Gainesville woman arrested for stabbing family member


GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Shameka Shontel Washington, 41, was arrested yesterday morning and charged with aggravated battery with a deadly weapon and aggravated assault on a person over 65 years of age after allegedly stabbing a family member.

An Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy responded to a call about an argument that escalated into a stabbing and detained Washington while interviews were conducted with other members of the household.

The witnesses all reportedly agreed that during an argument over expired food in the freezer, Washington armed herself with a knife and tried to attack one of the victims. Another family member reportedly physically restrained Washington in an attempt to prevent her from stabbing the first victim and was stabbed while trying to take the knife.

Post Miranda, Washington reportedly said that one of the victims armed himself first with a stick and swung it at her and that she picked up the knife after that; she also said that there was no physical struggle with the second victim, who must have somehow cut himself with the knife.

The first victim, however, reportedly said he only picked up the stick after Washington picked up the knife and that he had not threatened her with it or swung it at her. The second victim reportedly said that when he grabbed Washington’s wrist to take the knife, she angled the knife down toward his forearm and cut him. The other family members reportedly corroborated both stories.

Washington has four misdemeanor convictions (two violent). In 2021, she was convicted of resisting arrest without violence and served 172 days in jail.

Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. 

  • Now she gets to eat expired food at the jail! Don’t fret though she’ll be able to make free phone calls in the name of equality. I’m sure next they’ll be catering food and masseuses to all the fine law abiding citizens in there.

    • Hillbillies do the exact same things. Mostly the hillbilly men. Now THATS equality.

  • Uncivilized bunch… the rest of us have to pay for their need for medical care and legal/incarceration costs too. See how this ‘equity’ thing works?

  • If you’re gonna name your kid with a stereotype name, don’t be surprised if she still confirms it 41 years later.

  • From the smile on her face I guess she thinks it was a great Easter weekend.

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