Gainesville woman arrested for throwing a brick through a window and breaking another window with a baseball bat
Staff report
GAINESVILLE, Fla. – Todvona Otesha Annette Williams, 25, was arrested yesterday and charged with breaking windows with a brick and a baseball bat in two separate incidents with the same victim. She was also charged with drug possession.
On Thursday, December 14, an Alachua County Sheriff’s Deputy responded to a residence in the Holly Heights area, where the victim said Williams had broken her window with a baseball bat. The victim also told the deputy that Williams had thrown a small brick (about 2 inches by 4 inches) through the front window the previous day, breaking the glass, but she had not wanted to involve law enforcement at the time. The victim said she had been looking out the window when the brick was thrown and moved out of the way to avoid being hit. She reportedly said she was also home when Williams came to her residence with a baseball bat and that she had seen Williams break her window. She said she knew Williams because they live near each other. The victim estimated the damage at $350 per window.
The deputy reported that he located Williams yesterday while she was walking in the 6300 block of SW 8th Avenue.
Post Miranda, Williams reportedly denied any involvement in the incidents. A search incident to arrest reportedly produced two prescription pills in an unlabeled bottle and less than a gram of marijuana.
Williams has been charged with throwing a deadly missile into a dwelling, property damage over $200, and possession of a controlled substance without a prescription.
Williams has three misdemeanor convictions (one violent). Judge Susanne Wilson Bullard set bail at $70,000.
Articles about arrests are based on reports from law enforcement agencies. The charges listed are taken from the arrest report and/or court records and are only accusations. All suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
It’s hard to judge reasoning between the victim and suspect with only factor that they live near each other. But given the area and great lifestyle that goes along with the it it’s no wonder why there so much violence. William’s needs to learn some anger management skills or get some new friends. This the season to be merry.
Your housing subsidy taxdollars at work the way intended: to enrich scummy public lawyers paid by your taxes, too. Apparently 14 years of FREE public education wasn’t enough for Holly Hts perps 👹🤡🍦🍦🍦D
Holly Heights (Lows?) is a drug infested section 8 incubator for criminals. I know this to be a fact. I lived there for 4 years before I saved enough to move my family out of there.
I did live across the street in the trailer park for almost 30 years surrounded by Cedar Ridge/Holly Heights and Sugar foot/Linton Oaks…if anyone asked me where I lived back then, I’d tell them “I be in the hood now”…both places trash pits…drug addicts, drug dealers, child molesters, rapists, (that’s where mine lived) and murderers…
Gainesville’s finest !
$70,000 bond hope it was worth it.
west side now doing as east side does.
please arm your family no matter color.
The devil is in all sides of Gainesville, North West, South West, North East and South East. There is more un- reported crimes in affluent neighborhoods like Hailey Plantation and Avalon. Not to mention the children at schools near these neighborhoods are bonafide criminals. Unlike the parents near the Eastside scholl, the wealthy parents pay their children out of situations and prevent reports about the criminal things they do from the public eyes. Don’t ever feel that one side of town is exempt from the diabolic schemes of the devil.
You know this how. You report this a fact. Put out the specific details. NOT just what you dreamed up.
Thank you for standing up and telling the truth
If I recall, a murder happened at the Legacy apartment less than a year ago. The Legacy apartments are a far cry from Cedar Ridge, Sugar foot, Linton Oaks & Majestic Oaks. Why did a murder happen at the legacy?
Please just shut up. For all of us.
Legacy happens.
That was a murder suicide, domestic.
Yes that was a domestic violence murder. What is the point. One murder at legacy and how many in sugerfoot, holly heights, east Gainesville this year?
I’m pretty sure a man got arrested, not a woman…