
Gainesville Police Chief and Fire Chief meet with owner of Satchel’s after “desperate” Facebook post about arson incident

Photo courtesy Satchel’s Pizza


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – After Satchel Raye, the owner of Satchel’s Pizza, called 911 on Sunday night about a man who set six fires in his restaurant’s iconic van, he expected police to follow up promptly, but that didn’t happen. He posted videos of the suspect on Facebook, learned his identity, and heard from a customer last night that the suspect was at a downtown bar. However, in spite of calling 911 three times to report the location of the suspect, Raye said, the police never went to the bar.

Growing increasingly frustrated, Satchel’s Pizza posted details of Gainesville Police Department’s (GPD) lack of response last night on Facebook. Raye wrote, “I called 911 3x because I knew where this schizophrenic arsonist was, and they had better things to do than apprehend him in a 2.5 hour window… I don’t know what to do.”

Facebook post from Satchel’s Pizza

Today, GPD Chief Nelson Moya and Gainesville Fire Rescue Interim Chief Shawn Hillhouse met with Raye, and after the meeting, Raye posted, “They assured me that they have what they need and they are on the situation. I was desperate because I was not getting the help I needed and just like we make mistakes sometimes at the restaurant, the police are humans as well and made some mistakes on their end.”

GPD released a statement today thanking Raye “for taking an active role in sharing information about the fires… GPD and GFR responded to the call, working in coordination to take information and collect evidence.

“As the investigation moved forward into Monday and officers filed reports, a shift transition led to a delay in assigning an investigator to the case. This resulted in a lapse in communication most acutely felt on Tuesday night, as Mr. Raye detailed in a Facebook post. At today’s meeting, Chief Moya acknowledged the error while emphasizing GPD’s continuing efforts to apprehend the suspect and protect public safety.”

“Whether you’re running a police department or a pizza restaurant,” said Chief Moya, “providing good service takes solid, reliable communication. We’re not going to drop [this] until we get this suspect, and we’re taking what we learned here so we can do better going forward.”

GPD has now arrested Legrand Tacogdoy, 42, who is also facing sworn complaints for theft and property damage related to incidents in other locations.

Legrand Tacogdoy
  • “As the investigation moved forward into Monday and officers filed reports, a shift transition led to a delay in assigning an investigator to the case.” That’s a copout of an excuse if there ever was one.

    “GPD has now arrested Legrand Tacogdoy, 42, who is also facing sworn complaints for theft and property damage related to incidents in other locations.” One can’t help but wonder what took so long?
    I guess if it would have been Ward’s window it would have gotten more attention.

  • Changes must be implemented across multiple levels. The protocols for shift changes are straightforward yet crucial in both departments. Reassignments and demotions are necessary. Complacency is a dangerous habit within these professions.

    • Everyone here is talking around the basic problem here. Regardless of the problems with internal police communications, the calls to 911 should have been answered ON THEIR OWN, without regard to a lost police report. There is no excuse for this. The perp should have been identified and detained while the shift commander solved the report problem.

  • I’ve had to sit at stoplights behind so many cars with Satchel’s bumper ads and other kewl woke stickers with anti-police, anti-authority messages, that I’m prompted to suggest that sometimes deserts (spelling has been checked) are indeed just, if not particularly flavorful, like at Stachel’s. If Satchel wants better police service, he should help elect more business-friendly Commission candidates than the commiecrazies like Willits, Eastman and Ward.

    • thank you for Voting for Tariffs and forcing 11 and 12 year olds to give birth , and also a Non Existent police force …Republican Rule in florida needs to end .

      • Time for “Private Justice” You can’t please everyone. So you got to please yourself. Green Bari tactics are very effective against intruders and Trespassing and Law Breakers!!!

      • Democrats defunded the police, including GPD some years ago, not republicans. Democrats supported BLM and the great lie that black americans are targeted by racist police. Local Democrats destroyed Gainesvilles economy with high taxes and costly green energy initiatives. All of this has resulted in a trickle down effect where the only people who feel the pain from it all is your the members if this community. Democrats did this. Poor leaders, such as our previous mayor and tony jones, did this.

    • Yeah go back to sleep traitor, we want you gone too. Your hate will go with you. Sorry you are so triggered by bumper stickers.

  • welcome to ron desantis’ florida , YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN , absolutely pathetic police in Florida , its only going to get worse until a Real Governor is elected , and not a boot wearing creep .

    • GPD is controlled entirely by the leftist city commission, not Ron Desantis, but hey, if we’re blaming governors now, we can look at California and New York to see the pinnacles of law enforcement they exemplify.

      A crazed homeless man setting a minor fire to an old van is a nightly occurrence there, and the police aren’t even responding to things like that, much less identifying and arresting suspects in three days’ time.

      • He’s not homeless, I know this guy lol. He’s just a boozed out druggie loser like most of the downtown bar frequenting locals. Still lives with his parents and everything. He’s a tattoo artist but I forgot where he works. He is a total libtard though.

    • You do realize the political proponents for the redistribution and reappropriation of law enforcement funding hails from the Democrat side of the aisle don’t you?

  • Deputize Yourself
    Private Justice . In a City where Nothing from Nothing Leaves Nothing. When you want something done right. Do it yourself
    Private Justice

  • Do you want to keep paying through the Nose to Park and Shop in Gainesville Florida?! My advise is to do your shopping elsewhere. Give a Deserving City your hard earned money. The City of Starke Florida just North of Gainesville would love your Business. Waldo Flea Market near Starke is a Super Awesome place to Shop till you Drop!! Superb Shopping!! Friendly down to earth people and Employees!!!😉😎

  • Americans are discovering our gov’t workers have no incentives to perform better as long as they hold a monopoly AND are unionized. Common sense went away long ago.
    Hopefully Elon & Vivek’s DOGE efforts will radically correct govt at all levels.

    • Making america hate again. Bet your kids and grandkids despise you for your poison attitude. Also bet you lose your SSI and Medicare soon, that is something you deserve for your proud vote for a fascist bigot.

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