Gainesville woman arrested for animal cruelty after allegedly abandoning injured dog on the side of the road

Staff report

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Destiny Mercedes Benton, 30, was arrested today and charged with felony animal cruelty after allegedly abandoning an injured dog on the side of the road.

According to the sworn complaint filed by a Gainesville Police Department (GPD) Officer, Benton took her dog to a veterinarian on December 12; the veterinarian reported that the dog had several medical conditions, but the most severe was “severe necrotic skin disease.” The veterinarian told the police officer that she offered several treatment options to Benton, but Benton said she could not afford the treatments. The veterinarian reportedly offered free euthanasia, but Benton also declined that. The veterinarian said she and Benton discussed surrendering the dog to someone else, but there was no placement available at that time. Benton reportedly left with the dog.

The next night, a passerby reportedly found the dog abandoned on the side of the road with a dog bed at SW 122nd Street and SW 89th Avenue, which is about 10 miles from Benton’s apartment. The dog was taken to the UF Small Animal Hospital and dropped off as a stray; it reportedly had extensive wounds and was very dirty, with chunks of skin falling off.

An Alachua County Animal Resource Officer took possession of the dog from UF and sent pictures to see if any providers recognized the dog. The veterinarian who had seen Benton and her dog in December contacted Animal Resources and provided information about the identity of the dog’s owner.

The Animal Resource Office reportedly said that the veterinarian at his facility believed the dog’s injuries were caused by a chemical burn and that the dog would have died from an infection without intervention.

The GPD officer made contact with Benton at her apartment. Post Miranda, she reportedly said she took the dog to the veterinarian, and they could not determine what caused the dog’s injuries but said it could have been a spider bite. She said she could not pay for the treatment, and the staff wanted her to turn over the dog to them. She said she declined and took the dog home for treatment, but she confirmed that she did not seek any further treatment after she left the veterinarian’s office. She said the dog had run away “a day or two” ago and that she did not know where it was.

A sworn complaint was filed on December 23, and a warrant for Benton’s arrest was issued in March by Judge David Kreider with a recommended bond of $10,000.

Benton has one misdemeanor conviction for leaving the scene of a crash. Judge Thomas Jaworski ordered her released on her own recognizance on the condition that she may not possess any animals.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • She’s too busy greasing down her little baby bangs that she doesn’t have time to care for one of God’s innocent creatures. The dog is better off.

    • if you only sympathized with actual humans like that 😒..maybe your life wouldn’t b so miserable..

    • TBF, she was one of your god’s innocent creatures until god decided to beset her with one of his other “innocent” convict creatures to make her heartless and cruel for some reason.

      It’s just one of the mysteries of our existence on Earth.

    • Not even being facetious, but can any one of you culturally enlightened Gainesville-ians fill me in on this hairstyle? Is it supposed to look like fake painted-on hair? How is it any improvement on a good-ol’ fashioned wig? Or is the comedic aspect of it the point?

      • I think they’re trying to imitate the lady that birthed you. You know… with her looks being comedic and all.

  • She’s got money for tattoos and hairdos and eyelashes and obviously lots of food. Well let’s hope she doesn’t get any more animals.

  • Y’all going too hard about a damn dog, go find some of these murders around here as fast as yall found out the owner of the dog.


  • She should spend as much time fixing her heart as she does her hair, maybe?

    • realJeffK- yes!!!! You know that wasn’t a cheap look either. So selfish. Karma will come.

  • Does anyone know if the dog is being saved and treated now? Have any rescues been contacted to step in after such a nightmare – that baby deserves a 2nd chance at life. I know so many people would help pay for those costs if they heard this story. 💔

  • I find it very interesting that when the dog ran away he took his bed with him!!

  • POS! I hate irresponsible pet owners as much as I hate irresponsible parents. Why not surrender the poor thing?!?

  • I feel bad for her. Not to let her off the hook but financial stuff is difficult. She cared enough at first to take the dog to the vet, she just couldn’t get to the next step. I see myself in her. Prayers for her and for the dog.

  • If the Vet offered free euthanasia that would have been better than dumping the sick dog off to suffer alone!

    • Reading comprehension is important. The vet did offer to euthanize the dog for free but Miss Greasy Bug-eyed Destiny turned them down.

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