Gainesville Mayor-Elect Harvey Ward to attend White House gathering of mayors

Press release from City of Gainesville

GAINESVILLE, Fla.  ‒ Gainesville Mayor-elect Harvey Ward will join fellow municipal leaders tomorrow, Dec. 16, at the White House, where the group will meet with advisers from the Biden-Harris Administration.

On Dec. 5, the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs invited select mayors from across the country for a day of discussions with cabinet secretaries and White House leaders. The attendees will engage in conversations about landmark legislation of the Biden-Harris Administration, including the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Inflation Reduction Act, and other key initiatives.

Associate Director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs Evan Wessel explained how the mayors were chosen. “We looked at the largest cities with newly elected mayors; considered cities where we have strong partnerships and that are doing innovative work that we will look to continue to support; then looked to ensure we had good regional representation. Finally, the list was narrowed by the availability of the individuals.”

Mayor-elect Ward is one of 13 who will attend.

  • Strong partnerships? Give me a break! Gainesville is on the municipal welfare list and that’s why he was invited.
    Biden & his handlers, I mean advisors, will probably provide assistance in giving Harvey “Two Face” advice on how to conceal his bigotry and ruse of helping the community.
    Don’t know if he needs help with that…he fooled much of Gainesville during the last election.

  • They’ll give him a big pitcher of Woke Kool-Aid, and he’ll come back ready to make Poe look like Mitt Romney. He does seem like he could be brainwashed easily. Maybe that’s one of the reasons they picked him. And he sort of looks like the devil sometimes (we are talking about the Biden administration).

  • Pigs at the Trough. Running Gainesville , GRU, Taxpayers , and Lawslesness into the ground financialy, smirking all the way. Poe house rules Gville.

  • According to this article published by USA News ( 14 newly elected mayors were invited.

    Surprise: I checked party affiliation of 8 and all are Democrats! Biden’s handlers want to make sure the Democrat minions know what “free sh$t) is available at the national taxpayers expense!

    More money at honest taxpayer expense to blow on BS programs that only benefit small interest groups but will not be used to solve GNV general population problems of real affordable housing, transportation infrastructure, public safety, adding grocery stores to East GNV, and on and on!

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