aren’t we allowed to conceal carry without a permit in FL? Right? So what’s all the uproar from you dumbasses?
Seriously? Wrong. 1) A convicted felon does not have the right to carry a weapon. 2) No One has the ‘right’ to carry a stolen weapon. So. Who is the dumbass now….dumbass?
So sorry BS B*M activist!
You don’t get to bypass over real time law when it fits your agenda!
What a dumb ass you are!