Gainesville man charged with lewd/lascivious battery for allegedly impregnating 15-year-old girl

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Donovan Aubrey Grimes, 26, who was arrested on April 4, was charged yesterday with two counts of lewd/lascivious battery for allegedly having a sexual “relationship” with a 15-year-old girl that resulted in a pregnancy.

The victim told an Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy that she had been in a “relationship” with Grimes beginning in the summer of 2023 and ending in late 2023. She said her mother allowed Grimes to live with them in numerous hotels/motels in Alachua County and that she and Grimes were sexually active “for [the] majority of their relationship.” The girl became pregnant.

A witness who knew the victim and her mother reportedly said the victim’s mother was “fully aware” of the sexual activity between Grimes and the girl and that she allowed them to continue that activity.

The victim’s mother was on pre-trial release on drug charges in Alachua County when she was arrested on March 12 in Orange County. Since that arrest violated her pre-trial release conditions, an Alachua County judge ordered on March 18 that a capias (for her arrest) be issued in both cases, but those have not been filed in the Alachua County court records.

Grimes was on pre-trial release on a trespassing charge when he was arrested on April 4 for possession of drugs and several other individuals’ credit/debit cards; he also had two warrants for failing to appear at court hearings. The next day, he was also charged with fraudulent use of a credit card, and yesterday the lewd/lascivious battery charges were added.

Post Miranda, Grimes reportedly admitted “numerous” incidents of sexual activity with the 15-year-old girl; he said they were not dating but were “in a brother and sister like relationship.” He said he protected the girl from “other people and negative activities at the dangerous hotels/motels” where they lived. He also reportedly said that they took drugs together. He claimed he didn’t know the victim was 15 the first time they had sex, but he found out the next day and continued having sex with her. He reportedly described two incidents with specific details, leading to the two charges of lewd/lascivious battery on a victim under 16 years of age.

Grimes is being held on $73,000 bail on the drug and fraudulent card charges, and he is being held without bond on the lewd/lascivious battery charges.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • So instead of stopping after he found out she was 15 he continued his brother/sister sex relationship. He couldn’t come up with a better excuse then that? Mother needs to be investigated and charged if she allowed it to go on. Mother will probably say she was out of mind on drugs as a lame excuse.

    • Some of you COMMENTERS
      Needs to keep an open mind on certain situations with out knowing full details. IN OTHER WORDS EVERY ACTION DOESN’T NEED A REACTION

  • Why isn’t Hillary’s “village” raising children properly? 💩👹🤡👺

  • This homeless loser’s been in and outta these mugshots constantly for… years now? He was in that big bust at that abandoned hotel, among many, many other things. ‘Bout time he’s going away for good, but it’s a shame it took impregnating a 15yro girl. But I guess, living the life she was living, it was bound to happen anyways…

    That this town not just lets these homeless tweaker shenanigans happen so widespread – but also encourages them – is truly outrageous.

  • Another sad story bout a pathetic lil town. Oh but Gainesville ‘used to be a delightful town to live in.
    Not anymore.

  • “She said her mother allowed Grimes to live with them in numerous hotels/motels in Alachua County and that she and Grimes were sexually active “for [the] majority of their relationship.”
    He should have listened to the ABBA song, “Does Your Mother Know,” rather than the rap crap.

    I’m guessing mom knew well the financial benefit of having another mouth to feed in the household.

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