Gainesville woman critically injured in motorcycle accident

Compiled from Florida Highway Patrol press release

GAINESVILLE, Fla. – A 46-year-old Gainesville woman was critically injured last night in a motorcycle accident at the intersection of U.S. 441 and SR 331 (Williston Road).

The motorcycle was traveling south on Williston Road at about 10 p.m. Friday night and overturned in the intersection for unknown reasons; Florida Highway Patrol is still investigating whether another vehicle was involved. The driver, a 69-year-old Micanopy man, sustained minor injuries; the passenger sustained critical injuries. The two riders were not wearing helmets, according to the Florida Highway Patrol report.

  • You gotta be real dumb to ride a motorcycle. You have to be the epitome of stupid, maybe even to the point of having a death wish, to ride a motorcycle without a helmet.

    • The most common accident is a vehicle turning left in front of the motorcycle. I had one in college, roughly 200 years ago, and after the third time that happened I decided I wanted to live to graduate. I did wear a helmet, I don’t know what would possess anyone not to.

  • Motorcycles have 30 times the death rate per 100,000 miles that cars have. Unfortunately, this type of accident shows why.

  • First, sorry for their loss to the family! Next, unknown reason for the accident, yet! Today, driving towards Williston at 6:20 PM, I came head on with a “crotch rocket” traveling perhaps 80 MPH between cars headed to GNV and the center line! Driver and passenger having to swerve as the cars they forced over to share half a lane had to adjust to keep from going off the road themselves! Wake up, drive safe, and slow down! You want to arrive alive!

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